Vee Wee's PvP Suggestions!
pause game rly ?! what else ? pausing world events ?! there are so many aspects where we need improvement and it is not pausing game , this idea is just bad and doesnt exist in any game (lol,dota,cod,bf)
looks like you missed the meaning of this feature.
this is meant to be a custom arena feature to prevent uneven situations in tournaments where everybody is supposed to act with proper sportsmanship.
so to say the referee (CA admin) has an option to freeze the game.
my 2 cents about this feature: why the hell do you want to make it complicated? like freezing everything and taking care of ticking condies, player standing in AoE at time of freeze.
here i recall the sportsmanship. this feature is only really needed for tournaments and it only needs to freeze time and score. there are tournament rules which can be changed to give a loss to the team disrespecting a ‘pause’ called from referee.
taking into count gw2 is very fast paced (faster than any moba) 2 mins of disconnect ticking points for another team is far more crucial than it would be in a moba environment.
condi ticking and aoe spells can be ignored because – guess what – points are on pause!
even if a team had actual pressure on one guy, referee calls pause, player gets killed, nvm points on pause.
so for CA it would be good feature. no need for it in teamQ/soloQ/hjoin
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
pause game rly ?! what else ? pausing world events ?! there are so many aspects where we need improvement and it is not pausing game , this idea is just bad and doesnt exist in any game (lol,dota,cod,bf)
I am pretty sure pausing exist in Dota2. For the other games never played them so i dont know.
Skills def need split for pve/PvP/www. And skill gear templates/ trait templates.
Anet did this easily in gw1 and it can be done just as easily in GW2.
It actually took them a while to implement it into GW1 as well…
pause game rly ?! what else ? pausing world events ?! there are so many aspects where we need improvement and it is not pausing game , this idea is just bad and doesnt exist in any game (lol,dota,cod,bf)
Have you ever watched a competetive League match? there is most definitely a pause feature, if a player is having an issue. They also have it limited to 2 or 3 pauses allowed per match, maximum of 5 minutes I believe.
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
Skills def need split for pve/PvP/www. And skill gear templates/ trait templates.
Anet did this easily in gw1 and it can be done just as easily in GW2.
It actually took them a while to implement it into GW1 as well…
Once they decided to actually do it. it got done.
pause game rly ?! what else ? pausing world events ?! there are so many aspects where we need improvement and it is not pausing game , this idea is just bad and doesnt exist in any game (lol,dota,cod,bf)
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
You thilly bear you! Pausing exists in Legendary League! Pausing exists in Dota2! Don’t know about CoD or BF, but pausing exists in Counter Strikes, most esports shooter! Pausing is esports!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Thanks for the reply Evan Lekittenhese are all good responses!
One thing my frand! Vee Wee wasn’t talking about voice emotes even though that is an interesting idea! Vee Wee was thinking more along the lines of fast chat menus!
Same feature. I would want voice emotes tied to the fast chat so people could hear them without having to always watch chat.
PS. What is a Lekittenhese.
Voice emotes working under a single button opening a Voice emote Radialmenu,aka bf2 or l4d2 would be so awesome.
disclaimer: I’m not a big fan of how anet handled gw2 PvP from a gameplay/design perspective. But I really appreciate the candor of this response.
Test Servers: These are hard to do at the moment, and not something we will support for now. It takes a lot of manpower to manage another live environment and iteration on features in that environment takes a lot of extra lead time.
Skyhammer: Obligatory “Nothing is off the table”. (except deleting skyhammer)
I would really like to know why deletion if off the table, but I can appreciate that sharing your thoughts on that matter would be unprofessional and could have negative concequences for your career. Still… I wonder aloud why it is that sometimes anet just insists on sticking by deeply unpopular decisions.[/quote]
Communication emotes: I really want this and think it’d help coordination a lot. I enjoy this feature in games like Dota2 and HoN. The problem I run into when thinking about this is how to make the feature approachable for all game modes without requiring 50 different voice emotes. This could be solved with generic lines, or automatic clarifications (like Dota2’s missing call know what lane you’re in). Feedback on this feature alone in a new thread would be awesome.
Okay a test server is a serious $ sink… are you stating 50 different voice emotes is out of the budget or are you saying it would clutter the screen (while then acknowledging the obvious, practical, and not so difficult solution to that problem.)?
Leavers: We’ve been collecting data and are discussing if there are better ways to apply dishonor.
That sounds completely legit.
AFK Check: This comes up a lot, and we’ve discussed it plenty. Rest assured we understand this problem and have discussed ways to solve it.
What…. exactly was the discussion? No honestly what was the counter proposal to an AFK check?
Pause feature: Implementing this in an MMO makes my head hurt just thinking about it. I honestly see no way to do this without a significant rework to most systems in our game unless we implement a pseudo-pause.
Okay, I can acknowledge that it’s probably way too late in development to implement a true pause. Some formal addressing of this issue would be nice but I get that discussions need to happen with realistic expectations. I’ll stop calling for it. Thanks for the share.
Match history: Yes.
Voice Communication: I wouldn’t mind this, but I’m unaware of what the rest of the company thinks about this one.
Build Templates: Drool.
Split skills:
Passive Skills:
Balance Patches:
Balance peeps could answer these.
In development, it was stated that we would have split skills. I can’t seem to find the video… but I know it was there. Is there ever going to be an acknowledge that all of the pre-release videos discussing PvP were pretty much full of broken promises like this?
Disclaimer: I make no feature promises.
Give the people a “Give Up” Button. If 3 people from 1 team click it, the match ends.
