Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


For those struggling vs condi mes, I’ve found a lot of success against them playing as a condi warrior (Tarcis’s Mace/Shield + Longbow). I also think the condi warrior is viable for conquest as a whole, but that’s for another thread.

I recorded a couple of fights against one of my Condi Mes friends, who made legendary pretty early in S2 and grinded through a couple of prestige ranks before stopping. I lost the first few fights while figuring the matchup out, but then started winning more than I lost, despite continuing to make many mistakes.

Video Here: https://youtu.be/gQZPat4-2bc

I’ll be the first to admit that warrior is probably my weakest class — I think I have less than 100 hours on it. I made a ton of mistakes in each of the fights, which the mesmer often exploited. But I was usually able to get a win as long as I timed most of my Burst skills properly.

I think a good warrior could do even better in this matchup. If we see any warriors in the proleagues, I’d be interested to see how they fare vs proleague-level mesmers. (In unranked, I think I’ve won like 95% of my fights vs mesmers, but that’s unranked for you).

Here are some thoughts on specific tactics and timings:

- Entering berserk stunbreaks, clears 2 condis, and gives stab. That let’s you use the Bow F1, which will clear another 3 condis. This is a full condi wipe against the mesmer. You can use 2 more F1 skills while Beserk is up, each one clears another 3 condis if you land it.

- I usually use berserk / f1 rotations defensively (primarily to clear condis) early on in the fight after the mesmer blows his load. The reason is that the mesmer clears a condi with each shatter, so if he’s already used his shatters for offense then he’s going to be low on cleanses.

- Similar to the point above, try to use your bursts AFTER the mesmer’s used a shatter. That way, he has to use another shatter to cleanse condis. Your burst will also cleanse your condis.

- Warrior’s offensive cooldowns are much faster than mesmer’s cooldowns. Headbutt is 20s, Shield4 is 16s, Berserk is 15s, F1s are 3s. Compared to Mesmer, Distortion is 42.5s, Shield4 is 24s, Blurred Frenzy is 12s. Warrior’s healing is also much higher (~1k health per second, compared to Mesmer, which is around 300-400 health per second). This means that it’s in Warrior’s favor to trade cooldowns and to draw out the fight.

- I waste a lot of dodges. Don’t be like me. Besides moa and the stun, the most important skill to dodge is actually Shield4 (the mesmer block). Use your dodge when the block is about to end — it’ll prevent the shield phantasm from being summoned. This greatly reduces the mesmer’s shatter ability (which translates into less healing for the mesmer, and less damage to you).

- The ideal burst is Headbutt -> Beserk -> Mace F1 -> [Optional: Shield4 if mesmer doesn’t have distortion up] -> Longbow skills for burning. Alternatively, you can F1 -> Shattering Blow -> F1.

- The absolute best time to burst is if he’s casting Signet of Illusion outside Distortion. Landing a headbutt then is usually a guaranteed instant win. If he covers with Distortion, then just sit back. Your offensive cooldowns will return faster than his defensive cooldowns, and you’ll be regenerating more health than him and contesting the point.

- Shield5 is great for negating a big shatterburst (which often comes when mesmer uses Sword3). It also stacks a ton of might if you pop it when the mesmer does the Sword3 -> Sword2 -> Shatter combo.

- Shattering Blow is a great all-rounder skill. You can use it to block shatters, reflect the iWarlock attack, gain stability, apply damage, and gain a strike of adrenaline.

- Don’t pop Zerker Stance on the first condi bomb. The reason is that you’ll have your Berserk Mode + F1 ready soon, which will give you a full condi clear. (I mess this up a lot in the fights).

- Berserk Mode only gives 1 stack of stability per 3 seconds. So the mesmer can interrupt your F1 with a multi-clone Distortion (each clone dazes). This can be really deadly if you were relying on the F1 to cleanse condis.

- If you whiff too many F1s, you’ll die (which is what happens in my last fight in the video). Use the Bow F1 if you need a guaranteed condi cleanse (and do it when the mesmer’s not going to be able to interrupt you).

- Moa actually isn’t so bad. I think I eat every single moa in these fights (A.net seriously needs to increase the animation visiblity). But a Moa5 -> Moa2 gets you far enough away to survive for the remaining 4 seconds or so.

- In an actual conquest mode, the mesmer is going to have a lot more mobility via portal. But the mesmer is also a lot more susceptible to getting +1’d by a thief than the warrior (who has double endure pain).

(edited by ResJudicator.7916)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


As self confessed, you have less than 100 hours on warrior. I also suspect the mesmer has very limited hours as well.

The reality is that for the majority of the duel you had at least 2 conditions on you. If you watch the mesmer and time them, they never had more than 2 for longer than 3 seconds.

Your head butt and shield failed consistently to ever stun them in anyone position. this is because phase retreat was used to GTFO quickly. If that isn’t available, their also blink, or decoy or distortion. The mesmer had you in gap closing mode for the vast majority of the game.

The mesmer entirely let themselves down with failing to set up and execute their shatters to connect with you. If they had done that properly the amount of stacks wold have overwelmed you and the amount of continued interrupts would have effectively denied you any sort of counter.

The ultimate truth here is that you didn’t win..the mesmer lost by not making great or effective use of their skills.

I appreciate the contribution, but both players here don’t have the profession depth on either warrior or mesmer to conclude warrior is a hard counter chronomancer.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


If it takes you 3 minutes to win a 1 v 1 a mesmer, you’re not a counter in any meaningful way for high level conquest.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Actually, Power warrior (marauder or zerker) has chance against condi mesmer.. When the enemy team has three mesmer, i go full power..

nvm, you are using Tarcis build, that will def work… I only beat him once with that build. But power + CI can work as well.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


As self confessed, you have less than 100 hours on warrior. I also suspect the mesmer has very limited hours as well.

The reality is that for the majority of the duel you had at least 2 conditions on you. If you watch the mesmer and time them, they never had more than 2 for longer than 3 seconds.

Your head butt and shield failed consistently to ever stun them in anyone position. this is because phase retreat was used to GTFO quickly. If that isn’t available, their also blink, or decoy or distortion. The mesmer had you in gap closing mode for the vast majority of the game.

The mesmer entirely let themselves down with failing to set up and execute their shatters to connect with you. If they had done that properly the amount of stacks wold have overwelmed you and the amount of continued interrupts would have effectively denied you any sort of counter.

The ultimate truth here is that you didn’t win..the mesmer lost by not making great or effective use of their skills.

I appreciate the contribution, but both players here don’t have the profession depth on either warrior or mesmer to conclude warrior is a hard counter chronomancer.

Thanks for your feedback. Your critiques of my warrior misplays are spot on. But your critiques of the mesmer and the fights overall show a distinct lack of understanding about how the condi mes build works, or the matchup strategy.

The mesmer player may not be proleague, but he’s mained the class since release, ranked high on pre-season leaderboards, and moved up prestige ranks in legendary easily both seasons, often going against proleague players and winning (although a large part of that is due to condimes just being dominant in 1v1). I’m not saying he’s top tier or anything, but he’s easily better than 90% of the mesmers that people in the forums are complaining about. So if he can lose to a not-so-experienced warrior player, then many other mesmers would die too (which has been my experience in this Off Season).

If you haven’t realized it yet, I also have extensive experience on mesmer (which helps a lot with fighting other mesmers). This is probably the main issue with chronomancer right now — I think you really have to know the condimes build well to beat it.

As to why you’re missing the broader strategy - It’s in the warrior’s favor to burn through offensive cooldowns at the cost of the mesmer burning through his defensive cooldowns. Like I wrote in the OP, the warrior’s CDs have substantially lower cooldowns than the mesmer’s defensive skills.

Once the mesmer’s gone through his cooldowns, the fight swings suddenly against him. With only mind wrack left, he’s stuck cleansing just one condition every 10s (and a second condition every ~20s with cry of frustration). That’s nowhere near enough to survive the pressure that a condi war can put out. (And this is where a better warrior than me would really shine insofar as being able to end the fight more quickly).

As for the number of conditions on me:

The mesmer player landed plenty of shatters in the fights. The reason you rarely see any condis on me is because zerker mode + F1 is a full condiwipe, and it’s on a lower cooldown than every shatter but Mind Wrack. (And using another F1 will wipe any condition that Mind Wrack puts on).

Like I wrote in my OP, the defensive strategy is to hold off on the zerker mode + F1 until after the mesmer uses his shatters. The mesmer is going to run out of steam — contrary to what you see in the forums, the mesmer does not have an unlimited supply of shatters. And if you dodge the Shield4 summon, the mesmer also will end up short on illusions. This leads not only to reduced pressure from the mesmer, but also reduced condi cleanse from him.

The only counter the mesmer has to preventing your condiwipe is to set up a chain-diversion (on a ~30 second CD) to interrupt the F1 during it’s quickness-speed animation, or to moa (on a ~65s CD). You can counterplay both by pre-emptively using shattering blow (for block + stab), or activating zerker stance for resistance. And even if you get interrupted, zerker mode itself will still cleanse 2 condis, and there’s a decent chance one of those condis will either be the torment stacks or the confusion stacks.

The mesmer entirely let themselves down with failing to set up and execute their shatters to connect with you. If they had done that properly the amount of stacks wold have overwelmed you and the amount of continued interrupts would have effectively denied you any sort of counter.

This is a L2P issue on your end as far as understanding how mesmer works. There’s a lot to go over here, so I’ll try to just focus on two key ideas -

(1) The mesmer’s primary “setup” for a shatter would be iLeap, which telegraphs the shatter (so you can block with Shattering Blow or Shield5). As a mesmer player, you don’t want to use iLeap to set up shatters against classes that can actively block — it’s too obvious a tell. Instead, you shatter whenever you think your opponent isn’t going to be able to react (either because the clones are on top of him, which often is itself a tell, or because you baited his dodges). The other setup is Shield5, but it’s on a long CD and is better used to cover SOI or Moa.

(2) More importantly, it doesn’t matter how many stacks of condis the mesmer puts on you at a time. Zerker mode + longbow F1 clears them all. A chain-shatter like you suggested would put all of the mesmer’s offensive shatters on CD — 30s (diversion), 20s (cry of frustration), and 10s (mind wrack).

That means most of the mesmer’s condi cleanse is gone, as are his follow-up pressure opportunities. Yet you’re cooldowns are still ready to go. In ~3s you can F1 again for another 3-condi wipe plus damage to mesmer.
Even if you’re stuck on mace, you can f1 a nearby illusion if you absolutely need the condi cleanse.

That’s why you see the mesmer player staggering his condi application instead of chain-shattering. He doesn’t want all his condis to get cleansed in by one zerker+F1 combo. Instead, he’s trying to bomb just enough to bait out the zerkermode + F1, and then using his second shatter (cry of frustration) for follow-up pressure.

I understand that you’re a warrior main. If your experiences have been different, I’d genuinely be interested in seeing footage of how the matchup turns out for you. You’re probably a much better warrior, but this particular matchup requires that you really underestand how the mesmer build works in order to get a sense of the timing.

If it takes you 3 minutes to win a 1 v 1 a mesmer, you’re not a counter in any meaningful way for high level conquest.

I win in the first few seconds by effectively decapping the point (or showing that I can defend it for the entire fight). The warrior has too much sustain and melee-range pressure for the mesmer to fight on-point. This is hugely significant for high-level conquest, not just for the obvious reason that you take the point from the mesmer. But also because it synergizes well with druid, which is also capable of holding points against mesmer. It doubles the rotation options available, which makes it harder for the enemy to counter-rotate.

Obviously the video would have been super boring if it ended after the mesmer concedes the point, and I wouldn’t have gotten as much practice from the fights. That’s why you see the fight continue until one of us dies. But if you pay attention, I’m the one either standing on point or chasing for most of the fight (I only disengage when moa’d).

