[Vid] Rev Downed Knockback OP, remove XD
It’s a Featureā¢.
Lol, that loss is lame. Anet should be ashamed that people lose this way in such a ‘win requiring’ league pip farming system.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Lol, that loss is lame. Anet should be ashamed that people lose this way in such a ‘win requiring’ league pip farming system.
I mean, first world problems and all, it wasnt the end of the world.
Annoying though XD
next patch:
“Added text to revenant’s downed skill stating its % chance to glitch you into terrain”
The way to overcome this issue is to disconnect your Ethernet cable. Then replug. It will give you the 1min to reconnect and you do not get the dishonor you would get if you leave the match.
Happened to me before.
Minor problem? Minor? Pet bugs, Rev bugs, stuck bugs, map bugs, glitches, op elites, wvw banners, pvp league system failure, bunker meta, all in all this game starts to be a disappointment. I used to spend 2-3 hours a day with my friends and wife in the game. Now it is me 1.5 hour only. All others are left the game. How sad it is to see this game fall this fast.
To compensate for warriors being sub-par in this meta, ANet has given them the ability to walk through walls. Unfortunately it can’t be controlled and can result in unwanted scenarios.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
This bug exists for mesmer since start…Staff 2 put you in walls on a regular basis.
At least here it is you who put yourself in the walls.
The way to overcome this issue is to disconnect your Ethernet cable. Then replug. It will give you the 1min to reconnect and you do not get the dishonor you would get if you leave the match.
Happened to me before.
The more you know!
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
at least the guy killed you so you respawned. I would have left you inside :P
We all know Rev’s came into the game Next Level. Someone chop off one of their legs or something.
Just sayin -_-u
So because someone is skilled at Revenant, it must mean they need a nerf right?
at least the guy killed you so you respawned. I would have left you inside :P
They didn’t kill him to the game was over (170 points later).
We all know Rev’s came into the game Next Level. Someone chop off one of their legs or something.
Just sayin -_-u
So because someone is skilled at Revenant, it must mean they need a nerf right?
Are you dumb or joking?
at least the guy killed you so you respawned. I would have left you inside :P
They didn’t kill him to the game was over (170 points later).
We all know Rev’s came into the game Next Level. Someone chop off one of their legs or something.
Just sayin -_-u
So because someone is skilled at Revenant, it must mean they need a nerf right?
Are you dumb or joking?
This happens far too often and needs to be fixed.
Do you actually get dishonor when you log out? I constantly swap professions mid game and the message shows, but nothing ever happened to me.
Oh please, not another exploit, soon everyone who sees certain classes on their team at the start of the match will just be doing that -_- …
By the way, nice music theme for the video!.
The way to overcome this issue is to disconnect your Ethernet cable. Then replug. It will give you the 1min to reconnect and you do not get the dishonor you would get if you leave the match.
Happened to me before.
Unnecessary. You can just simply relog too, you won’t actually get any dishonor despite the warning.
This also happens a lot with Spear of Justice if you try to Line of Sight in an attempt to get pulled to an object instead of back to the Dragonhunter (which usually means death).
This also happens a lot with Spear of Justice if you try to Line of Sight in an attempt to get pulled to an object instead of back to the Dragonhunter (which usually means death).
Got stuck in Khylo clock tower because of this. Luckily the DH had the decency to kill me then.
Did a Phase Retreat with Mesmer staff, and fell thru Foefire.