I want to thank everyone who has given us great feedback on our matchmaking. We’ve been crunching the numbers, deep diving on the data, and running simulations to help identity the root cause of the reported issues. This has led to some discoveries, and I’m happy to say we’re making two changes to matchmaking that should help improve match quality.
First, we’re disabling some code that was attempting to account for outliers on teams when updating MMR. The goal was to prevent adjusting a player’s MMR too much if they were much more or much less skilled than the rest of their team. Unfortunately this was causing players with low, inaccurate MMR to never properly rise back to their true position. It was effectively creating ‘Glicko-Hell’. After the fix, players in this situation should return to their correct MMR range.
Second, we’ve found a very sneaky bug in the way we distribute players across the two teams. The goal of the system is to ping-pong back and forth between red and blue team to evenly distribute player skill. In reality, the bug caused the highest rated player between the two teams to usually be teamed with mostly lower skilled players. For matches with high skill spread, this could result in one player feeling like they were matched with a surprisingly low-skilled team. This was hard to notice because matchmaking was always picking ten similarly skilled players to start with, so the problem only really presents in the high and low MMR brackets where there are fewer players to choose from.
Both of these issues will be fixed in an upcoming release. Thank you all for the continued feedback; it has helped tremendously while identifying these types of issues.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)