Wait, so no talk about new game modes?
“Before we get started, I want to make sure it is understood that these are long term plans and that plans can change or get delayed for any number of reasons”
“The goals of these changes are to make PvP a more integral part of the overall Guild Wars 2 experience, to lay the foundation for new game modes”
From the sounds of it, don’t expect a new game mode for a long time. Dress up is more important than actual PvP I suppose.
i think we will be getting new game modes, just that they have not announced much details yet so we cannot comment much on those.
people are mostly commenting about things that have been announced.
for example,
ranks & glory being removed.
gold rewards in sPvP.
I would like to add a shout to this discussion. Where are the new games modes? We have basically been playing team deathmatch for 16 months now and suggestions for new games modes always seem to be swept quietly under the anet carpet.
I really hope we get new game modes sooner rather than later. Capture the flag, deathmatch, King of the hill, assault and defense. Anything even spot the mesmer lol.
New rewards and a season 1 pvp mode will only make pvp more achievement friendly. After its all said and done without new game modes its the same grind to get glory. It’s only a matter of time before the new novelty achievement system gets played out.
PvP Server Programmer
I think game modes were cut from the blog because we’ve already mentioned that we are working on new ones. I’m sure there are a few threads as well.
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir
I guess he wants to know when new modes will be implemented.
OK I guess… don’t let us down
Justin the link is to a prerecorded twitch tv feed………………….
I’d settle for spot the mesmer at this point.
Personally, I’d love TF2-style CTF… In a map similar to 2_fort. (Where Rangers can be useless trying to “Snipe” each other…)