Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
So spamming skills on CD 20vs20 makes you better than spamming them 5vs5 on a capture point?
I bet you have a great overview on the fight when 20 eles, necros, guardians and warriors spam red circles, purple domes, white walls and it is all about running clockwise and counterclockwise just stopping to blast waterfields.
Still you can post videos from superattentionhorses on youtube bashing other youtubecelebrities behind the mill that suffer from the same overestimation of their own skill and are just known for being vocal on the boards, publishing guides as their own builds, even if they have been around forever or farming zerglings and uplevelled staffeles and longbowrangers.
20vs20 GvG is just as much a joke talking about competitive PvP as tPvP ist.
There is no real competitive PvP in equal numbers in GW2. Just spam hard and ball up or spam hard and have the right rotations on the map.
(edited by Zumy.6318)
Seems like you know alot about GvG and how to win it. Maybe you will gather a team and show everyone your awesome skill? Those stupid GvGers will be easy victory for you.
Seems like you know a lot about competitive PvP when you think that coordinated spamming requires more skill than having routine and a leader with the right strategies.
Is not like you have one single inch on your screen that is not covered by over 9000 flashy effects.
In GW2 a team consists of 5 ppl btw. Everything else is a blob.
So much qq in this thread. I just wanted to read about Petting Zoos being countered…
Dont get me wrong. I dont say GvGers (what an odd term) are bad players and I know for sure that the most vocal tPvPers are huge scrubs that could not compete in any other game but this 20vs20 thing is nonsense. Its thrilling and fun to win, but it is not competitive PvP. Neither is tPvP.
Huge reaction timeframes and what counts the most is routine. Just like raiging in WoW. Moar dots!
And FYI I am not saying that I am any better than any of those mentioned. This game isnt made like that.
The signet isn’t really horrendously overpowered in itself (A little poison and a warrior is shut down like Madagascar in Pandemic, use sigil of doom – trust me on this) but those healy bunker builds are just boring and passive as kitten like nothing I’ve ever seen. I tried doing the fotm heal/stun warrior and got bored after two matches, just as boring in WvW because no damage, you’re not doing any reactive play or anything of the likes. Switched back to zerker gs/longbow warrior as fast as anything, it hurts my winrate but at least I’m not contributing to the passive gameplay trend over the last patch. Please god just nerf it so I never have to fight some unkillable boring kitten standing there self healing and stunning every time it’s off cooldown ever again. At least guardian bunking is pretty reactive with it’s immunities and blocks instead of just “LEL I HEAL :DDDD” with 1 keyboard stroke per minute.
And Xsorus stop acting like you’re some kind of god of ranger who invented every build ever. You’re talented at the game and inventive with the tools given but BM bunker builds have been around for-kittening-ever (It’s pretty obvious – soup up the pet for sick damage, build defensively with regen), nor is this claim that “pvp players don’t experiment to protect your ranking” true. Just a few days ago I saw Kaypud doing solo queues with a kittening killshot warrior build – whereas in WvW to change your build you have to farm PvE for a while in order to get the money to do anything.
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
Wow, this thread got way out of hand.
So uh, back on topic, it depends what warrior variant we’re talking about here. I’d argue that the mace/shield greatsword combo is better in a straight up 1v1 against the ranger, especially since the spirit ranger build only typically has 1 stun breaker, where as the warrior has a 3 second stun every ~8 seconds, and multiple ways to be able to stay in and dish out damage to the spirit ranger.
I’d also argue that Longbow/hammer has good tools to go up against a ranger, but doesn’t have the damage output to be able to drop them as quickly as the other variant (it has more teamfight potential though).
So it depends really.
Why are you wubwub tryhards in pvp forum? Wubwub and pvp are night and day. I can easily 2v1 against bads in wubwub.
I can 1v2 against bads anywhere. Can’t see how it proves something, though.
Because wubwub is an imbalanced clusterkitten. Warr is OP as hell in 1v1 situations with the foodbuffs in wubwub, but totally in balance in tPvP. Also most of the QQ comes from wubwubers who have no experience fighting people head on and only like to spam blast finishers in their protective blob.
Dont get me wrong. I dont say GvGers (what an odd term) are bad players and I know for sure that the most vocal tPvPers are huge scrubs that could not compete in any other game but this 20vs20 thing is nonsense. Its thrilling and fun to win, but it is not competitive PvP. Neither is tPvP.
The majority of GvG is 5v5 to 10v10.
Conquest game mode is not 5v5.
The last large GvG match had nearly as many views as PAX…. thats comical on a epic level. Its just more fun to do GvGs and watch them, yeah I like the smaller scale fights more but be it 5v5 or 20v20 its deathmatch.
Deathmatch > Conquest always has been always will be.
Warriors dominate the top 100 solo queue.
(edited by Xom.9264)
Warriors murder spirit ranger, hands down, I’m mystified why there is any argument about this.
Sure I’ll get a lot of hate for this, but MM necro (soldiers amu) also has a pretty easy time with spirit rangers, at least 1v1.
As to GvG, personally I much prefer objective based pvp, have been bored of stright up death match for best part of a decade. That in no way means I think tPvP is in a good place right now mind you.
Just to claify, shamans Spirit rangers might do a little better, but most carrion builds seem to get rolled right over.
Immobalise the ranger, (after hitting once with axe 1 to waste empathic bond to 2 vuln stacks) apply vulnerability with reapers touch, golum charge + detonate minons = half health ranger with no spirits, proceed to walk right over whats left.
(edited by Fella Feller.4936)
Dont get me wrong. I dont say GvGers (what an odd term) are bad players and I know for sure that the most vocal tPvPers are huge scrubs that could not compete in any other game but this 20vs20 thing is nonsense. Its thrilling and fun to win, but it is not competitive PvP. Neither is tPvP.
The majority of GvG is 5v5 to 10v10.
Conquest game mode is not 5v5.
The last large GvG match had nearly as many views as PAX…. thats comical on a epic level. Its just more fun to do GvGs and watch them, yeah I like the smaller scale fights more but be it 5v5 or 20v20 its deathmatch.
Deathmatch > Conquest always has been always will be.
Warriors dominate the top 100 solo queue.
In EU “rated” GvGs are 20vs20 all the way.
Who cares about yoloQ anyway.
One thing:
at 300 healing power warriors get:
Healing Surge – 10270 hp, using it at full health every 30 seconds is kinda easy
Healing Surge – 10270/30=342 hps
Healing signet – 407 hps
And take into account you will suffer every second of poison with it (and no, we don’t cleanse it every second).
65 hps difference is what makes this op? Fine, nerf it, I guess warriors will still be dangerous without it, if they were before.
65 hps is the different for all healing power values.
I play a ranger. Good warriors with the right build they always beat me with their stuns because spirit rangers weakness is their lack of stun breakers but warriors with bows and swords and axes they are really easy to beat.
GvGers are on your leader boards killing your dudes. Conquest mode promotes poor play and cheese gimmicks this is clear as you see how low the skill level is of the best pvper when put against the skill level of the best GvGers.
I would like to see a WvW player as good as Teldo or Phantarm, truth be told Wvw is about who has better AOE’s.
(edited by Conan.8046)
GvGers are on your leader boards killing your dudes. Conquest mode promotes poor play and cheese gimmicks this is clear as you see how low the skill level is of the best pvper when put against the skill level of the best GvGers.
I would like to see a WvW player as good as Teldo or Phantarm, truth be told Wvw is about who has better AOE’s.
Super, Maskaganda, Vashury, Ruby Rubyruby
Just to name a few.
Plenty more out there that do not record their fights.
Dont be ridiculous. I doubt the top tPvPers have any skill advantage to the top roaming teams.
They fight outnumbered all the time you know. Really outnumbered. Not 2v1 in a node.
Smallscaling on an engi in WvW isnt really considered hardmode neither. Try on a Necro.
Why did you edit out the link to the video anyway?
(edited by Zumy.6318)
GvGers are on your leader boards killing your dudes. Conquest mode promotes poor play and cheese gimmicks this is clear as you see how low the skill level is of the best pvper when put against the skill level of the best GvGers.
I would like to see a WvW player as good as Teldo or Phantarm, truth be told Wvw is about who has better AOE’s.
Super, Maskaganda, Vashury, Ruby Rubyruby
Just to name a few.
Plenty more out there that do not record their fights.
Dont be ridiculous.
i like how pointless these wvwers posts are. ill jus name some random people and say they are better, k.
Yes, your post is much less pointless.
Spamming kitten on a node must be hard.
Yes, your post is much less pointless.
at least my post is pointing out an obvious fact of how pointless your post is. thats already 100times better
Sorry mate, cba.
Sorry mate, cba.
yea now shut up.
No, you shut up!!!!!11!1!!11!!!11one!!1eleven!1!!
everyone complains about the stun warriors too… the real cheez is condi war.
Everything war related is cheese, then?xD
Good, I like cheese.XD
The signet isn’t really horrendously overpowered in itself (A little poison and a warrior is shut down like Madagascar in Pandemic, use sigil of doom – trust me on this) but those healy bunker builds are just boring and passive as kitten like nothing I’ve ever seen. I tried doing the fotm heal/stun warrior and got bored after two matches, just as boring in WvW because no damage, you’re not doing any reactive play or anything of the likes. Switched back to zerker gs/longbow warrior as fast as anything, it hurts my winrate but at least I’m not contributing to the passive gameplay trend over the last patch. Please god just nerf it so I never have to fight some unkillable boring kitten standing there self healing and stunning every time it’s off cooldown ever again. At least guardian bunking is pretty reactive with it’s immunities and blocks instead of just “LEL I HEAL
DD” with 1 keyboard stroke per minute.
And Xsorus stop acting like you’re some kind of god of ranger who invented every build ever. You’re talented at the game and inventive with the tools given but BM bunker builds have been around for-kittening-ever (It’s pretty obvious – soup up the pet for sick damage, build defensively with regen), nor is this claim that “pvp players don’t experiment to protect your ranking” true. Just a few days ago I saw Kaypud doing solo queues with a kittening killshot warrior build – whereas in WvW to change your build you have to farm PvE for a while in order to get the money to do anything.
BM Bunker has been around forever, Because I created it Forever Ago.
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