(edited by ResJudicator.7916)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


as someone already mentioned, you are not countering the mesmer, you are just pay back the mesmer gameplay with his same cards, wich are plenty of blocks/invulnerability and condi spam. If you watch the video, you are both missing so many crucial attacks that if you were both zerker you would have die at least 10 times before. In fact, the one who is spamming more conditions win, and the one who runs out of condi cleanser lose.
It’s not a counter, i would put that warrior build at the same level of the mesmer condi cancer.
I don’t even start talking about the “legendary skill” of the mesmer you are illustrating on your posts above, since to me all the condi cancer abusers look the same carried by spamming builds, but i can tell you that you can talk about counters if we put a condi mesmer against a revenant, or a thief against an old zerker mesmer shatterer, but in your video i see both build at the same level, means the win can be 50% or depending on the players levels. Also it takes too long to kill that mesmer to be considered a proper counter, in a way that i would consider a bad idea engage a condi mesmer in a 1v1 with that build.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: FLIMP.8172


I think you guys are missing the point… he’s not a warrior main.

Indirectly, he’s saying if someone who knows how to play warrior tries it, they can probably create a decent counter for mesmer. Not saying it’s true but there is potential.

Ross Biddle has mentioned this a few times also.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Jace al Thor.6745

Jace al Thor.6745

I think you guys are missing the point… he’s not a warrior main.

Indirectly, he’s saying if someone who knows how to play warrior tries it, they can probably create a decent counter for mesmer. Not saying it’s true but there is potential.

Ross Biddle has mentioned this a few times also.

If they actually took not of this it would mean that counters actually exist and Mesmer isn’t as god mode as everyone thinks. We can’t be having that, if you haven’t noticed Mesmer must he deleted from the game and therefore can’t have possible counters.

It would make too much sense for warrior to act like signet necro did for Cele ele( which condi Mesmer is now where near that bad). So everyone but a few simply over look the fact.

Sachyi Asuna. A [KING]’s Mesmer Unified Kingdom

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I think you guys are missing the point… he’s not a warrior main.

Indirectly, he’s saying if someone who knows how to play warrior tries it, they can probably create a decent counter for mesmer. Not saying it’s true but there is potential.

Ross Biddle has mentioned this a few times also.

If they actually took not of this it would mean that counters actually exist and Mesmer isn’t as god mode as everyone thinks. We can’t be having that, if you haven’t noticed Mesmer must he deleted from the game and therefore can’t have possible counters.

It would make too much sense for warrior to act like signet necro did for Cele ele( which condi Mesmer is now where near that bad). So everyone but a few simply over look the fact.

HAHA, good one guys.

To those disagreeing with the OP, I’ll be honest, when I first realized War was the counter to the condichrono build of S2, I thought condi war wouldn’t be able to do it. Power, yes, but I doubted condi. I’ve since confirmed power war does the job (either forcing decap + disengage of chrono, or killing him outright, and amazing +1), and am comfortable accepting the warrior mains opinions (displayed in the warrior forum) that condi war does just as good of a job. If you’ve played with the condichrono build and you’re familiar with proposed counter setups of warrior (power or condi), you’d be able to easily see why the word “counter” is appropriate.

I understand other classes have a hard time (outside of a good thief, or appropriately set up Mesmer, and maybe others), but the resistance uptime and cleansing capabilities (not to mention recent sustain adjustments) make warrior the superior fighter in this particular matchup.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Salamander.2504


Didn’t watch the video, but I’m enjoying the irony that OP is getting a hard time for “missing many of his attacks”. If he had landed all of his attacks, he would instead be accused of killing a bad mesmer. ^.-

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Didn’t watch the video, but I’m enjoying the irony that OP is getting a hard time for “missing many of his attacks”. If he had landed all of his attacks, he would instead be accused of killing a bad mesmer. ^.-

And also the irony of people saying that mesmer is a faceroll class, then claiming that this mesmer lost because some of his dodges were wasted.

(edited by ResJudicator.7916)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Condition warrior is a new powerhouse in 1v1 now.

I wouldn’t call it a counter to chronomancer but it holds fair chance against both condition chrono and scrapper. I would consider this is quite strong.

The biggest weakness of this warrior build is probably mobility. It can be easily outrotated and +1’d.

In teamfight, I think it is stronger than condi mesmer after moa nerf. With a lot of cc, it can condi burst down most of the enemy very quickly.

(edited by Exciton.8942)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


HAHA, good one guys.

