Wait a minute, this is NOT ok
What class are you using to fight these tanky DH?
What class are you using to fight these tanky DH?
DH are not tanky. They have too many blocks and an invuln skill. They have too much healing power on top of the blocks. Literally if they dodge roll, they get 1k health. Not for evading an attack, but just for pressing the dodge button. Yes, not actually evading an attack, but just pressing the dodge button will heal you for 1k. Did I not make it clear enough? Literally pressing the dodge key will heal you for 1k. 1k is a lot just for pressing a dodge key. Let’s see, their symbols will not only damage you as well but they’ll heal the DH too. This why DH is strong, the game of conquest heavily favors DH more than any class
Cool bro, now what class are you using to fight these blocky healy DH?
u can’t spamm backstab since last patch because of delay. DH is the class with the lowest Skillcap ever to be effectiv (effectiv NOT = Good). and u whine about backstab? Now those DH Trap Spammers are more annoying than a thief.
I think you meant to post that in a different thread.
The last game I needed had a team of two rangers a necro and two thieves. My team had a thief (me) an engineer, an ele and two guards. Off of them alone I knew we won. You’re not taking a point off of a DH, and in Capricorn it’s even more hilarious. You’re almost guaranteed to take the bell. Those traps offer so much area lockdown and damage its ridiculous at times.
Cool bro, now what class are you using to fight these blocky healy DH?
That moment when you’re trying to help someone with something super easy…
….. And Elementalist.
Cool bro, now what class are you using to fight these blocky healy DH?
I main thief and sub Warr. I’ve also used necro and Engi. With thief, does this even need any explanation? With Warrior, DH has good condi clears so good luck trying to kill one with a macebow warrior. Necro, again, condi clearing is too good necro dead. Engi, I don’t play much Engi but from what little I’ve played, I cant kil them but they can’t kill me but that’s because it’s Engi…
Cool bro, now what class are you using to fight these blocky healy DH?
I main thief…
You wont be killing a mender symbolic DH alone on thief.
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Cool bro, now what class are you using to fight these blocky healy DH?
I main thief…
you just completely ignored the rest of that comment didnt you? im getting tired of you people treating thief’s as second class citizens.
you just completely ignored the rest of that comment didnt you? im getting tired of you people treating thief’s as second class citizens.
I agree!
Please everyone stop treating thieves as second class citizens. Help them find the boat back to the Leprosarium, so they can play cards with the Necromancers, and Elementalist, while the rest of us enjoy pvp.
You wont be killing a mender symbolic DH alone on thief.
^ this
Just like a DH won’t be 1v1’ing a druid or scrapper. We all have counters.
To be fair, i can tolerate two necros and maybe even two eles but god do i hate stacked thfs. They’re like bizzaro dh. You hate when the enemy team gets more than one dh but you hate it when your team gets more than one thf.
DH is broken. Everything about the class is broken. DH has too many passive, childish defenses. They can stay alive for way too long and it’s not because these DH players are good (as if being “good” at Gw2 PvP is something to brag about) but because they have too many childish defenses. With all these defenses, you’d expect them to hit like a wet noodle yet they hit like a freaking truck. So not only can they stay alive but they can also deal insane amounts of damage? Hmm, was there ever a point in which Anet devs realized that this might just be a little too strong? I just don’t get what Anet devs think during these “balance” updates. My guess is they lack the resources to do anything worthwhile so they settle for less which is “let’s overbuff classes and over nerf the others.” But I mean who can blame them right? It’s no wonder why GW2 sales are horrendous lately.
“Opens the door”
“Looks at you”
“Walks away”
Druid and scrapper shouldn’t be hard for a DH. Neither one have burst damage. DH should be able to easily decap them and hold a point and keep their health up. They might not be great in open world combat vs Druid but if you have to fight on point the druid will struggle to get a DH off of it.
You wont be killing a mender symbolic DH alone on thief.
^ this
Just like a DH won’t be 1v1’ing a druid or scrapper. We all have counters.
Just make a DH, perpetuate the problem so Anet might fix it.
The counter to mender symbolic DH is power rev. Of course the rev has to be skilled to get the kill, but a power rev is the hardest to handle for a DH mender.
The counter to mender symbolic DH is power rev. Of course the rev has to be skilled to get the kill, but a power rev is the hardest to handle for a DH mender.
dont forget to mention the dh doesnt have to be skilled.
