Want to know why pvp is a fail?

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


I was ranked 60~ on EU solo q. I only say that to counter any high tier doesn’t get dc’s/4v5s etc comments.

I had 3 matches in a row during EU prime time. All of them were 4v5. 1 skyhammer was a true 4v5 as they never showed. (The score was 500-380, good chance if it was true 5v5 we could of won.) Another skyhammer where someone dc’d early before the start and match continued (why do matches start 4v5? It’s insulting)150-0. They came back online we only lost 500-480… Guess who was suppose to win that? Next round was a 400-350 double cap and neutral in our favor (we were the 400) got a dc for the rest of the match…. and lost 500-470… Guess who should of won that….

WTF srsly? My rank tanked over 160 places (must of been some low rankers on other team)… This is kittened. Who can even STAND TO PLAY when more matches than not are 500-100 blow-outs.rank 1-20’s in top tier solo q’s (had that too. Guess who lost that round as well…) Like srsly… Everyone knows this game isn’t competitive but its beyond fun at this point as most matches aren’t remotely close.

Screw fixing the balance Lets focus on fixing the QoL first. Then balance.

4v5s at start, completely BS matchmaking, skyhammer leavers and never showing, and A-nets side of lag (which on multiple occasions after patches makes pvp un-playable for a few days).


Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

(edited by JinDaVikk.7291)

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: Jack of Blades.2153

Jack of Blades.2153

As a recent starter of Tournament, i must say that something needs to be done with pvp in this game. I must add that i prefer pvp in any game and that’s the main reason i play GW2 cuz it’s …different. Game’s should not start with 4v5,3v5,etc.. Only one type (cap) of pvp is a shame for a game with such high potential. Spvp need’s a new reward and craft system’s, achievement’s could aswell give you something rather than some rank. The locker inside spvp feels booring and discouraging and needs a unique items that are only achiavable in spvp, then an actual player should feel amazed by items he holds. There is NO FUN in Hearth of the Mists, remap it, make duels(or dueling grounds) happen and an actual spectators that you can see in character while dueling feels rewarding. Anet you are a great team and should look forward in doing some of changes that can actually bring some money to you. The GW2 players need to feel pvp in their veins and not just go there for daily 4 ap(cuz they are hardcore ap farmers) but actually play it. And by the sake of all of rager’s(i know there just isn’t enough players) low ranked players should be sorted with other’s with similiar rank. Make PvP appealing to those HC pve players who dont even think of clicking at this forum site. SPVP NEEDS FUN. And what is with all this 5v5 only games?

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


This might sound harsh, but I will say it straight. GW2 is a business product. ANet and NCSoft get a lot of free advice from real customers. That is a sweet deal. If someone had the answer to making GW2 sPvP a raging success, then that knowledge would be worth millions, literally. It would probably cause noticeable worldwide economic growth in the esport emerging market, too, so there is more value in it than what ANet or NCSoft would get. I know key information about what prevents GW2 sPvP from becoming a major part of esport growth, and how to correct the deficiencies. What I know is enough to result considerable earnings for shareholders effected by the current value of GW2 sPvP. You will not see me write that information here, nor by any other means without a lucrative contract.

tldr – people know what to do, but it will not get done

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I was ranked 60~ on EU solo q. I only say that to counter any high tier doesn’t get dc’s/4v5s etc comments.

3 matches in a row during EU prime time. 4v5. skyhammer true 4v5 as they never showed. another skyhammer where someone dc’d and match started 150-0. they came back online we only lost 500-480… Guess who was suppose to win that? Next round was a 400-350 double cap and neutral in our favor (we were the 400) got a dc…. and lost 500-470… Guess who should of won that….

WTF srsly? My rank tanked over 250 places. This is kittened. Who can even STAND TO PLAY when more matches than not are 500-100 blow-outs. rank 11’s in top tier solo q’s (had that too. Guess who lost that round as well…) Like srsly… Everyone knows this game isn’t competitive but its beyond fun at this point as most matches aren’t remotely close.

Screw fixing the balance fix the QoL.

4v5s, completely BS matchmaking, skyhammer leavers, and A-nets side of lag (which on multiple occasions after patches makes pvp un-playable for a few days).

Am I missing any QoL that makes this completely silly to even bother playing?