To those disagreeing with the OP, I’ll be honest, when I first realized War was the counter to the condichrono build of S2, I thought condi war wouldn’t be able to do it. Power, yes, but I doubted condi. I’ve since confirmed power war does the job (either forcing decap + disengage of chrono, or killing him outright, and amazing +1), and am comfortable accepting the warrior mains opinions (displayed in the warrior forum) that condi war does just as good of a job. If you’ve played with the condichrono build and you’re familiar with proposed counter setups of warrior (power or condi), you’d be able to easily see why the word “counter” is appropriate.

I understand other classes have a hard time (outside of a good thief, or appropriately set up Mesmer, and maybe others), but the resistance uptime and cleansing capabilities (not to mention recent sustain adjustments) make warrior the superior fighter in this particular matchup.

I don’t fight warriors in 1v1s anymore on my mesmer. It seems to be a poor matchup if they’re power (I explode) or a slow fight of attrition where I likely lose the node (condi).

Better to drop portal, +1 another node and come back 2/3v1 . Chances are the warrior won’t have gotten far away.

This is just my opinion of course.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

HAHA, good one guys.

To those disagreeing with the OP, I’ll be honest, when I first realized War was the counter to the condichrono build of S2, I thought condi war wouldn’t be able to do it. Power, yes, but I doubted condi. I’ve since confirmed power war does the job (either forcing decap + disengage of chrono, or killing him outright, and amazing +1), and am comfortable accepting the warrior mains opinions (displayed in the warrior forum) that condi war does just as good of a job. If you’ve played with the condichrono build and you’re familiar with proposed counter setups of warrior (power or condi), you’d be able to easily see why the word “counter” is appropriate.

I understand other classes have a hard time (outside of a good thief, or appropriately set up Mesmer, and maybe others), but the resistance uptime and cleansing capabilities (not to mention recent sustain adjustments) make warrior the superior fighter in this particular matchup.

I don’t fight warriors in 1v1s anymore on my mesmer. It seems to be a poor matchup if they’re power (I explode) or a slow fight of attrition where I likely lose the node (condi).

Better to drop portal, +1 another node and come back 2/3v1 . Chances are the warrior won’t have gotten far away.

This is just my opinion of course.

And this is a sound strategy for the chrono. The next level of play is people figuring out how to cut down on the power of portal, making rotations, and rotation duking VERY important to think about (casuals wont have a mind for it). Depending on the situation, the warrior should think about decapping only and rotating with the chrono (unless the team can defend the cap).

I actually think these two classes/builds/roles makes for one of the more interesting faucets of any match up. Warrior vs Chrono – Battle of the Universe >:D

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


“Warriors can beat Mesmers now? Quick, lets nerf Guardian!”. -Anet logic

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

If you think that Warrior spec works good, try this:

  • Defense – usual stuff
  • Discipline – usual stuff
  • Berserker – all middle fire traits
    Sword/Torch – Mace/Sword – Bursting/Smoldering both sides
    Heal sig/Shattering Blow/Dolyak Signet/Outrage/Head Butt

Counters Thieves/Druids/Necros/Scrappers/Glass Ele
Balanced against: Mesmers/Bunk Ele/Dragonghunter “gotta burn their cooldowns”
Gets countered by: Revenants

Powerful as hell in 1v1
Great in team fights if it’s with support which stacks with it’s natural defenses
Rotates just fine with sword #2 and 25% speed increase
Has problems if focused while alone, it’s not a 1v2 point holder
Doesn’t contribute at all to team fight support splashing such as Rev booning

That’s about the break down for current warrior

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


If you think that Warrior spec works good, try this:

  • Defense – usual stuff
  • Discipline – usual stuff
  • Berserker – all middle fire traits
    Sword/Torch – Mace/Sword – Bursting/Smoldering both sides
    Heal sig/Shattering Blow/Dolyak Signet/Outrage/Head Butt

Counters Thieves/Druids/Necros/Scrappers/Glass Ele
Balanced against: Mesmers/Bunk Ele/Dragonghunter “gotta burn their cooldowns”
Gets countered by: Revenants

Powerful as hell in 1v1
Great in team fights if it’s with support which stacks with it’s natural defenses
Rotates just fine with sword #2 and 25% speed increase
Has problems if focused while alone, it’s not a 1v2 point holder
Doesn’t contribute at all to team fight support splashing such as Rev booning

That’s about the break down for current warrior

The only concern I have about dropping bow is you lose out on the guaranteed condi cleanse + adrenal health proc from the Bow’s F1. Sword’s zerker-f1 is also projectile based, which is dangerous in this meta (scrappers, eles, and mesmers all have reflects). The sword zerker-f1 also requires either setup to hit, or you have to use it near point-blank due to the projectiles moving slower than firey, pregnant sloths.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

When you learn to let go of the old bow play, you won’t go back.
This is what I’ve figured out while running Berserker after this previous patch.

Few things that are wrong with bow:

  • F1 Burst is only 1 burn stack and most players see it coming easily nowadays.
  • F1 Berserker Burst is buggy with firing and how the line appears, depending on if an opponent is directly in front of you or off to the side/behind you. This is extremely annoying actually and needs to be patched so that when it is used, the position of the warrior is considered “no facing” and the origin of the line appears in the direction outward from the warrior’s position. This is not so easy to use to proc Cleansing Ire.
  • #1 spam is small DPS on condi, #3 is small DPS on condi, #4 is almost a waste of time to use, #5 single stack of immob is nearly useless in this current cleansing meta.
  • #2 triple burn proc however, is a good consistent DPS but overall the LB doesn’t work so well on warrior anymore.

Then I tried rifle
Few things wrong with rifle:

  • Kill Shot Basic won’t deal impressive DPS at all but easy to cleanse with if you use superior sigil of speed on it’s weapon side.
  • Gunflame however, will deal a lot of DPS with it’s triple stack AoE burn damage. Again, easy to cleanse with if you run superior sigil of speed on rifle. Remember Gunflame is an AoE so this actually is easier to proc Cleansing Ire with than the LB. Players cannot so easily kite away from this as they can the slow moving LB F1s volleys.
  • Overall useless pew pew skills if you are running condi, aside from Gunflame, #4 which is sort of like an LR on ranger and #5 which is a considerably powerful knockback that hits up to 3 players I believe? Maybe it’s 5. The #5 I used to think was strong for decapping or interrupting until ->

Started using Mace/Sword
Summary of this:

  • F1 basic is at least a CC
  • F1 Berserker Burst, first time you land it, you’ll forget all about LB/Rifle. Lots of CC for the lockdown and lots of DPS. Perfect to follow up with after Sword F1 or to lead in to Sword F1. Lots of options to be dominant in melee here.
  • #2 is a block/counterattack to stop those important strikes like true shots or the obvious thief coming out of stealth, #5 riposte is the same way, #3 is another CC, #4 is torment damage.
  • Between the two extra CCs, Head Butt and the two blocks, this is the synergy that allows a Berserker to be completely dominant in melee combat. The only build that should counter you is Revenant and sometimes DH’s if you don’t pressure their cool downs before going in for the kill. Everything else becomes an easy spank in a 1v1 situation.
I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


“Warriors can beat Mesmers now? Quick, lets nerf Guardian!”. -Anet logic

I literally laughed out loud at this because its feels like its not far from the truth.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


warrior condi or power can counter the condi mes

just cause of the resistance rotations and the pressure he can pull off if done right

as condimes i have duel a bit both builds. condi warrior were much easier and easy to kill as long as they try to hold the cap. if they kite around its much longer

power warrior much harder as they have unblockable skill, resistance and ton of dmg output to pressure you so you push to lose the cap and kite around to prolong the fight

also imo every 2 min fight consider for me a counter the the player and if you manage to do so with several players than to the class and build. and warriro does so with condimess.

as bunker mesmer (which i comeback to it) 1v1 versus warrior is easy …fyi

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Salamander.2504


I’m interested in others views on this, but I’ve always felt comfortable 1v1’ing condi mesmers using either a power warrior or a Dolyakhunter, but power chronos (GS, sw/sh) absolutely light up my DH.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


regarding the fight on the movie

in pvp if i see warrior as condi mesmer i will take utility which steal 3 boons and trasfer 3 conditions (forgot the name sry). this will put yours winning chance better if after he use healing skill you steal the resistance for 5-6 sec. and shatter him

also in the movie it seems the mesmer just spamm skill. he didnt try to stun you from using key skills (healing) or preparing a shatter burst with 6 fast illusions when you stun.
also its treu that 1v1 the warrior has the advantage on the point. if the mesmer would kite around the point with staff and PR he would had better chances

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


regarding the fight on the movie

in pvp if i see warrior as condi mesmer i will take utility which steal 3 boons and trasfer 3 conditions (forgot the name sry). this will put yours winning chance better if after he use healing skill you steal the resistance for 5-6 sec. and shatter him

also in the movie it seems the mesmer just spamm skill. he didnt try to stun you from using key skills (healing) or preparing a shatter burst with 6 fast illusions when you stun.
also its treu that 1v1 the warrior has the advantage on the point. if the mesmer would kite around the point with staff and PR he would had better chances

He takes portal because that’s what he’d take in a serious conquest game. We weren’t counter-comping (for example, I had endure pain slotted even though it serves no purpose vs. mesmer).

As for interrupting my heal — warrior heal is “passive” in the sense that warrior just has to land 1 F1 every 15 seconds. The only stun that’s effective at stopping the warrior’s F1 is a multi-clone diversion (~30s CD) because zerker mode is a stunbreak that grants pulsing stab.

There’s obviously potential for mesmer to stunlock the warrior and secure a kill, but a lot of it depends on whether the warrior dodges, has stunbreaks, zerker stance, or pre-emptively blocks/stabs. So there’s room for counterplay on both sides.

(edited by ResJudicator.7916)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


“Warriors can beat Mesmers now? Quick, lets nerf Guardian!”. -Anet logic

I literally laughed out loud at this because its feels like its not far from the truth.

I feel I should rename my Guard to Irelia these days.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Wintersnight.3061


the warriors in ESL yesterday didn’t do so well. There were a few times where there were 1v1s vs Mes and the warrior just couldn’t handle it. I am referring to the NA League. I was curious to see if War could handle high level, and they did – but overall, the Thief did a better job of helping the team. When the warriors had to handle 1v1s, they generally failed (from what I saw).

Cindy Lou Who, Retired Ranger
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


The mesmer player may not be proleague, but he’s mained the class since release, ranked high on pre-season leaderboards, and moved up prestige ranks in legendary easily both seasons, often going against proleague players and winning (although a large part of that is due to condimes just being dominant in 1v1). I’m not saying he’s top tier or anything, but he’s easily better than 90% of the mesmers that people in the forums are complaining about. So if he can lose to a not-so-experienced warrior player, then many other mesmers would die too (which has been my experience in this Off Season).

Mesmer double dodges for no reason – check

Mesmer throws Tides Of Time Into your block – check

Mesmer blurred frenzied into your block – check

Mesmer pops distortion and uses blurred frenzy at the same time – check

Using leaderboards and prestige as a show of skill – check

Op not claiming he’s top tier “which is obvious”, but yet making a thread on how warrior is the counter to condi mes to get views based off clickbait – check


Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Words and an awesome picture

Your analysis is worse than your MS Paint skills, but better than your Youtube videos. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Words and an awesome picture

Your analysis is worse than your MS Paint skills, but better than your Youtube videos. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

So you’re not going to argue any of that? Figured, I’d say that too if I was grasping for straws. And you’re totally right about the star, that took me over 8 hours to make in ms paint. Kappa

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Words and an awesome picture

Your analysis is worse than your MS Paint skills, but better than your Youtube videos. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

So you’re not going to argue any of that? Figured, I’d say that too if I was grasping for straws. And you’re totally right about the star, that took me over 8 hours to make in ms paint. Kappa

Everything you wrote has already been fully raised and addressed earlier in the thread — there’s no point repeating the reasons why you’re wrong.

I do find your comment about double-dodging ironic, though, given that your favorite Mesmer playstyle involved you spamming dodges back to back to proc clone-death condi traits, and then you posted a long Youtube rant when A.net removed those traits. (Pre-Spec patch)

This whole debate will likely be a moot point anyway, depending on how the removal of mercenary amulet plus other balance changes shakes things up. I’m going to wait to see the patch notes before revisiting this matchup. If it’ll help your feelings to get the last word in, go ahead (preferably in the form of a Youtube video with extra stars).

(edited by ResJudicator.7916)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Words and an awesome picture

Your analysis is worse than your MS Paint skills, but better than your Youtube videos. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

So you’re not going to argue any of that? Figured, I’d say that too if I was grasping for straws. And you’re totally right about the star, that took me over 8 hours to make in ms paint. Kappa

Everything you wrote has already been fully raised and addressed earlier in the thread — there’s no point repeating the reasons why you’re wrong.

If it’ll help your feelings to get the last word in, go ahead (preferably in the form of a Youtube video with extra stars).

All you had to say was “you’re right”, and save yourself the paragraph. And nah, winning an argument against you doesn’t qualify for an upload, not worth the bandwidth.


Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Words and an awesome picture

Your analysis is worse than your MS Paint skills, but better than your Youtube videos. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

So you’re not going to argue any of that? Figured, I’d say that too if I was grasping for straws. And you’re totally right about the star, that took me over 8 hours to make in ms paint. Kappa

Everything you wrote has already been fully raised and addressed earlier in the thread — there’s no point repeating the reasons why you’re wrong.

If it’ll help your feelings to get the last word in, go ahead (preferably in the form of a Youtube video with extra stars).

All you had to say was “you’re right”, and save yourself the paragraph. And nah, winning an argument against you doesn’t qualify for an upload, not worth the bandwidth.


Well my Dad can beat up both of your dads!

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Words and an awesome picture

Your analysis is worse than your MS Paint skills, but better than your Youtube videos. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

So you’re not going to argue any of that? Figured, I’d say that too if I was grasping for straws. And you’re totally right about the star, that took me over 8 hours to make in ms paint. Kappa

Everything you wrote has already been fully raised and addressed earlier in the thread — there’s no point repeating the reasons why you’re wrong.

If it’ll help your feelings to get the last word in, go ahead (preferably in the form of a Youtube video with extra stars).

All you had to say was “you’re right”, and save yourself the paragraph. And nah, winning an argument against you doesn’t qualify for an upload, not worth the bandwidth.


Well my Dad can beat up both of your dads!

kitten , your dad crazy yo.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


The real counter to condi Mesmer is Scrapnado, as seen here.


#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


The real counter to condi Mesmer is Scrapnado, as seen here.


^ Now that is a counter to mesmer.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


The real counter to condi Mesmer is Scrapnado, as seen here.


^ Now that is a counter to mesmer.

The only reason this is win is because you got George Carlin in the background

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Anastasis.7258


Thanks for giving me the credit.
Since Merci Amulet is going to be removed, this build will swift to Wanderer’s Amulet or Rabid Amulet, and don’t worry the build will still be powerful.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Its really endure pain fix that and you fix warrior. I feel like warriors should lose the effect after they attack. This is different from a block as it lets them swap weapons and use utility skills.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Frostball.9108


No, there is no potential for warrior to counter condi mes. Mesmer wouldnt even need to use moa to beat this. Someone else told me something similar but after testing this matchup i can safely say it has no chance vs a good condi mesmer in the end. If the mesmer sets up properly, he will kill you in moa form, so it most definitely is bad.

(edited by Frostball.9108)

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


One of the best videos i have seen in a long time. It took me through a ton of emotions whilst watching it. I started nervous for the battle to come. Then i moved to excitement as the duel commenced. Then i was scared for the warrior. But once he showed his true skill i was happy to see a master at work. I finally ended up legit crying with emotion once the duel ended. Fantastic video.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Not much use still responding to a video that’s pretty much about one Mercenary amulet build dueling another.

Warrior: The Counter To Condi Mes [video]

in PvP

Posted by: mrauls.6519


“Warriors can beat Mesmers now? Quick, lets nerf Guardian!”. -Anet logic


Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos