Viability of toughness and vitality

Viability of toughness and vitality

in PvP

Posted by: Syviren.7086


So I wanted your guys opinion of Toughness and vitality in the new patch. With the insanely sky rocketed damage, it seems like this would push people towards more of those specs, over berserker. But is that a good trade off?

I primarily play thief, and am still doing zerk p/d panic strike, well, as close as the new patch will allow, and it seems like I’m playing the glassiest cannoniest build ever. I can spike someone down almost instantly, and die in the blink of an eye. Its interesting, and sometimes its ridiculously fun in 1v1. Its not totally OP given the immense trade off (IMO), and team play is kinda rough because a good AoE is death.

I was wondering if, as we go into a new high spike/condi damage meta, whether tough/vit will be a good counter to zerker, or do you think that zerker and immense spike dps will continue to rule pvp?

Viability of toughness and vitality

in PvP

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


Vit may have some usage, but toughness is near useless now.
I play an rabid engi and still got instant gab from 16k -> 2k by a scepter ele in less than 2 seconds, as if my toughness is not there to begin with.

Viability of toughness and vitality

in PvP

Posted by: Night.2759


Personally I think people will adjust. Right now it feels like everyone is still playing as if the stats they got from traits are still there and not compensating with amulets that provide the missing toughness/vitality.

Nightanvil – Guardian / Nightrend Shademist – Thief
Nightspecter – Necromancer / Night**** all others

Viability of toughness and vitality

in PvP

Posted by: data.4093


Personally I think people will adjust. Right now it feels like everyone is still playing as if the stats they got from traits are still there and not compensating with amulets that provide the missing toughness/vitality.

You’re forgetting that some classes never played with tough/vit. Right now it’s more like an FPS, ping is EXTREMELY important and can determine fights. It’s not that great when an MMO punishes people so much for not having 40 ping.

Viability of toughness and vitality

in PvP

Posted by: Midi.8359


For thief I think Marauder with Vit is better than zerk personally. If the only point of PvP was to down someone then sure zerk all the way. But as it is zerks can’t sustain to actually stomp or waste too many resources in doing so (again just my opinion) Esp. since thief loses nearly every 1v1 downed state fight which happens enough to be a problem with zerker builds.

On other classes though I think the burst from full zerk is interesting.

Viability of toughness and vitality

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Toughness is totally useless against conditions btw, ohh and vitality is also a huge “lol” with classes like guardian who still have base 11k HP

Stella Truth Seeker