How is Anet supposed fix DCs during a match? The only thing they can fix is people leaving before a match. Do you want a match to end at a draw because someone DC’ed?

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


This might sound harsh, but I will say it straight. GW2 is a business product. ANet and NCSoft get a lot of free advice from real customers. That is a sweet deal. If someone had the answer to making GW2 sPvP a raging success, then that knowledge would be worth millions, literally. It would probably cause noticeable worldwide economic growth in the esport emerging market, too, so there is more value in it than what ANet or NCSoft would get. I know key information about what prevents GW2 sPvP from becoming a major part of esport growth, and how to correct the deficiencies. What I know is enough to result considerable earnings for shareholders effected by the current value of GW2 sPvP. You will not see me write that information here, nor by any other means without a lucrative contract.

tldr – people know what to do, but it will not get done

This is the weirdest thing i’ve ever read. And thats including the things i say.

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


This might sound harsh, but I will say it straight. GW2 is a business product. ANet and NCSoft get a lot of free advice from real customers. That is a sweet deal. If someone had the answer to making GW2 sPvP a raging success, then that knowledge would be worth millions, literally. It would probably cause noticeable worldwide economic growth in the esport emerging market, too, so there is more value in it than what ANet or NCSoft would get. I know key information about what prevents GW2 sPvP from becoming a major part of esport growth, and how to correct the deficiencies. What I know is enough to result considerable earnings for shareholders effected by the current value of GW2 sPvP. You will not see me write that information here, nor by any other means without a lucrative contract.

tldr – people know what to do, but it will not get done

Good luck with the contract!

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: data.4093


How is Anet supposed fix DCs during a match? The only thing they can fix is people leaving before a match. Do you want a match to end at a draw because someone DC’ed?

These aren’t perfect:
1. Send match invites to more than 10 people, first 10 get in, others stay in the queue.
2. Send boxes asking “are you still here?” every few minutes. Otherwise you get kicked from the queue.
3. If enough people start playing then queuing could be modified to something like GW1 random arena.

Fixing 4v5s/leavers:
1. Don’t start matches with only 4 players on a team, send them back to the mists.
2. Add another item to win/loss- “forced exit” or “abandonment”. If a player leaves a match they get 1 point added to their forced exit score. It negatively impacts your win/loss ratio and is shown on the rankings.
3. Modify dishonorable- don’t give stacks that only work at 5. Punish the person immediately and let it scale up. For example: 1 stack gives 10 minutes, 2 gives 1 hour, 3 gives 5 hours, 4 gives 1 day, the 5th gives 3 days.

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


How about this:

For a dc mid match the game pauses. No one can move etc.
They wait up to 1 minute for dc to return. If he doesn’t he gets a dishonored ( don’t play punishing a accident as if they cannot return they need to check their internet and 1 stack of dishonored barely affects them) It asks for another person from the q. They enter match everyone starts at beginning. Points are maybe reduced by 50~ To make up for the start from beginning.
If the guy returns within the 1 minute puts them at beginning (if a-net cant make it so they start exactly where they were)

Any thoughts on this?

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


This might sound harsh, but I will say it straight. GW2 is a business product. ANet and NCSoft get a lot of free advice from real customers. That is a sweet deal. If someone had the answer to making GW2 sPvP a raging success, then that knowledge would be worth millions, literally. It would probably cause noticeable worldwide economic growth in the esport emerging market, too, so there is more value in it than what ANet or NCSoft would get. I know key information about what prevents GW2 sPvP from becoming a major part of esport growth, and how to correct the deficiencies. What I know is enough to result considerable earnings for shareholders effected by the current value of GW2 sPvP. You will not see me write that information here, nor by any other means without a lucrative contract.

tldr – people know what to do, but it will not get done

ya gaming communities have no shortage of beta male nerds who can draw you flow charts of the development cycle and hand you a sketch of the final product. Whats morethey do it for free.