The DH needs to master rolling their face across the keyboard slowly. Otherwise they will burn their cool downs too fast..
The counter to mender symbolic DH is power rev. Of course the rev has to be skilled to get the kill, but a power rev is the hardest to handle for a DH mender.
dont forget to mention the dh doesnt have to be skilled.
Despite kitten from the lesser classes, you do actually have to manage your cool downs correctly and not simply spam everything like a chicken with its head cut off.
Generally you should save fragments of faith and test of faith (if you’re running that) for rezzes and stomps. While saving f3 for rezzes is a good idea, you’re usually gonna be pressured to use it frequently to cleanse condis and give yourself some breathing room to heal back up. You also wan to make sure to save fragments of faith for when you choose to use F2 or F3 so it’s not interrupted if you’re not running virtues.
Despite FoF being good for rezzes, stomps and securing F2 and 3, you might sometimes find that you need to pop this trap in order to heal back up when the heal trap and F2 are down. If you did what you’re supposed to, get max stacks of invigorated bulwark to pump up your healing power with mace at the beginning of the engagement, your aegis should heal you for 1.8k thanks to pure of heart. If you drop fragments of faith and the enemy is just spamming his attacks like an idiot (most of them are), that’s 5 aegis blocks for 1.8k a pop if you’re quick grabbing the fragments or if they pop close to you when you activate the trap. The counter to this of course is being immobilized or stunned so you can’t grab the aegis fragments, and it is in this situation which you should use contemplation of purity to escape this counter. But, of course, using CoP under these circumstances has to be weighted with the possibility of needing it to clear condi overload due to a necro freecasting while you’re face tanking his scrub friend and your teammates can’t rotate for kitten.
Honestly, if you’re in the average-ish (like most of us) player range and stacked DHs bother you that much, hop on a SR/Smite Power Well necro and watch them melt. Well +Well + Shroud (well crit chance), your unblockable damage will melt them before the average ones have a clue what happened. It’s been pretty easy. Run a Wurm or spectral walk for kiting and you can have a blast. It isn’t just DHs either. Many of the current builds rely heavily on blocks, and this just shuts them down. That said, i’m sure it only works because I’m using them against average-ish people like myself who don’t expect that flavor of burst. Either way, it’s done wonders. And, to make things better, you get to shut the class that is “no-skill” (sic) with another no-skill build.
The ones that don’t die to it are maybe decent players and when they beat you, it isn’t because of their class so much as their mechanical, strategic, and adaptive abilities.
Idk though. I just wanna have fun.
(edited by Ennui.1597)
Honestly, if you’re in the average-ish (like most of us) player range and stacked DHs bother you that much, hop on a SR/Smite Power Well necro and watch them melt. Well +Well + Shroud (well crit chance), your unblockable damage will melt them before the average ones have a clue what happened. It’s been pretty easy. Run a Wurm or spectral walk for kiting and you can have a blast. It isn’t just DHs either. Many of the current builds rely heavily on blocks, and this just shuts them down. That said, i’m sure it only works because I’m using them against average-ish people like myself who don’t expect that flavor of burst. Either way, it’s done wonders. And, to make things better, you get to shut the class that is “no-skill” (sic) with another no-skill build.
The ones that don’t die to it are maybe decent players and when they beat you, it isn’t because of their class so much as their mechanical, strategic, and adaptive abilities.
Idk though. I just wanna have fun.
i figure this will work great against mace/shield warriors as well since when they block they sit still.
The problem with the mace warriors though is the pulsing resistance and cleanse on F1 burst. It might work better on a guard unless the guard takes CoP, Smite and runs valor with hunters fort.
This might help, it may not. I don’t understand the issue personally. As annoying as it is, Guards need all those passive blocks and Aegis just to stay relevant atm.
-Dodge through traps, double dodge if you have too.
-Notice where the DH stands, most likely that’s where his traps are. If not, they are between you both somewhere, so go in on the sides.
-The Trap rarely covers the whole point, use the sides to cap assuming you have killed the DH
-If you see a DH drop 3 traps, let your team know. (assuming you died)
- Use range weapons that have no reflect, it’s limited but do-able.
- Use skills that are unblockable
- Boon strip once f3 is popped
- AoE the 3x block shield
- Damage mitigation – This includes a combo of protection/regen and frost aura. Gather other sources if possible.
