Warrior Dead in PvP??
So… they just nerfed Rampage… on class that was offering only Rampage.
Almost dead and I guess currently in the lowest position. For supportive shout warrior, almost dead cuz of too much nerf on shout and warhorn. For zerker warrior, same becuz of too much random blindness from enemy. Even ROM quit war and now play mesmer.
My Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/eSportsKorea see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
(edited by online.1278)
Warrior is still viable. Rampage has been nerfed in uptime only. Good use of the skill will still yield excellent results. The rest of the kit is unchanged. A good warrior is still a pain to fight on a point for most classes.
first off rampage warrior is way to easily countered with other class. and since rampage had its uptime reduce while having it recharged increase only adds to that fact.
i love killing wars on my thief… but however i now feel that they have no more builds that will provide any impact.
Dont really think this affects warriors all that much.
Warriors are based on 2 CDs of Endure pain + Rampage.
Rampage duration is still fairly long at 15s.
The CD is longer, but you are always dead if you dont have your CD up already, i mean that is just like the litch on necro, they are high power spikes high CD builds. That is just how they work.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
Surely being valuable for 15 sec every 3 min will keep warrior in meta. Right?
25 charracters
These nerfs are a slap to the wrist, Warrior is fine.
Maybe War are lower on the tier-list now, but it’s IMHO better to nerf rampage, see where it goes and then buff some other stuff that is a bit more reliable and not just 20 seconds godmode.
I still feel Warrior offers a lot that other classes don’t do in the same way, especially the heavy CC and often bursty cleave.
I’m really curious to see what ROM’s gonna run, since we saw him running ranger (more casually I guess) and with the recent buff to ranger and the nerf to warrior, maybe he’s gonna run ranger in WTS!
I think people that say warriors are fine either don’t play one or play in a very low tier.
Warriors are NOT fine. The class lacks build diversity. The class NEEDS trait specializations re-done
I think people that say warriors are fine either don’t play one or play in a very low tier.
Warriors are NOT fine. The class lacks build diversity. The class NEEDS trait specializations re-done
So true. Warriors are not fine at all. Most people who say that, don’t even play them.
answer is, for the most part yes.
Rampage was only good in team fights with the condi stance. In 1 vs 1 it isnt very good vs better players so players saying rampage needed a nerf probably werent very good. Also the fact that there were already so many counters to rampage but everyone comes here to complain when they dont want to change anything about there build.
The only thing you can do now is run shouts with the elite signet and play support or switch to any other class but ranger.
Now that Combustive Shot triggers Berserkers Power I’m going to see if I can get some sort of Hambow or Axebow build to work.
The wall I always run into is Fast Hands. I’ve tried not using it but Warrior just doesn’t work without it. You can do without the other traits, but without FH no build works. I could see several builds without the Dis line working in FH was baseline being able to bring some good support and damage and making the class more than a subpar Guardian.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
these nerfs doesnt really matter.
22 seconds CD extra when traited is nothing for a big CD skill..never used it whenever off CD anyway..
and i never find the whole duration to be useful…either you hit it or you don’t…
Warrior has now fallen to lowest tier after the Rampage nerf. It was the only thing keeping Warriors viable in this current Meta. I support this nerf however they should have buff Warriors in others areas so they didn’t need the Rampage in the first place. Hopefully in the next patches we will see warriors get some much needed buffs like making Fast Hand baseline and moving Merciless Hammer back to Master tier. And rework some of the weaker traits.
Lol by reading the posts here speaks so clearly how OP Rampage was (and in a way still is) when only one skill nerf makes a whole class fall to the “lowest tier”. I dunno yet I havent played PvP since after the nerfs becouse I am still waiting for more so I can’t comment how Viable warriors are now in my opinion but it is do darn wrong when one skill is a whole class. This was a wonderfull nerf.
Also, I beleaver there are alot of viable builds for Warriors, it is just that that Warrior players have gotten so used to the “win button” so they have forgot how to actually play or have never even learned how to play in this new damage increase we got.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
No it was not. Warrior is fine. The fact that DD ele and Mesmer are still OP has nothing to do with whether warrior is good or bad. It is competitive with engi, ranger, necro, guardian and thief.
answer is, for the most part yes.
Rampage was only good in team fights with the condi stance. In 1 vs 1 it isnt very good vs better players so players saying rampage needed a nerf probably werent very good. Also the fact that there were already so many counters to rampage but everyone comes here to complain when they dont want to change anything about there build.
The only thing you can do now is run shouts with the elite signet and play support or switch to any other class but ranger.
I don’t think this is entirely true.
In 1v1 no matter how skilled one person is over a warrior… It is a nuisance Rampage and Endure Pain can create to someone who needs to kill the warrior within a certain time frame. Remember this is pvp where other enemy players are often right around the corner. Its bad enough that its a set it and forget it type skill.. (to many of those in the game Imo) but it is also very effective at using it and running to your team mates for help. Or it simply gives you more time for your team mates to come help even if you stand still.
As a thief I feel like If i can dodge and avoid a warriors stuns/dmg and land big damage on him, I should handily win the fight.
But also if a warrior lands stuns/dmg on me enough times and he dodges my stuns/dmg he should win the fight..
IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK? WHY ALL THE GOD MODE abilities in this game…. its just terrible.
Some will say if your better then the warrior you will win.. that’s not always true.
1. If rampage prolongs the fight then he has a better chance of team mates helping out.
2. If your only a certain amount more skilled then a warrior then rampage is often the deciding factor. If your twice as good, then its probably just a nuisance, if your only 10 percent better, then why should rampage be the determining factor?
You see the game has put in these trash abilities…. should casll them troll abilities.
I prefer a balance of stun, dodge ,and damage
answer is, for the most part yes.
Rampage was only good in team fights with the condi stance. In 1 vs 1 it isnt very good vs better players so players saying rampage needed a nerf probably werent very good. Also the fact that there were already so many counters to rampage but everyone comes here to complain when they dont want to change anything about there build.
The only thing you can do now is run shouts with the elite signet and play support or switch to any other class but ranger.
I don’t think this is entirely true.
In 1v1 no matter how skilled one person is over a warrior… It is a nuisance Rampage and Endure Pain can create to someone who needs to kill the warrior within a certain time frame. Remember this is pvp where other enemy players are often right around the corner. Its bad enough that its a set it and forget it type skill.. (to many of those in the game Imo) but it is also very effective at using it and running to your team mates for help. Or it simply gives you more time for your team mates to come help even if you stand still.
As a thief I feel like If i can dodge and avoid a warriors stuns/dmg and land big damage on him, I should handily win the fight.
But also if a warrior lands stuns/dmg on me enough times and he dodges my stuns/dmg he should win the fight..
IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK? WHY ALL THE GOD MODE abilities in this game…. its just terrible.
Some will say if your better then the warrior you will win.. that’s not always true.
1. If rampage prolongs the fight then he has a better chance of team mates helping out.
2. If your only a certain amount more skilled then a warrior then rampage is often the deciding factor. If your twice as good, then its probably just a nuisance, if your only 10 percent better, then why should rampage be the determining factor?You see the game has put in these trash abilities…. should casll them troll abilities.
I prefer a balance of stun, dodge ,and damage
I think you’re looking at things in a 1v1 frame when the game is balanced around team fights. While in 1v1s Rampage is strong, but it can still be easily marginalized in a team fight just as easily as it can win a team fight.
I for one find really cool Elites that actually change the fight to be a fun addition, if well implemented. The problem with Lich was that when it came down to it the Elite was about auto attacking. Rampage is more about landing all the skills. Sadly, most of the Form elites are really boring and could use a revamp.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
I’d say yes, because everyone and their dog is playing a ranged class, or they perma-blind you.
Not quite, but close. Basically if you aren’t a Hammer spammer with at least two hard counter stances and Rampage, you’re just dead weight the moment you’re focused.
No it was not. Warrior is fine. The fact that DD ele and Mesmer are still OP has nothing to do with whether warrior is good or bad. It is competitive with engi, ranger, necro, guardian and thief.
Im with u
answer is, for the most part yes.
Rampage was only good in team fights with the condi stance. In 1 vs 1 it isnt very good vs better players so players saying rampage needed a nerf probably werent very good. Also the fact that there were already so many counters to rampage but everyone comes here to complain when they dont want to change anything about there build.
The only thing you can do now is run shouts with the elite signet and play support or switch to any other class but ranger.
I don’t think this is entirely true.
In 1v1 no matter how skilled one person is over a warrior… It is a nuisance Rampage and Endure Pain can create to someone who needs to kill the warrior within a certain time frame. Remember this is pvp where other enemy players are often right around the corner. Its bad enough that its a set it and forget it type skill.. (to many of those in the game Imo) but it is also very effective at using it and running to your team mates for help. Or it simply gives you more time for your team mates to come help even if you stand still.
As a thief I feel like If i can dodge and avoid a warriors stuns/dmg and land big damage on him, I should handily win the fight.
But also if a warrior lands stuns/dmg on me enough times and he dodges my stuns/dmg he should win the fight..
IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK? WHY ALL THE GOD MODE abilities in this game…. its just terrible.