I admit, we are short on … dudes like you…

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: Rufy.6093


This might sound harsh, but I will say it straight. GW2 is a business product. ANet and NCSoft get a lot of free advice from real customers. That is a sweet deal. If someone had the answer to making GW2 sPvP a raging success, then that knowledge would be worth millions, literally. It would probably cause noticeable worldwide economic growth in the esport emerging market, too, so there is more value in it than what ANet or NCSoft would get. I know key information about what prevents GW2 sPvP from becoming a major part of esport growth, and how to correct the deficiencies. What I know is enough to result considerable earnings for shareholders effected by the current value of GW2 sPvP. You will not see me write that information here, nor by any other means without a lucrative contract.

tldr – people know what to do, but it will not get done

Just rename the game to GoW and win. WoW and LoL are successful simply cause of it’s easy abbreviations for the slow kids.

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


PvP is a fail because Anet dropped Skill Wars 2 to and made it into Build Wars 2 and now it’s become a sinking hole of copycats and wannabes who play fotm builds and are competent to play them well but just by playing that build alone they are at a huge advantage so it doesn’t even mean anything except they know how how to maximize their victories. Not sure why people even care about winning now when you need certain classes on your team to basically ensure your victory. Eff the meta.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


I was ranked 60~ on EU solo q. I only say that to counter any high tier doesn’t get dc’s/4v5s etc comments.

I had 3 matches in a row during EU prime time. All of them were 4v5. 1 skyhammer was a true 4v5 as they never showed. (The score was 500-380, good chance if it was true 5v5 we could of won.) Another skyhammer where someone dc’d early before the start and match continued (why do matches start 4v5? It’s insulting)150-0. They came back online we only lost 500-480… Guess who was suppose to win that? Next round was a 400-350 double cap and neutral in our favor (we were the 400) got a dc for the rest of the match…. and lost 500-470… Guess who should of won that….

WTF srsly? My rank tanked over 160 places (must of been some low rankers on other team)… This is kittened. Who can even STAND TO PLAY when more matches than not are 500-100 blow-outs.rank 1-20’s in top tier solo q’s (had that too. Guess who lost that round as well…) Like srsly… Everyone knows this game isn’t competitive but its beyond fun at this point as most matches aren’t remotely close.

Screw fixing the balance Lets focus on fixing the QoL first. Then balance.

4v5s at start, completely BS matchmaking, skyhammer leavers and never showing, and A-nets side of lag (which on multiple occasions after patches makes pvp un-playable for a few days).


I totally agree about QoL fixes first and foremost. Balance is important but we still have important game features, that big surprise, aren’t close to working properly after existing for months. If matchmaking, leaderboards, and 4v5/afk aren’t fixed in the next 4-6 weeks Im done with this game.

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: TheZeus.8617


I was ranked 60~ on EU solo q. I only say that to counter any high tier doesn’t get dc’s/4v5s etc comments.

3 matches in a row during EU prime time. 4v5. skyhammer true 4v5 as they never showed. another skyhammer where someone dc’d and match started 150-0. they came back online we only lost 500-480… Guess who was suppose to win that? Next round was a 400-350 double cap and neutral in our favor (we were the 400) got a dc…. and lost 500-470… Guess who should of won that….

WTF srsly? My rank tanked over 250 places. This is kittened. Who can even STAND TO PLAY when more matches than not are 500-100 blow-outs. rank 11’s in top tier solo q’s (had that too. Guess who lost that round as well…) Like srsly… Everyone knows this game isn’t competitive but its beyond fun at this point as most matches aren’t remotely close.

Screw fixing the balance fix the QoL.

4v5s, completely BS matchmaking, skyhammer leavers, and A-nets side of lag (which on multiple occasions after patches makes pvp un-playable for a few days).

Am I missing any QoL that makes this completely silly to even bother playing?

How is Anet supposed fix DCs during a match? The only thing they can fix is people leaving before a match. Do you want a match to end at a draw because someone DC’ed?

How anet fixes DC? the game pauses until another player is pulled into solo Q.. Problem solved.. then the game counts down from 10 and play resumes.. easy simple walla.

Athena War Goddess
[TWIN] Anvil Rock

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: youlostthegame.8102


If someone DCs you could move a player on the opposite team to spectate his own team till the other player returns, 5v5 will turn into 4v4 till the other player returns.

Of course the player forced into spectating will have to receive some sort of reward.

Probably the most fair way of sorting it out.

Want to know why pvp is a fail?

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


PVP in this game is a joke. That’s all that needs to be said.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior