Various suggestions for spvp

Various suggestions for spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Hi, i’m not a frequent player of this game. I’m one of those players that played a whole lot until sometime in winter then tapered off after not seeing much improvement and getting caught up in all the other successful e-sport games. I’m pretty much just re-writing suggestions and observations that I discussed on these forums as far back as beta and on some notes for my friends…so some of this stuff may be fixed by now… Either way, just thought i’d necro my own feedback in hopes that this game is eventually where it needs to be for more people to enjoy it. Still check in sometimes every few weeks.

Races should be normalized to one race, via human in spvp?

Like most games, smaller races often times have a visual advantage. Especially minion users who are smaller than their minions as a lot of players use tab targeting or click targeting, this can be very frusterating. Since the goal is an e-sport should it not have the most equal playing field possible? Thus same size model players? This would also mean less money is necessary to create armor skins for pvp as you would only need to design them for one race.

Too much RNG.

Crit is an RNG that is generally accepted in some competitive games in small doses…but you’ve designed entire abilities/runes/traits etc off of it. I need to roll the dice to crit so I can roll the dice to freeze them…etcetc. I don’t understand why so many abilities are “chance for x” to happen. This is going to eventually create a hidden power happening in fights that neither side can predict or counter because neither side knows its happening or has any control over it happening. Abilities that don’t require control or tactics on the user or the opponent are usually only included in games for children. IE candyland/sorry/monopoly where the game is designed so the user has minimal control over the outcome and that power is given to dice/cards that no one can control…it is not howerver found in more competitive games like chess or (nearly every Olympic sport/prof sport ever created). I’m curious why this exists so heavily, as not only does it dilute the game, but it creates hidden power (aka, I cant see hes about to hit me or this thing will proc, nor does he know it will happen…nor does anyone watching the Esport know whats happening….no one chose to do it, so no credit is given to the user as …it just happened without their control) Abilities the engineer has also feature this right on the abilities, suffers same issue.

problems with stats (lengthy).

I’m noticing an amulet, a jewel and a large amount of runes. (at one point even more jewelry in beta)
I see a problem with this going down the road. It is a competitive game with already tons of customization choices through traits and weapons and utilitys allowing you to build a profession to do a certain role. Shouldnt the stats be more neutral? Right now its possible to double (or much much more) my damage in conditions and/or direct damage across the board, .as well as signicantly increase my vitality or toughness. I believe some of these stats should be toned down. It will certainly with time create build combinations where players will be instant killing each other or becoming monoliths of self healing. Meaning most builds in between will struggle. You already can greatly increase your damage or tankyness through traits and the stats given to you by them, do you really need this sort of additional stat customization?

Once again its invisible power. No one can see these stats or what they’re doing. It would make more sense to transfer some of the power from the amulets/runes to the traits and abilities where they are visually represented and enjoyable for the players watching. You would also give yourselves a much needed break on balancing…when there are 100’s combinations you could use with an ability, it makes it impossible to change the power of that ability not knowing how it will effect all those combinations of runes/sigils/traits etc. Imagine for example..

I choose dagger, I use an ability that does high damage. I do high damage

vs whats in the game now

I choose dagger, I use an ability that does decent damage. Because I stacked a ton of stats to do damage, I do high damage.

I don’t know why I need all these stats to make the build I want do what it should do, it should just do what it should do. Traits are there already to give my play style an additional bump in a certain direction. Perhaps just give everyone a balanced amulet to all stats, and leave runes/sigils/traits to make those final touches to your build via weapon/utilities?

Various suggestions for spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049



Downed state/rally.

First of all, I don’t think rally is suitable for spvp. As you’ll notice from my earlier feedback I don’t like things that just happen without skillful decision making. Rally while can be a decision (I will kill x person so I will rally y person) Is generally a lazy way to do things…and can result in toxic situations. Often times, someone you will be fighting and are about to finish off gets rallied because an ally died quickly to someone else. You feel frusterated that the person was resurrected instantly with no risk, you feel angry at your teammate for dieng, and the person who resurrected his ally among a tense battle may have never even known/cared they were resurrecting the other player…leaving only the resurrected player to feel some minor happiness about what happened.

I feel that resurrecting an ally requires some risk/reward factor. The healer must give up fighting to channel a heal to bring up his friend. Its very often i’ll be fighting in a match and without trying (or caring) resurrect my allies while fighting and killing my opponent.

Also downed state abilities don’t seem to be equally fair across the board. They should be. Because theres no reason a profession should be balanced around losing. Simply once your downed it is because you lost. You were defeated, now its up to your allies to save you. So, you cant say “well his downed state should be powerful because hes really crappy before he dies” or something else to this effect. They should more than likely pretty much do the same things…just with a thematic twist on them. Also, they probably shouldn’t offer great cc or the ability to teleport. Mostly just annoy those still alive and pelt them with minor damage. So toning them down across the board would make sense…like I said, your downed cause you were defeated….downed state shouldn’t EVER be (i’m laying down bleeding but now I do just as much or MORE damage than when I was defeated)

anyway, got a lot more suggestions….but these are some of the more heavy ones. GL to the devs and players. Hope this game continues to grow.