Some will say if your better then the warrior you will win.. that’s not always true.
1. If rampage prolongs the fight then he has a better chance of team mates helping out.
2. If your only a certain amount more skilled then a warrior then rampage is often the deciding factor. If your twice as good, then its probably just a nuisance, if your only 10 percent better, then why should rampage be the determining factor?You see the game has put in these trash abilities…. should casll them troll abilities.
I prefer a balance of stun, dodge ,and damage
thieves get invisibility/shadowstep/ and blinds all of which warriors dont get. Not to mention if you have shortbow your far more mobile which is better for team fights and moving around the map. Also thieves play support for the most part. Thieves are far more capable at a all around game as well as frustrating a team with there ability to back cap when they were literally just there.
Warriors have to trait completely towards rampage, using a physacal trait to reduce cool down and dmg. Also rampage is forced into stances to combine skills with rampage otherwise its easily condi downed. So to run a rampage build you have 2 trait lines forced into it. Running stances and zerk also means your a sitting duck against the pack of wolves in any situation without your stances. This was literally a high risk high reward build that meant win with everything there and lose to anyone when your skills are on cool down.
You are also talking about 1 vs 1 situation and your talking a 5 sec max of no dmg. Good matches last over 10 min and your telling me its a huge pain 5 sec of no dmg which rangers get as well as guardians(from shelter) and that warriors are forced into this trait line as ive said earlier for running rampage. Your literally looking at from a “i couldnt play it any better” and the warrior is making the fight last longer. Its a silly way to look at it.
Also with the way blinds are handed out above average players had no problems against rampage. Remember 4 melee attacks and 1 range. That means 1 shortbow 5 away and then a dodge and on a thief, rampage will never hit you unless you sit in the circle because you dont think you should have to react to another persons skill.
Warriors are in a tough spot because if you gave them immunity for blindness, even for a short amount of time every hit would instantly 1 shot people, there is a skill that allows this – Berserker Stance – which allows 8s of immunity to conditions. This is a powerful skill, but anyone with a brain will kite you while that stance is up.
Projectile wise we can put out a lot of DPS.. LB is strong if the shots hit, but they are slow moving arrows so we have to time it out, and land the Arcing Arrow in the spot that the other player might go too, however the auto attack is kitten, the blind isn’t that bad, the volley is pretty kitten, the burst is definitely suited for Condi Builds considering the field is only up for a couple seconds allowing us to maybe stack might once, but also sacrifice a large burst skill in doing so
Warrior is in an alright position, I wouldn’t say it’s too strong in 1v1’s currently, unless you’re facing necros, other warriors, engineers (sort of), eles (maybe if you land everything and cc them hard enough not to swap to water), and mesmers if you land everything in between the blinds, invuln, teleports..etc. Among other things if we go with full melee we have to understand that we only have two invulns which makes us an easy target to focus in team fights, but luckily we’re given immob break and mobility skills to combat the focus…
I think warrior is in a good spot, other classes are just in a better spot.
Actually that last line sums it up perfect,
warriors are in a good spot, others classes are just in a better spot.
guardians are better support, rangers are better dps support, necros are better bunkers, obviously mesmers and eles are the elite tier. I was fighting for rampage simply because this is the only game changing skill we had.
- rangers are better dps support, necros are better bunkers, *
No,no,no,no – warrior way better than ranger in dps support and team support and rampage alone is > ranger on node fights and warrior better mobility. necros, better bunkers? cele is not bunker its just condi spam with 3k lich autos
Tierlist now:
1. Ele
2. Mesmer
3. Guardian
4. Thief
5. Engineer
6. Warrior
7. Necro
8. Ranger
(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)
- rangers are better dps support, necros are better bunkers, *
No,no,no,no – warrior way better than ranger in dps support and team support and rampage alone is > ranger on node fights and warrior better mobility. necros, better bunkers? cele is not bunker its just condi spam with 3k lich autos
Tierlist now:
1. Ele
2. Mesmer
3. Guardian
4. Thief
5. Engineer
6. Warrior
7. Necro
8. Ranger
i would say signet necro>warrior..
- rangers are better dps support, necros are better bunkers, *
No,no,no,no – warrior way better than ranger in dps support and team support and rampage alone is > ranger on node fights and warrior better mobility. necros, better bunkers? cele is not bunker its just condi spam with 3k lich autos
Tierlist now:
1. Ele
2. Mesmer
3. Guardian
4. Thief
5. Engineer
6. Warrior
7. Necro
8. Ranger
I feel were knit picking here but did you happen to watch the AG weekly #29?
