Warrior answer to condition damage?
What? 3 conditions when you hit with a Primal Burst isn’t enough? 12 seconds of resistance isn’t enough? No profession has enough to deal with heavy condis right now, but warrior is absolutely one of the best. Auramancer is probably the next best viable build to work. After that would be, IMO, Ventari rev. Thief and DH when the proper traits can do fairly well, but those are conditional traits (no pun intended) and can be countered by literally not attacking after bombing them.
And if your losing to one of the most counterable condi specs (burn guard), then I don’t know how else to help you. They have one threatening condi, and almost zero cover condis. Sure their one threatening condi is by far the most threatening one in the game, but there’s no way any decent warrior should be having trouble against a burn guard’s burning. The real trouble would be punching through all their sustain (if DH).
warrior is the best versus condi pressure . put resistance cover it with more boons and you good to go the pressure the enemy
guards have only poison and vulnerability and cripple to cover up the burning but usually the burning will be the first condo to go off.
Warriors have up to 15 seconds of Resistance (berserker stance+healing signet), that is much more than you need to kill any condition build in this game because you have also one of the best burst damage in sPvP.
You also clean 3 conditions every time you spam a F1 skill at full potential and that mean that you can clean 3 conditions every 2.5/3 seconds when you’re in Berserker. You also clean a condition every time you swap your weapon (1 every 5 sec.).
If that’s not enough and you seriously fear conditions, you can use the signet of Stamina that clean all your conditions, but actually no one use it because no one need it, you already have the best condition clean ability of the game.
Guardians have a single strong condition combo that can kill you if you don’t active a condi clean, but guardians are able only to inflict Burn (and maybe Blind and Cripple), then can happen that you need only to spaw your weapons to clean all that damage in a second.
There’s a reaons why no one use Burn guardians in middle/high level sPvP: they’re damage is chained to a single condition and they don’t have other CC condtion to apply to protect they’re stacks, granting you a easy clean of they’re damage every time you active a condi clean skill.
If you have problems against condition builds with a warrior you only need to make a little practice, nothing more. you’ll see that learning your mechanics you’ll kill every single condi build you’ll find on your way without any mercy or fear.
Cleansing Ire???
[Mada] Apocryfia
Warriors have a lot of possible cleanse built into “stuff they do.”
You can cleanse on burst. You can cleanse on swap (both trait and sigils). You can use resistance.
I’d also add in there are sigils that remove conditions on hit if you want to use a build (for some reason) that lacks access to resistance or cleansing ire.
But I also see you have some mistaken ideas so I’ll correct you on a few additional points. Endure Pain negates incoming power damage. It does nothing to conditions. The stance you want pulses resistance which negates conditions currently on you (but does not cleanse them). Block blocks incoming attacks and does nothing against attacks that have already hit you. The same applies to dodge (you can dodge after an attack hits you but not expect to stop bleeding because you moved).
this did not go as i suspect s/he thought it would
I don’t feel like condi is what’s killing warriors these days, at least sometimes the pressure becomes too much, but that doesn’t get in the way. What does kill warriors is cc’s you know Immob, especially fear and knockback render us super useless ever since stab was nerfed to strangely be used as a stacking boon.
Take away the ability for us to do damage and we fall. Nothing we can do about it.
it must be terrible to be so bad at the game that you think it’s hard to fight condi builds on warrior.
CI+BR+Zerk stance+Healsig/Mending+Clense Sigils= how could you have a hard time vs condi. like how you manage it?
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
it must be terrible to be so bad at the game that you think it’s hard to fight condi builds on warrior.
CI+BR+Zerk stance+Healsig/Mending+Clense Sigils= how could you have a hard time vs condi. like how you manage it?
I think people overspam with cc’s before you could use all that arrsenal buddy, take it easy tiger.
it must be terrible to be so bad at the game that you think it’s hard to fight condi builds on warrior.
CI+BR+Zerk stance+Healsig/Mending+Clense Sigils= how could you have a hard time vs condi. like how you manage it?
I think people overspam with cc’s before you could use all that arrsenal buddy, take it easy tiger.
pfffft cc spam me, a warrior with multiple stun breaks (one on 10sec cd) & stability, plus a ton of cc of my own… like really homes?
furthermore, BR, CI & the sigils all add cleanse to offensive skills & weapon swapping. it’s not like its hard to swap weapons & press f1, so i can’t see how it would be hard to get cleanses off.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
it must be terrible to be so bad at the game that you think it’s hard to fight condi builds on warrior.