- Ontop of damage mitigation you also need to further decrease your opponents DPS output by applying Weakness and blind. Weakness is especially important against a DH.
- Don’t stand on red circles
- If you’re on point and a DH is charging you, if he has Judges Intervention then assume he will use it with a trap bomb so just dodge once you think he’s about to engage (800-1000 range away generally)… It’s a game of chance but its much better to randomly dodge a burst than what it is to soak up a burst.
-Any class with Ai can be used to activate traps before engaging, this includes Gyros, Pets, Minions and Clones
-Most classes with evades for skills can dodge traps, say a GS3 from a Warrior or that hammer trick from a Rev (not a pro on rev but even I know that hammer can proc safely)
-If a DH throws his F1 at you, pop stab or get behind something that will obstruct the pull, some examples would be Nhifil and mid point, just back up a little down the ramp, that alone is enough to stop the pull (although this one sometimes shoots you up in the air and you will die to fall damage lol)… better yet are those pillars or the corners of the walls depending on the DH and your positioning.. Point is, use obstructables to counter the pull.
-Kiting a DH and range pressure will be DH downfall in the end, it’s more important to kill the person on cap point then take it rather than previous seasons where we all face tank and push people off point.
Obviously everyone has different styles of play and different amounts of experience, but this is just some of the things that help me and I mostly run Viper/Marauder builds. I do die to DH from time to time, but it’s always my fault or mistake.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
This might help, it may not. I don’t understand the issue personally. As annoying as it is, Guards need all those passive blocks and Aegis just to stay relevant atm.
-Dodge through traps, double dodge if you have too.
-Notice where the DH stands, most likely that’s where his traps are. If not, they are between you both somewhere, so go in on the sides.
-The Trap rarely covers the whole point, use the sides to cap assuming you have killed the DH
-If you see a DH drop 3 traps, let your team know. (assuming you died)
- Use range weapons that have no reflect, it’s limited but do-able.
- Use skills that are unblockable
- Boon strip once f3 is popped
- AoE the 3x block shield
- Damage mitigation – This includes a combo of protection/regen and frost aura. Gather other sources if possible.
- Ontop of damage mitigation you also need to further decrease your opponents DPS output by applying Weakness and blind. Weakness is especially important against a DH.
- Don’t stand on red circles
- If you’re on point and a DH is charging you, if he has Judges Intervention then assume he will use it with a trap bomb so just dodge once you think he’s about to engage (800-1000 range away generally)… It’s a game of chance but its much better to randomly dodge a burst than what it is to soak up a burst.
-Any class with Ai can be used to activate traps before engaging, this includes Gyros, Pets, Minions and Clones
-Most classes with evades for skills can dodge traps, say a GS3 from a Warrior or that hammer trick from a Rev (not a pro on rev but even I know that hammer can proc safely)
-If a DH throws his F1 at you, pop stab or get behind something that will obstruct the pull, some examples would be Nhifil and mid point, just back up a little down the ramp, that alone is enough to stop the pull (although this one sometimes shoots you up in the air and you will die to fall damage lol)… better yet are those pillars or the corners of the walls depending on the DH and your positioning.. Point is, use obstructables to counter the pull.
-Kiting a DH and range pressure will be DH downfall in the end, it’s more important to kill the person on cap point then take it rather than previous seasons where we all face tank and push people off point.Obviously everyone has different styles of play and different amounts of experience, but this is just some of the things that help me and I mostly run Viper/Marauder builds. I do die to DH from time to time, but it’s always my fault or mistake.
No tips or advice will help to fight a DH because it’s a different encounter every time. DH is just simply broken. You give all these tips but truthfully, if the DH know how to play the class then he/she has already won. They don’t work for their wins, they make YOU work for your win. Simple as that. I expect DH to get nerfed hard as well as Thief because if we’ve all learned something, it’s that it’s never a GW2 balance update unless you nerf Thief.
DH is broken. Everything about the class is broken. DH has too many passive, childish defenses. They can stay alive for way too long and it’s not because these DH players are good (as if being “good” at Gw2 PvP is something to brag about) but because they have too many childish defenses. With all these defenses, you’d expect them to hit like a wet noodle yet they hit like a freaking truck. So not only can they stay alive but they can also deal insane amounts of damage? Hmm, was there ever a point in which Anet devs realized that this might just be a little too strong? I just don’t get what Anet devs think during these “balance” updates. My guess is they lack the resources to do anything worthwhile so they settle for less which is “let’s overbuff classes and over nerf the others.” But I mean who can blame them right? It’s no wonder why GW2 sales are horrendous lately.
