WARNING: Outside party invite = KICK from PvP

WARNING: Outside party invite = KICK from PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I was playing pvp earlier with 5 people on my side…

I randomly got a party invite from a friend of a friend most likely in wvw/EOTM.

I IGNORED the invite as I was in combat doing my usual stuff but then in the chat log it said I had joined the party. Shortly after it stated the usual vote-kick from party which then proceeded with it stating I had been kicked from the party and 5 seconds later in pvp I got booted out; losing all progress for that match.

How in hell’s name do you get a party invite when you already technically are IN A PARTY OF FIVE PEOPLE in the first place I have no idea.

Has anyone else experienced this or is this a bug?

WARNING: Outside party invite = KICK from PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Hmm yeah that sucks. You can set yourself as invisible and you won’t be invited at all as a user fix until ANet looks into this. Im sorry to hear this.

P.P: In sPvP you are not in a party, you are in a team. The team can’t read your party chat.