CI+BR+Zerk stance+Healsig/Mending+Clense Sigils= how could you have a hard time vs condi. like how you manage it?
I think people overspam with cc’s before you could use all that arrsenal buddy, take it easy tiger.
pfffft cc spam me, a warrior with multiple stun breaks (one on 10sec cd) & stability, plus a ton of cc of my own… like really homes?
furthermore, BR, CI & the sigils all add cleanse to offensive skills & weapon swapping. it’s not like its hard to swap weapons & press f1, so i can’t see how it would be hard to get cleanses off.
You can only take 3 skills at a time not the 50 you just mentioned point dexter, you always have to make the choice, breaking CC vs Clearing condi.
it must be terrible to be so bad at the game that you think it’s hard to fight condi builds on warrior.
CI+BR+Zerk stance+Healsig/Mending+Clense Sigils= how could you have a hard time vs condi. like how you manage it?
I think people overspam with cc’s before you could use all that arrsenal buddy, take it easy tiger.
pfffft cc spam me, a warrior with multiple stun breaks (one on 10sec cd) & stability, plus a ton of cc of my own… like really homes?
furthermore, BR, CI & the sigils all add cleanse to offensive skills & weapon swapping. it’s not like its hard to swap weapons & press f1, so i can’t see how it would be hard to get cleanses off.
You can only take 3 skills at a time not the 50 you just mentioned point dexter, you always have to make the choice, breaking CC vs Clearing condi.
do you even know what a warrior is…
ill show you my build then, so you can learn. because it seems you need to.
also, it’s poindexter, not ‘point dexter’ & it means a studious person with bad social skills, so pretty silly insult to try & use when you are claiming someone doesn’t know the facts.
(you can even take another cleansing sigil)
like, wow as if you cant have all those skills on one build. only heal sig & mending are mutually exclusive.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
it must be terrible to be so bad at the game that you think it’s hard to fight condi builds on warrior.
CI+BR+Zerk stance+Healsig/Mending+Clense Sigils= how could you have a hard time vs condi. like how you manage it?
I think people overspam with cc’s before you could use all that arrsenal buddy, take it easy tiger.
pfffft cc spam me, a warrior with multiple stun breaks (one on 10sec cd) & stability, plus a ton of cc of my own… like really homes?
furthermore, BR, CI & the sigils all add cleanse to offensive skills & weapon swapping. it’s not like its hard to swap weapons & press f1, so i can’t see how it would be hard to get cleanses off.
You can only take 3 skills at a time not the 50 you just mentioned point dexter, you always have to make the choice, breaking CC vs Clearing condi.
do you even know what a warrior is…
ill show you my build then, so you can learn. because it seems you need to.also, it’s poindexter, not ‘point dexter’ & it means a studious person with bad social skills, so pretty silly insult to try & use when you are claiming someone doesn’t know the facts.
(you can even take another cleansing sigil)
like, wow as if you cant have all those skills on one build. only heal sig & mending are mutually exclusive.
I use the exact same build, just like every good warrior. Furthermore, I have also played on warrior for over a year and a half now. Lastly, I never claimed you don’t know anything, I was just saying even with all that utility, you’re not gonna win a 2v1 of condi spammers, let alone a condi with cc followed by a power user even though you pretend like you can when you can’t.
Also you seem to be quite shaken over an incorrectly written insult, I find it pathetic that I’m even arguing with you.
(edited by Nusku.3941)
If you can’t win a 2v1 against a condi build there’s seriously something wrong in how you and the other one play.
The warrior is the best class to counter any kind of condi builds. Insane burst, resistance, huge condi clear, stability, high mobility. In that specific build there’s lesser CC than usual, but more burst. Maybe a mesmer can try to kite enough to make that 15 seconds of resistance fall off (9 if you don’t use the healing signet). Anyway every time you use F1 (and hit) you clean 3 conditions (if it’s full or you’re in berserker), swap weapon clean 1 condition, immobilize is deleted by movement skills.
Seriously,if you lose against a condition build is your foult. Or maybe you had your skills in cooldown, that can be.
OP has to be a troll. Stop feeding him.
Either that or new to PvP/GW2…
Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers
If this is not a troll thread… Warriors survive by correctly pressuring the enemy.
Just land more of your F1’s and you’ll be fine. More cleanses, enemy goes defensive and pops CDs, less time to Condi you. Win-win.
Stances are there so you can pop them, ignore damage and keep pressuring.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty