The only exclusive skyhammer stream
You broke da codez :/
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
You broke da codez :/
worlds last 81?
You broke da codez :/
Can you find Neo to un-break da codez???
I R Stuck At 81 and can’t get anymore rank-up reward chests.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
You broke da codez :/
Can you find Neo to un-break da codez???
I R Stuck At 81 and can’t get anymore rank-up reward chests.
lol rekt
The epitome of GW2:
1) “World’s first Level 81!”
2) “Can’t get anymore rank-up reward chests”
Same thing for me … devs will fix it i guess.
I’m guessing this is related to the note in update #2 yesterday:
"Fixed a bug in which leveling beyond level 80 would cause a heal and knockback in PvP."
Someone broke r80 by fixing l80?
same I am 81 and cant progress anymore
You have ascended, you are now beyond worldly things such as loot. Fret not, for yours is the reward of enlightenment.
Yeah having it also. Great.
Ninov Ftw
So this seems to be a big Problem that many players are encountering.
Many of us levelled up to Rank 81 due to a BUG and now we cannot get anymore Rank rewards, cause our violet Rank bar doesn’t restart anymore, it is always full violet at Rank 81.
Any solution to this problem??
Could a developer or someone from ArenaNet answer us if it will be solved?
Thank you.
You won the game, now you can quit
You won the game, now you can quit
You have just won GW2!
Please choose your reward!
[Reroll as warrior] [Go Outside] [Reroll as Thief]
Fixed it for you!
Its not as bad as the bug about transferring account from NA to EU.
You won’t receive chests until the region you transfer-ed to got more games won than the previous region. So if you have 3000 games won on NA, u need to get 3000 games on EU before getting chest again.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Kirito, world first, r81
Just needed to be carried half the way by anet…that’s all. Oh wait what am I typing…I’m sure he would have been able to grind to it in say…another year if anet never bothered to boost every r60 to r80. That is if he never lost interest with gw2 or suddenly the game never went under for known reasons.
thank goodness my sPvP rank is only 49
Also 81…
I can stop now right? I’ve done it?
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
But you guys wanted progress
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
Ironic how 81 stops the said player from receiving anymore boxes.
any words from developers about this bug i am still rank 81 and i am not moving whatsoever
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug preventing PvP rank 80 from resetting once completed.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
any words from developers about this bug i am still rank 81 and i am not moving whatsoever
Heard a rumor from a friend of a guildie that it is being worked on, but it won’t be until until Fall or Winter 2014 update.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug preventing PvP rank 80 from resetting once completed.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug preventing PvP rank 80 from resetting once completed.
Guess we don’t get reimbursement for lost rank up chest.
I would have gotten like 50 now
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
i dont think is it fixed cause now i am rank 80 and i am not moving whatsoever
i dont think is it fixed cause now i am rank 80 and i am not moving whatsoever
What mode did you play?
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
i dont think is it fixed cause now i am rank 80 and i am not moving whatsoever
What mode did you play?
I’ve definitely been gaining rank points from both teamq and hotjoin since tonight’s patch, without having yet hit the hotjoin rewards cap. That doesn’t affect either coin or rank gain, does it? Coin has its own caps and rank is unlimited in HJ (though earned much slower than in the queues).
it seems its fixed,thank you evan lesh