Wants answers

Wants answers

in PvP

Posted by: thefirstlazydude.2408


I thought ArenaNet had reworked the matchmaking system for solo queue. I was having a winning streak and wanted to try go for leader boards and was at 70% and rising. Then this. Really Anet, what is going on? Is it really THAT hard to fix the 4v5 problem. Its infuriating to lose rank and wreck a winning streak because of imbalanced teams.

Even though I know a red post won’t come because they don’t seem to give 2 cares in the world. This is more of a venting session.


Defensive Armor 80 Warrior (main) / Thefirstlazydude 80 Necromancer / Offensive Armor 80 Guardian
Champion Legionnaire of DTG and oPP
More then just a Zergling on Blackgate