Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbunny.2098


Recently in every sPvP match that I have played I have encountered a hacker. This is ridiculous. The last game I played I was against 4 hackers. What is the point of playing a game, especially an MMORPG game if you are just going to hack. Its really sad to be honest with you.

I am curious on others views on hacking/hackers

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Never saw an Hacker in a pvp match yet and I playing since launch. My guess is that they beat you, you disliked it and you call hacker. But can you elaborate. What they did that make you think they hacked?

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Styxx.1564


Vague post is vague.

How did they hack?

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbunny.2098


Vague post is vague.

How did they hack?

guardian came alive from being fully downed, warrior take 0 damage, necro 1 shot without wells or marks or condi or crit. that was the latest game

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Satenia.9025


Never saw a hacker either and I’m playing since launch as well.

Generally speaking, I could think of two possible reasons why you may think otherwise:
1. You don’t know the opposite class that well and encountered a specific build that easily countered yours.
2. You suffered from a bad connection / lag and died without really seeing what’s going on.

Anything I missed?

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbunny.2098


Never saw a hacker either and I’m playing since launch as well.

Generally speaking, I could think of two possible reasons why you may think otherwise:
1. You don’t know the opposite class that well and encountered a specific build that easily countered yours.
2. You suffered from a bad connection / lag and died without really seeing what’s going on.

Anything I missed?

Everyone on my team saw it.. so it wasnt my connection. for sure

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Vague post is vague.

How did they hack?

guardian came alive from being fully downed, warrior take 0 damage, necro 1 shot without wells or marks or condi or crit. that was the latest game

Guardian coming back up after being downed → Rally from kill or Warrior Warbanner
Warrior taking 0 Damage → Endure Pain (Utility) or Defy Pain (Trait)
Necro oneshotting → Lichform (Elite) and/or Spinal shivers proc combined with air/fire procs + you having boons on you.

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

OPs first forum post was March 2nd. Might be new?

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Im also a day one player,started in 2012 and havent seen any hackers in spvp so far.

I did meet a few teleporters in wvw tho, usually teleporting away when they get downed or low on hp. they just teleport incredicly fast in like 600 ~ 900 distance unit steps untill they poof at render distance.

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbunny.2098


Vague post is vague.

How did they hack?

guardian came alive from being fully downed, warrior take 0 damage, necro 1 shot without wells or marks or condi or crit. that was the latest game

Guardian coming back up after being downed -> Rally from kill or Warrior Warbanner
Warrior taking 0 Damage -> Endure Pain (Utility) or Defy Pain (Trait)
Necro oneshotting -> Lichform (Elite) and/or Spinal shivers proc combined with air/fire procs + you having boons on you.

no lichform. guardian was fully downed so banner wouldnt effect, and warrior was no damage all game

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbunny.2098


OPs first forum post was March 2nd. Might be new?

me new? my account is over 800 days old. 863. admittedly only 437 hours. However it wasn’t just me who saw it. All of my team saw and agreed they were hacking

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Got any screenshots or something?

like your combatlog thats shows you dealing 0 damage to said warrior for several minutes?

Are you sure the guard was fully downed, healthbars can appear 100% empty while in reality you still have 15 ~ 10hp

Also what build do you play? if its something like ele i would not be surpised to see a necro 100 – 0 in 2 seconds or so. all they need is that spinal shivers proc.

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbunny.2098


Got any screenshots or something?

like your combatlog thats shows you dealing 0 damage to said warrior for several minutes?

Are you sure the guard was fully downed, healthbars can appear 100% empty while in reality you still have 15 ~ 10hp

Also what build do you play? if its something like ele i would not be surpised to see a necro 100 – 0 in 2 seconds or so. all they need is that spinal shivers proc.

unfortunately i have no screenshots or anything i was also playing a guardian with 17K health, Dolyak runes, Berserker amulate and 2.6k armour

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Honestly, without proof, this just sounds like a case of not actually seeing what you think you’re seeing.

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: MysticRoots.5463


Most ‘hackers’ are good players beating bad ones.

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


He means “defeated” not “fully downed”.

Revive skills do not work on defeated player characters, only downed player and some defeated NPCs.

If a character rallies from defeat, they are cheating somehow. It may be exploiting a bug, it may be hacking. Whatever it is, it can’t be done through normal gameplay and skill usage.

No exceptions!

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


I fought 1 hacker that created dublicates of himself! He just Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and new copies were created faster then I killed them!
At 2nd, he used bug with weapons: he had GS, but it had RANGED attack – 100% cheater

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I’ve actually faced a few hackers in my time. They were all clearly using speed hacks. My entire team reported the person, and I added their accounts to my block list. A week or so later I didn’t see the hackers logging on anymore. Pretty standard fare, really.

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