Totally agree here. A lot of noobs run dh and can perform well.
You forget the formidable amount of cc, imblokable for some of them.
You forget also the formidable aoe butst via traps and symboles.
And the symbiosis when there are two or three dh in a same team.
Personnally, i win a lot of dh 1v1 because they are very stupid but when you are against a smart player, you see that the class is insanely broken
Druid and scrapper shouldn’t be hard for a DH. Neither one have burst damage. DH should be able to easily decap them and hold a point and keep their health up. They might not be great in open world combat vs Druid but if you have to fight on point the druid will struggle to get a DH off of it.
You wont be killing a mender symbolic DH alone on thief.
^ this
Just like a DH won’t be 1v1’ing a druid or scrapper. We all have counters.
In a 1v1, a meta druid or scrapper will absolutely out-sustain a DH. Hop on a DH and give it a whirl.
Honestly, if you’re in the average-ish (like most of us) player range and stacked DHs bother you that much, hop on a SR/Smite Power Well necro and watch them melt. Well +Well + Shroud (well crit chance), your unblockable damage will melt them before the average ones have a clue what happened. It’s been pretty easy. Run a Wurm or spectral walk for kiting and you can have a blast. It isn’t just DHs either. Many of the current builds rely heavily on blocks, and this just shuts them down. That said, i’m sure it only works because I’m using them against average-ish people like myself who don’t expect that flavor of burst. Either way, it’s done wonders. And, to make things better, you get to shut the class that is “no-skill” (sic) with another no-skill build.
The ones that don’t die to it are maybe decent players and when they beat you, it isn’t because of their class so much as their mechanical, strategic, and adaptive abilities.
Idk though. I just wanna have fun.
This right here.
I’ve also been test running power reaper specs. Try using the shout that makes all of your attacks unblockable for the next w/e seconds depending on targets hit. Tears apart anything that relies on blocking for it’s sustain phases or at least pushes them off the point.
Honestly, if you’re in the average-ish (like most of us) player range and stacked DHs bother you that much, hop on a SR/Smite Power Well necro and watch them melt. Well +Well + Shroud (well crit chance), your unblockable damage will melt them before the average ones have a clue what happened. It’s been pretty easy. Run a Wurm or spectral walk for kiting and you can have a blast. It isn’t just DHs either. Many of the current builds rely heavily on blocks, and this just shuts them down. That said, i’m sure it only works because I’m using them against average-ish people like myself who don’t expect that flavor of burst. Either way, it’s done wonders. And, to make things better, you get to shut the class that is “no-skill” (sic) with another no-skill build.
The ones that don’t die to it are maybe decent players and when they beat you, it isn’t because of their class so much as their mechanical, strategic, and adaptive abilities.
Idk though. I just wanna have fun.
This right here.
I’ve also been test running power reaper specs. Try using the shout that makes all of your attacks unblockable for the next w/e seconds depending on targets hit. Tears apart anything that relies on blocking for it’s sustain phases or at least pushes them off the point.
Can you please, post that power build? I trully want to give it a shot.
[Second Main]Korvus Mistreaver – Charr Revenant [~I’m blind not deaf~]
[Third Main] Vladdz – Asura Engineer [~In due times, all will serve asura~]
I just lold, traps might be a bit to much for many of the skrits but a DH w/o that ACTIVES blocks would not stand against anyone.
i dont play DH with traps, but when ic thiefs playwing like they were warriros and rangers shooting inside Spirit weapon Shield of Avenger, not much can be said,
There are stronger classes than DH….
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
Sigh…another thread where OP just needs to learn the simple fact of gitgud.
I agree that having a DH run all 3-4 traps below Ruby can be irritating, however once you get above ruby and in Diamond/Legendary DH’s are significantly better and only use 1 trap.
The problem you face OP, is that you main a Thief and MaceBow warrior which both are heavily hardcountered by DH atm. Simplest solution for you, is either learn to play thief and go duel DH’s exclusively to learn passive play to wreck them. Or run Power Warrior like all of the warriors in upper divisions are doing at the moment, because that wrecks DH atm.