I never give up a game (had some awesome come backs. Mostly this games make the most fun) But I have many games where some people stay afk for the rest of the match because of stupid reason (skyhammer, or first team fight lost, someone pushed far… Knockback during stomp). The people are not really afk and you will never detect it. Because they move at start or they go to a corner of the map and press autorun. And even if you detect this, they will run on the map and stay “useless”.
So give the people the give up button.
Just writing so this post won’t get lost.
You thilly bear you! Pausing exists in Legendary League! Pausing exists in Dota2! Don’t know about CoD or BF, but pausing exists in Counter Strikes, most esports shooter! Pausing is esports!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Those games are a lot simpler, with way fewer moving parts, than an MMO. I know a pvp arena is an isolated instance, but I’m assuming gamestates and character states still need to sync up with the rest of the game (eg every kill you make in a pvp match counts for your achievements). So putting an instance into a perfect halt-state might create desync errors with character servers and who knows what else. So maybe full pausing isn’t possible, or would be insanely difficult to implement.
HOWEVER, like someone said, perfect pausing isn’t possible in any REAL SPORT either. Basketball players don’t freeze mid-stride, with the ball in mid-air. It’s what Evan called a pseudo-pause. So if it’s good enough for sports, why shouldn’t it be good enough for esports? All that’s needed to pause is the timer, score, and state of capture points. This can be done very easily using admin commands in custom arenas – I don’t expect you to implement a system that automatically pauses tournament games, it would be a nightmare. So it doesn’t need to be the perfect blissful state of projectiles-in-mid-air pause you’re envisioning, it just needs to be workable.
You thilly bear you! Pausing exists in Legendary League! Pausing exists in Dota2! Don’t know about CoD or BF, but pausing exists in Counter Strikes, most esports shooter! Pausing is esports!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
HOWEVER, like someone said, perfect pausing isn’t possible in any REAL SPORT either. Basketball players don’t freeze mid-stride, with the ball in mid-air.
Basketball players don’t cast fireballs and not cause 20 stacks of bleeding to enemie(sometimes but rarely).
But all REALLY esport games (like dota2) have pause. Even more: there is autosave every time interval, so if server crashes – game can be replayed not from start.
sorry for the spam mister Mod …
…kitten ‘’drinking season’’….
Any chance we can see at the future :
a) An other set like ‘’Glorious armor’’ , where can be unlock by every1
b) If you reach 1800 rating , you get 1 ‘’Celestial Orbs’’ every day you maintain or reach again that ’’goal’’ and that let you upgrade your set to Glorious Hero’s armor , with improved effects + you get a fancy tittle .
c) ppl that are in the top 20% get the Glorious Biggus Dangerous’s armor .
d) ppl that are at the 5% get the Glorious Biggus Dangerous’s armor +Weapon + Title .
e) ppl can buy from the Gem Store a ’’buff’’ for 3 hours that each win or lose progress a achivement bar , where at the end they can unlock slowly 1 ‘’Celestial Orbs’’ and upgrade 1 set piece .
Or an other that last for 12 hours and cost x3 more times , but only winning streaks will move the bar (a lot faster faster than the normal mode) .
No title is awarded this way
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
I just want a GW2 blog/novella written by VeeWee.
Pretty please?
I just want a GW2 blog/novella written by VeeWee.
Pretty please?
They should have a living story chapter written by him.
It does not need to be a chat wheel. A chat matrix would do fine too, and would offer more to say. Transparent background so that the game view can be seen. The chat matrix would pop up as HUD by holding a key down, and leaving when the key is released. It would be always in the same place, not around the mouse.
That is my preference. How do you like it? There might be a patent on mouse pointer related wheel, btw, by Maya modeller devs. But a few old games have such wheel too. Puzzled.
Mouse or keys are used to select the phrase (keys change context). Player may assign phrases as needed. Maybe 3 tabs if pvp, wvw, fractals needs different chats. The selected tab stays selected until changed; and is changed before starting pvp and the like.
I just want a GW2 blog/novella written by VeeWee.
Pretty please?They should have a living story chapter written by him.
Haha, noooo, that’d mean I’d have to come bk to the game to see it for myself.
Out of the question!
I just want a GW2 blog/novella written by VeeWee.
Pretty please?They should have a living story chapter written by him.
Haha, noooo, that’d mean I’d have to come bk to the game to see it for myself.
Out of the question!
Haha, if you would have to “come bk” that means you already left, why are you wasting your time on these forums here then?
VeeWee’s style is absolutely obnoxious but at least he’s playing the game still.
Test Servers: These are hard to do at the moment, and not something we will support for now. It takes a lot of manpower to manage another live environment and iteration on features in that environment takes a lot of extra lead time.
I call bunk. Every other MMO AND MOBA can run a test server with little-no difficulty: WoW, SWTOR, Rift, LoL, Smite, etc. GW2 is the lone exception.
Extra lead time? Hardly. I’m playing Smite right now. They’re running their test server this weekend. They’ll collect data, pull down the server by Monday and incorporate fixes to their released product by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. 4 days. They need four days to run a test server and incorporate feedback into their next release. What’s ArenaNet doing wrong?
The reality is that a PTS server should not require more than 1 FTE about 2 days to put the server up/down, 1 FTE 1 day to collect feedback and bug reports.
Why don’t you believe your product isn’t worth another 3 days of engineering time to ensure its quality prior to release?
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee is glad to see many suggestions actually put into the game! Vee Wee is glad Arenanet is making the game better! But there’s much to do frands! Much to do! Vee Wee highly recommends figuring out a pause feature! No game is esports without a pause feature!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Did you get banned or infracted or what ?
VeeWee is too frandly to incurr the wrath of the banhammer.
Did you get banned or infracted or what ?
It’s called quiting the game and moving on. People do that you know.