Goto point b and stay there the entire game if you cant position well which means you fall off cliff all the time.
Or you could get some skills and PUSH THEM OFF CLIFF INSTEAD.
+1 op
Skyhammer is not a map to be in a ranked.
Necros, mesmer, engis, ranges are toooooo op throwing you out the clif or AOE condi you in 3 sec.
I agree, Skyhammer has nothing to do in SoloQ.
Eventually in a team tournament, where people can actually communicate. But in soloQ it just doesn’t make any sense.
The randomness of the team setups (which is a kittening plague) is even more important here.
Also, this map is more bugged than others… so much for competitive PvP.
+1 op
Skyhammer is not a map to be in a ranked.
Necros, mesmer, engis, ranges are toooooo op throwing you out the clif or AOE condi you in 3 sec.
You forgot to say warriors and there stability stance with stunlock, you forgot to say guardians with perma stab and knockbacks, you forgot to mention ele going into tornado and its knockdowns, you forgot to mention thief basilik venoming you on the glass and using fear.
Every class has something, its just you not skilled enough which is why you get knocked off instead of them.
Just because you don’t change and adapt doesn’t mean everyone else is not going to not change with you, they are going to change they want to win and its clear they are winning because your the one falling all the time and not them.
underkingkong, I don’t want to troll you or something, but comparing basilic venom with guard / engee bumps and necro fear.. lol
underkingkong, I don’t want to troll you or something, but comparing basilic venom with guard / engee bumps and necro fear.. lol
I think uber was referring to using basi venom into the stolen necro fear which is even better than any that a necro has. How about scorpion wire onto the glass? How about using shadow return to port back up after getting knocked off? Thief can be great on this map.
Like has been said above. ALL professions have a way to be effective on this map. You have 1.5 min to switch characters or your utilities or whatever when you see it is skyhammer. If you refuse to adapt you have nobody to blame but yourself.
This map is FUN and the expanded map rotation in solo queue is great for keeping matches interesting. I hope they keep it and the map doesn’t become a casualty of QQ again.
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle
Personally, I wish every match was Skyhammer.
+1 op
Skyhammer is not a map to be in a ranked.
Necros, mesmer, engis, ranges are toooooo op throwing you out the clif or AOE condi you in 3 sec.
Necros, mesmer, engis and rangers are indeed OP here. And so are warriors (fear, knockbacks), guardians (banish), thieves (scorpion wire from stealth) and elementalists (tornado, updrafts). Which class do you play?
Thief scorpion wire? are you actually comparing this skill almost imposible to land well with constant fear of necros?
All the professions have mechanics to pull or push BUT LOL IF YOU COMPARE THEM!
underkingkong, I don’t want to troll you or something, but comparing basilic venom with guard / engee bumps and necro fear.. lol
I think uber was referring to using basi venom into the stolen necro fear which is even better than any that a necro has. How about scorpion wire onto the glass? How about using shadow return to port back up after getting knocked off? Thief can be great on this map.
Like has been said above. ALL professions have a way to be effective on this map. You have 1.5 min to switch characters or your utilities or whatever when you see it is skyhammer. If you refuse to adapt you have nobody to blame but yourself.
This map is FUN and the expanded map rotation in solo queue is great for keeping matches interesting. I hope they keep it and the map doesn’t become a casualty of QQ again.
Well, the stolen fear is very good indeed. Scorpion wire, did you try it? It fails randomly way too often. Shadowreturn is totally broken on this map. It really is kitten. You can teleport “toward” a broken glass, but you can’t go back… kitten logic.
This map is fun indeed and I don’t mind getting bumped all over the place, or making ppl fall, but imo it should’nt be here for competitive pvp.
(edited by Xaqq.7562)