There was a ranger who held his own 1 vs 1 with a ele and did great against the mesmers and Noscoc was in disbelief that a cele sig(the nos build) lost a 1 vs 1 to a d/d ele. Also to me there are tiers so mine would look like this-
tier 1-
tier 3-
to me this is what the tiers would look like if each player was at the same skill level in 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 situations
also that build doesnt use lich
Also the way i look at the tier system is like this
tier 1- has the best chance of winning the fights
tier 2- can beat tier 1 and tier 3
tier 3- can beat tier 2 classes
Obviously the best players in the game can run what ever class they want and be successful but when you get players around the same caliber it will fall as such. If you look at the warrior class only shout bow was usable for the cele meta and then warriors were op for a short while but before that warriors had to be bunker classes as were the rest of the builds.
Good…i was getting annoyed to get through 20k+ HP on a berserker build to win a fight
clerics shouts bunks hard if thats your jam.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
these tiers you guys are making are silly. engies are bottom of the barrel, rangers are always more useful than any guard spec ive seen, and signet necros should be third or fourth.
warriors are middle of the pack along with ranger and thief. rampage has too much counterplay and beyond that, zerker wars don’t have much more to offer than a well played power Mesmer, thief or ranger.
the only outliers currently are Mesmer and cele ele, but they still haven’t been addressed and likely wont be. rest is fairly well balanced.
The issue becomes what does the Warrior offer his team that another profession can’t compete with?
I would play a thief or mesmer to do the only role a Warrior is building right now, and although it was extremely gimmicky Rampage pre-nerf was at least giving us a potential slot in a team.
…Now Warriors will have to wait till relative power comes back our way, through power being lost from the top tier. Or, they could make Shoutbow a thing again I suppose.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Settler Shoutbow Warrior is decent on a good team, but I’d rather have a Cleric Bunker Guardian.
I agree with most of those who claim that the warrior is broken.
What is it actually supposed to be?
They die quicker now.
They don’t do very much damage.
They’re right there at the bottom of the chart, together with rangers.
these tiers you guys are making are silly. engies are bottom of the barrel, rangers are always more useful than any guard spec ive seen, and signet necros should be third or fourth.
warriors are middle of the pack along with ranger and thief. rampage has too much counterplay and beyond that, zerker wars don’t have much more to offer than a well played power Mesmer, thief or ranger.
the only outliers currently are Mesmer and cele ele, but they still haven’t been addressed and likely wont be. rest is fairly well balanced.
engies are the bottom of the barrel? Have you not seen the best engineers in the game in the tournaments? There was a forum post cause this person watched a certain engy from a certain team thats always in competing for the wts from NA. And said they needed nerfed cause this 1 person was rolling everyone. Im sorry but i disagree with you greatly on that aswell as the ele problem.
I still roll with war and have no problem with it.
Maybe because I wasn’t Rampage wannabe from the start as many.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Warriors are still good. Only hammer sucks because of all the blinds.
I do not think ranger is that bad.
My tier list would be..
Top: Ele, Mesmer
Everyone else
Still have quickness on a 15 second cooldown and probably the highest amount of cc available to any class. If people can’t live without turning to a brute every 2 minutes just to fight there is no reason to keep their warrior.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Still have quickness on a 15 second cooldown and probably the highest amount of cc available to any class. If people can’t live without turning to a brute every 2 minutes just to fight there is no reason to keep their warrior.
Nah bad arguments. Cuz i would give you my 15 sec quickness cd if you let me have same instant and hard animation read skills like other classes have. Quickness was just an attempt to make warrior able to land some skill.
Same thing goes for the CC. I mean i would give all my hammer/mace CC to ranger in exchange of his taunt every 15 seconds mecanic.
Just to let you know, i run out of stability and stun breaker against a ranger than against a warrior.
Aniway I dont even have to star arguing, but every people should know, the best CC class in the game is mesmer, not warrior.
- rangers are better dps support, necros are better bunkers, *
No,no,no,no – warrior way better than ranger in dps support and team support and rampage alone is > ranger on node fights and warrior better mobility. necros, better bunkers? cele is not bunker its just condi spam with 3k lich autos
Tierlist now:
1. Ele
2. Mesmer
3. Guardian
4. Thief
5. Engineer
6. Warrior
7. Necro
8. Ranger
uhh try mesmer ele then necro…yep necro eats guardians to the fullest…stop living in the past, necros are top 3 now 500% sure necro’s no longer belong in the low tier….they can facetank absolutely everything even on zerker amu and dish aoe 24/7, necro’s don’t even need to dodge in on point 1v1’s they just stand their (again regardless of what amu they use) and eat burst after burst after burst and are highly superior to any guardian spec….that people didn’t see it by now…it’s obvious for quite some weeks now