Just saying, it’s time to stop complaining about this and actually innovate instead of thinking you can 1v1 hardcounters.
Honestly, if you’re in the average-ish (like most of us) player range and stacked DHs bother you that much, hop on a SR/Smite Power Well necro and watch them melt. Well +Well + Shroud (well crit chance), your unblockable damage will melt them before the average ones have a clue what happened. It’s been pretty easy. Run a Wurm or spectral walk for kiting and you can have a blast. It isn’t just DHs either. Many of the current builds rely heavily on blocks, and this just shuts them down. That said, i’m sure it only works because I’m using them against average-ish people like myself who don’t expect that flavor of burst. Either way, it’s done wonders. And, to make things better, you get to shut the class that is “no-skill” (sic) with another no-skill build.
The ones that don’t die to it are maybe decent players and when they beat you, it isn’t because of their class so much as their mechanical, strategic, and adaptive abilities.
Idk though. I just wanna have fun.
This right here.
I’ve also been test running power reaper specs. Try using the shout that makes all of your attacks unblockable for the next w/e seconds depending on targets hit. Tears apart anything that relies on blocking for it’s sustain phases or at least pushes them off the point.
Can you please, post that power build? I trully want to give it a shot.
There are two that I’ve been testing in unranked that work well enough so far.
Honestly they are performing just as well as the current condi meta or better at times.
Axe/Warhorn “Blood/Strength” – Staff “Leeching/Strength”
- Spite – bottom – bottom – middle
- Soul Reaping – middle – middle – middle
- Reaper – top – bottom – bottom
- - Consume Conditions
- - Well of Suffering
- - Nothing Can Save You
- - Spectral Armor “You’ll need the stun break”
- - Chilled To The Bone
Wondering why Valk/Scholar? It’ll make sense when you start looking at traits/test the spec. This pulls off a consistent 100% crit rate while in Reapershroud and around 40ish – 50ish while out of Reapershroud. It also stacks 25 might easily and maintains it well. The idea here is that you stack vuln with your chills and that vuln adds crit % so hitting with your chills is important to prep for your Reapershroud DPS bomb. Make sure to save “Nothing Can Save You” for when DHs/Heralds/Warriors/Chronos/Ect.. try to sustain phase with blocking. Remember that this spec is not a 1v1 hero, it is a point nuker. Stay in team fights and don’t go roaming alone.
Axe/Warhorn “Blood/Strength” – Staff “Leeching/Strength”
- Death – top – top – middle
- Soul Reaping – middle – middle – middle
- Reaper – middle – middle – top
- - Consume Conditions
- - Summon Bone Minions “Remember to explode them, it’s DPS”
- - Rise
- - Spectral Armor
- - Flesh Golem
The idea here was to be sustain for team fights and have minions that help soak cleave limits from the AoE traps. It works actually and mitigates DPS that would otherwise go to your team mates. One reason it works well so far is because everyone likes to target the Reaper first and that’s exactly what you want them to do here. This spec also constantly heals itself while it’s buffing might. Once again, it’ll make sense when you look at the traits.
I’m not saying these are best possible versions of the jobs they are intended to do but I had noticed the Reaper condi metas just weren’t performing well anymore so I was trying to cook up something new.
(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)
Cool bro, now what class are you using to fight these blocky healy DH?
All of them
Symbolic DH are incredibly succeptible to cc as they don’t have F3 stunbreaks (it’s why we needed the F3 changes). Once they waste their ToF in a given skirmish fight, cc burst him. With two Rangers and a lock down power thief.
Heck… Druids counter DH so other than being with low mmr players, yall shouldn’t have had any issues.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Best way to kill DH as a Thief is P/P using assassins with AS, Haste and Either Devourer Venom or Skale Venom, kite from Range and watch them melt as they try to get you on their traps like noobs. This works great 1v1 or for sniping people in group fights.
Granted Engie Hardcounters this so much.
You will only have 11k Hp so if you are not good on positioning/ disengaging you will die so fast.
Best way to kill DH as a Thief is P/P using assassins with AS, Haste and Either Devourer Venom or Skale Venom, kite from Range and watch them melt as they try to get you on their traps like noobs. This works great 1v1 or for sniping people in group fights.
Granted Engie Hardcounters this so much.
You will only have 11k Hp so if you are not good on positioning/ disengaging you will die so fast.
This works really well.
Something that works for me is precasting pistol whip and then stealing/infiltrator signet on top of them when the evade frames begin, which clears the traps and can get some of the blocks out of the way. If you know the dh has traps down ahead of time and the cooldowns are more than likely back up you can port out with sword 2 and double down on this combo to clear them. Then all you really have to do is run it out of cooldowns.
Or ya know you can just dodge the traps proc the passives on purpose reset, and then kill them. To be honest p/p is the easiest route.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
(edited by Eval.2371)
You know what is not okay?
A scrapper solo tanking and putting down a Foefire lord :v
At equal skill levels, the scrapper or druid may be able to kill a bunkered in DH after a couple minutes, but it is not worth their time to try and decap a DH. If the Druid/Eng had the point to begin with they will have to concede it to the DH in order to kill them. Unless you have numbers to burst a DH down it is better to out rotate them.
Druid and scrapper shouldn’t be hard for a DH. Neither one have burst damage. DH should be able to easily decap them and hold a point and keep their health up. They might not be great in open world combat vs Druid but if you have to fight on point the druid will struggle to get a DH off of it.
You wont be killing a mender symbolic DH alone on thief.
^ this
Just like a DH won’t be 1v1’ing a druid or scrapper. We all have counters.
In a 1v1, a meta druid or scrapper will absolutely out-sustain a DH. Hop on a DH and give it a whirl
This might help, it may not. I don’t understand the issue personally. As annoying as it is, Guards need all those passive blocks and Aegis just to stay relevant atm.
-Dodge through traps, double dodge if you have too.
-Notice where the DH stands, most likely that’s where his traps are. If not, they are between you both somewhere, so go in on the sides.
-The Trap rarely covers the whole point, use the sides to cap assuming you have killed the DH
-If you see a DH drop 3 traps, let your team know. (assuming you died)
- Use range weapons that have no reflect, it’s limited but do-able.
- Use skills that are unblockable
- Boon strip once f3 is popped
- AoE the 3x block shield
- Damage mitigation – This includes a combo of protection/regen and frost aura. Gather other sources if possible.
- Ontop of damage mitigation you also need to further decrease your opponents DPS output by applying Weakness and blind. Weakness is especially important against a DH.
- Don’t stand on red circles
- If you’re on point and a DH is charging you, if he has Judges Intervention then assume he will use it with a trap bomb so just dodge once you think he’s about to engage (800-1000 range away generally)… It’s a game of chance but its much better to randomly dodge a burst than what it is to soak up a burst.
-Any class with Ai can be used to activate traps before engaging, this includes Gyros, Pets, Minions and Clones
-Most classes with evades for skills can dodge traps, say a GS3 from a Warrior or that hammer trick from a Rev (not a pro on rev but even I know that hammer can proc safely)
-If a DH throws his F1 at you, pop stab or get behind something that will obstruct the pull, some examples would be Nhifil and mid point, just back up a little down the ramp, that alone is enough to stop the pull (although this one sometimes shoots you up in the air and you will die to fall damage lol)… better yet are those pillars or the corners of the walls depending on the DH and your positioning.. Point is, use obstructables to counter the pull.
-Kiting a DH and range pressure will be DH downfall in the end, it’s more important to kill the person on cap point then take it rather than previous seasons where we all face tank and push people off point.Obviously everyone has different styles of play and different amounts of experience, but this is just some of the things that help me and I mostly run Viper/Marauder builds. I do die to DH from time to time, but it’s always my fault or mistake.
No tips or advice will help to fight a DH because it’s a different encounter every time. DH is just simply broken. You give all these tips but truthfully, if the DH know how to play the class then he/she has already won. They don’t work for their wins, they make YOU work for your win. Simple as that. I expect DH to get nerfed hard as well as Thief because if we’ve all learned something, it’s that it’s never a GW2 balance update unless you nerf Thief.
The tips here are a general tip list for most encounters, not all guardians take judges intervention and not all take virtues to boon strip on F3… You need to decide what’s best. Some of the tips are a necessary though such as applying weakness and giving yourself protection if you decide to face tank.
A good DH should make me work for a win, as should any other player that’s good on their class.
….. And Elementalist.
I don’t have much trouble taking out DH on my thief, even 1v1 or 1v2. That is unless I meet a really skilled one, there I can still win a 1v1 anything else and I just run away.