Warrior inconsistencies topic.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Well, this topic is not to list the improvements that the devs could and should make to the warrior, this topic instead is to make a list of all the inconsistencies that warrior has compared to other classes, i can remember a few right now, but i hope the warrior community could add more to make the list bigger wich im sure it is:

-Damage from the berserker phantasm of mesmer is greater than the actual Whirlwind of a warrior.

Shield stance
-Engineers have a better blocking shield stance than warriors with less CD , remember one thing here, warrior cant bunker, engineer can, so why warrior has a high cd on this?, should be the opposite, warrior needs to expend a trait in order to make his block cd 24 seconds wich is still HIGHER than an engineers without a trait.

Bulls charge
-Rockets boots of an engineer are better than bulls charge of a warrior, they remove the things that affect the warrior most wich are " immobilized, crippled, and chilled", not only that, they do more damage and have less CD, half less cd with all those features included (more damage and remove those conditions).

Hundred blades
-Guardians have better damage output and a more reliable too comparing greatswords, whirlwind wrath allows movement and has a combo finisher attached and does similar damage to hundred blades, wich is a skill that does not offer combo capabilities and roots the warrior in place, guardians are the tanks they are suppoused to be rooted not the warrior that cant bunker.

-Rangers have greater sustain via regeneration and protection mostly regeneration, how is it coherent to have a ranged class bunkering or being a tank while dishing tons of condi damage, while in the mean time we have a warrior wich has heavy plate armor that cant mitigate damage, needs to stay in melee range to do anything and dosent have enought sustain to regenerate all the damage he is suffering to try to catch a ranged class that not only is ranged he is bunkering, wich means he is mitigating/regenerating most of the damage when you manage to catch him.

Forgot to mention rangers added stealth, that is a huge survivality boost to an already survival class.

-Which leads to one of the core things of warrior inconsisntencies: Warrior dosent have acces to bunker, warrior a heavy armor class cant bunker, but light armor classes or medium armor classes are mitigating and enduring more damage than a warrior that has heavy armor, this can not be good, by any reasonable perspective this is wrong.

CC dependant

-Warrior is a class that need to land cc in order to make damage, but the problem is that there are so many stun breakers and teleports in the game that warrior damage output in pvp is lackluster compared to other classes that simply press their damage output skill without the need to do anything else to be able to use it.

I will add to this list anything you people add wich i encourage you to do, so the devs can see many of the things that cause warriors to be in the state they are.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

(edited by Fenrir.5493)

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


One more push should probably happen, and hopefully after that the game reaches “perfect imbalance.”

I do agree that some of the BS is unreasonable compared to Warrior but hopefully something class defining comes out in this next patch.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warriors need a patch that fixes them up right…

You forgot to mention rangers have ranged stealth now. Lol.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Geff.1930


Warriors are balanced right now.

-Whirlwind does more or less damage than Phantasmal Berserker depending on the build of the warrior and the build of the mesmer.

-If you are comparing to the tool kit skill gear shield, that and magnet are the only worthwhile skills in that set. You have to waste a utility on it whereas you do not have to waste a utility for shield block. You also get shield bash with shield which is a really good skill.

- Bull’s rush stuns. Rocket boots does not. Would you rather have bull’s rush not stun and have all the facilities of rocket boots? I for sure would not prefer that.

-Guardians have much fewer hard CC’s. As a result all the damage output from Whirling Wrath can be easily mitigated with a dodge roll. Warriors have many options by which to keep people in Hundred Blades with CCs. Whirling wrath does a fraction of the damage of Hundred Blades.

-Rangers have a fraction of the health pool of Warriors(all classes do as a matter of fact) and are therefore more prone to CC burst than Warriors. Warriors can gain perma regen, not only for themselves but also allies if they waste a single slot on a banner and get the banner regen and banner CD traits.

-Guardians cannot build as a DPS spec. They can, but they won’t be as effective as Warrior DPS for instance. Similarly Warriors can build bunker, but they won’t be as effective as Guardians. Survivability is not the issue. Warriors can build survivable bunkers, but they won’t provide as much team support as Guardians especially if the enemy team has access to stability.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Warriors are balanced right now.

-Whirlwind does more or less damage than Phantasmal Berserker depending on the build of the warrior and the build of the mesmer.

-If you are comparing to the tool kit skill gear shield, that and magnet are the only worthwhile skills in that set. You have to waste a utility on it whereas you do not have to waste a utility for shield block. You also get shield bash with shield which is a really good skill.

- Bull’s rush stuns. Rocket boots does not. Would you rather have bull’s rush not stun and have all the facilities of rocket boots? I for sure would not prefer that.

-Guardians have much fewer hard CC’s. As a result all the damage output from Whirling Wrath can be easily mitigated with a dodge roll. Warriors have many options by which to keep people in Hundred Blades with CCs. Whirling wrath does a fraction of the damage of Hundred Blades.

-Rangers have a fraction of the health pool of Warriors(all classes do as a matter of fact) and are therefore more prone to CC burst than Warriors. Warriors can gain perma regen, not only for themselves but also allies if they waste a single slot on a banner and get the banner regen and banner CD traits.

-Guardians cannot build as a DPS spec. They can, but they won’t be as effective as Warrior DPS for instance. Similarly Warriors can build bunker, but they won’t be as effective as Guardians. Survivability is not the issue. Warriors can build survivable bunkers, but they won’t provide as much team support as Guardians especially if the enemy team has access to stability.

I feel like half of your argument supports OP and half doesn’t.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Warriors are balanced right now.

-Whirlwind does more or less damage than Phantasmal Berserker depending on the build of the warrior and the build of the mesmer.

-If you are comparing to the tool kit skill gear shield, that and magnet are the only worthwhile skills in that set. You have to waste a utility on it whereas you do not have to waste a utility for shield block. You also get shield bash with shield which is a really good skill.

- Bull’s rush stuns. Rocket boots does not. Would you rather have bull’s rush not stun and have all the facilities of rocket boots? I for sure would not prefer that.

-Guardians have much fewer hard CC’s. As a result all the damage output from Whirling Wrath can be easily mitigated with a dodge roll. Warriors have many options by which to keep people in Hundred Blades with CCs. Whirling wrath does a fraction of the damage of Hundred Blades.

-Rangers have a fraction of the health pool of Warriors(all classes do as a matter of fact) and are therefore more prone to CC burst than Warriors. Warriors can gain perma regen, not only for themselves but also allies if they waste a single slot on a banner and get the banner regen and banner CD traits.

-Guardians cannot build as a DPS spec. They can, but they won’t be as effective as Warrior DPS for instance. Similarly Warriors can build bunker, but they won’t be as effective as Guardians. Survivability is not the issue. Warriors can build survivable bunkers, but they won’t provide as much team support as Guardians especially if the enemy team has access to stability.


-Warrior needs to carry a weapon to use the defence stance engineers no, and has less cd, no utility of warrior can compare to that OP utility engineer has.

-Bulls charge dosent stun…

-Only stupid people stay in the hundred blades damage at this point of the game really. Guardians have good cc too by the way, but the topic is that they dont need to land a cc to do it.

-Health pool dosent matter at all in this game, is like toughness, what matters in this games is boons, protection is one of the most importants, the most important probably, warrior cant have that but he has 2k more hp, 3k, 4k?, whattever it dosent compensate the fact that mitigation damage its better, also having high health pool is wrong in a warrior because that way their heals are not enought like the heals other classes have (even with the minor buff to the heals). The regeneration of ranger is not only coming for the passive regeneration boon, they have other means to regenerate life, and that is why they can achieve immortality.

-Guardians CAN, AND DO, build for damage, and they can do it in a better way and more reliable, IM TALKING ABOUT PVP (this forum is pvp by the way if you didnt noticed yet), if you are basing your facts in the stationary enemies of pve, then yeah warrior rocks, really but guess what, in pvp no one is a free kill, well only warriors.

And warriors dont bunker, there is no bunker warrior, and not will be unless it has acces to protection or a massive regeneration like rangers.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

(edited by Fenrir.5493)

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Warrior I think has gotten sufficient changes and does not need more (So same thing that happened to necros does not happen to warrior) once this meta becomes less dependent on condi spam I think teams will be looking to out in warriors.
I mean if you look at the changes the healing surge got huge buff, berserker stance is quite good, and the changes in traits were good except for the berserkers power going grand master, and lastly the skull crack change was huge I mean right now a warrior with good timing is close to unstoppable in team fights, in a way it is kinda OP.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Warrior I think has gotten sufficient changes and does not need more (So same thing that happened to necros does not happen to warrior) once this meta becomes less dependent on condi spam I think teams will be looking to out in warriors.
I mean if you look at the changes the healing surge got huge buff, berserker stance is quite good, and the changes in traits were good except for the berserkers power going grand master, and lastly the skull crack change was huge I mean right now a warrior with good timing is close to unstoppable in team fights, in a way it is kinda OP.

Warrior is a frekill for any class seriously.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Geff.1930


I don’t know why I even bothered to post on this topic in a serious manner. There is a topic like this almost every other day. I guess I was giving the OP the benefit of the doubt.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Shumy.1529


If Warriors are so ok, then let me ask you a scientific question, more of a statistical to be honest. Why Warriors are least used in professional tournaments?

You say Wars are balanced. Well they may be balanced, maybe they really are, but for every role they do ok, there is a profession that does much better. Then why would people go for warriors in tourneys anyway?

Statistically speaking, in professional Guild Wars 2 tournaments, Warrior is the least used, and in some of them not used at all. Why? Is he useless? I doubt it. Is he weaker than every other class? Not really. Does he exceed at anything? Er, no. So why should we use him, when every role or action he does well, always exists a profession that does it better.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


If Warriors are so ok, then let me ask you a scientific question, more of a statistical to be honest. Why Warriors are least used in professional tournaments?

You say Wars are balanced. Well they may be balanced, maybe they really are, but for every role they do ok, there is a profession that does much better. Then why would people go for warriors in tourneys anyway?

Statistically speaking, in professional Guild Wars 2 tournaments, Warrior is the least used, and in some of them not used at all. Why? Is he useless? I doubt it. Is he weaker than every other class? Not really. Does he exceed at anything? Er, no. So why should we use him, when every role or action he does well, always exists a profession that does it better.

Not to mention that everytime you see a warrior you know is a free kill you feel it you know you can eat them really easy, that feeling is not true with other classes.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

-Health pool dosent matter at all in this game, is like toughness, what matters in this games is boons, protection is one of the most importants, the most important probably, warrior cant have that but he has 2k more hp, 3k, 4k?, whattever it dosent compensate the fact that mitigation damage its better, also having high health pool is wrong in a warrior because that way their heals are not enought like the heals other classes have (even with the minor buff to the heals). The regeneration of ranger is not only coming for the passive regeneration boon, they have other means to regenerate life, and that is why they can achieve immortality.

Oh lord… Suddenly, all the “conditions are OP” cries make sense. If this is what the majority of people honestly believe, then no wonder you think conditions are OP. Everything is OP if you avoid all possible counters to it.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


-Health pool dosent matter at all in this game, is like toughness, what matters in this games is boons, protection is one of the most importants, the most important probably, warrior cant have that but he has 2k more hp, 3k, 4k?, whattever it dosent compensate the fact that mitigation damage its better, also having high health pool is wrong in a warrior because that way their heals are not enought like the heals other classes have (even with the minor buff to the heals). The regeneration of ranger is not only coming for the passive regeneration boon, they have other means to regenerate life, and that is why they can achieve immortality.

Oh lord… Suddenly, all the “conditions are OP” cries make sense. If this is what the majority of people honestly believe, then no wonder you think conditions are OP. Everything is OP if you avoid all possible counters to it.

Except that condition damage has no counters only condition removal, and this topic is not about that.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

…that’s like saying “damage has no counter except healing”.
But sorry, here, you can have your topic back.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


…that’s like saying “damage has no counter except healing”.
But sorry, here, you can have your topic back.

Direct damage has, evasion, toughness/armor, aegis, blocks.

Condition damage bypasses everyone of those in fact there is not a single mechanic in this game that states clearly this " reduces condition damage " there is no one.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

…you are aware that you can dodge/evade/block/invul/etc. condition inflicting attacks, right?
Also, there is a mechanic in this game that states clearly it “reduces condition damage”. It’s called condition removal.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


…you are aware that you can dodge/evade/block/invul/etc. condition inflicting attacks, right?
Also, there is a mechanic in this game that states clearly it “reduces condition damage”. It’s called condition removal.

Nah, that is BS, im talking about a real stat and a real boon that clearly states “reduces condition damage”, condition cleanes is another thing.

You cant dodge/evade/block/invul/etc. while you are beign affected by the conditions already so…

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

True. You can’t dodge the fireball that is already inside your face.
Working as intended.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


True. You can’t dodge the fireball that is already inside your face.
Working as intended.

I guess that means you are out of arguments, if thats so then i ask you to leave the topic so we stay on the main subject here, wich are warriors, please.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


True. You can’t dodge the fireball that is already inside your face.
Working as intended.

do you realize how much BS there is in your “working as intended” i would have took you more seriously without it, kthxbb

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Don’t worry, I’ve got more arguments. I’ll bring them up if you refute any of mine.
To me, this entire thread looks like a “I’m a berserker warrior in PvP, make me viable” whine.
Do warriors need some help? Well.. kinda. But they need a very, very, very slight push, because they already have most of the tools needed to do the job.
However, the things you mentioned are not the true weaknesses of the warrior right now.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Don’t worry, I’ve got more arguments. I’ll bring them up if you refute any of mine.
To me, this entire thread looks like a “I’m a berserker warrior in PvP, make me viable” whine.
Do warriors need some help? Well.. kinda. But they need a very, very, very slight push, because they already have most of the tools needed to do the job.
However, the things you mentioned are not the true weaknesses of the warrior right now.

I refuted everything you got, that is why you are mad now, just leave please or i will report you for doing offtopic rages.

Im not even answering to you anymore, im done with you.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I agree with Fenrir, he may be ‘whiney’ as you state, but he at least has a point, your flaming and trying to derail his threads only shows how childish you are.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Actually, Mace + Shield is Overpowered.

If you don’t happen to meet that 5 warrior man team… you will surely do, if you become more serious about your gaming.

So, if warrior is boost in a direction, they surely deserve nerf in another direction.

Moot points. Warrior have the best HP pool of the game. And in doing so, are the more easiest to simply do 30/30/… build than all others classes. More, they have the same armor has guardian with more CC and DPS.

Bunk Guard + Bunk Warrior with all shouts are invincible on mid fight.

So please, go find a build that is reliable (yeah many in the warrior class are reliable) and practice more.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Actually, Mace + Shield is Overpowered.

If you don’t happen to meet that 5 warrior man team… you will surely do, if you become more serious about your gaming.

So, if warrior is boost in a direction, they surely deserve nerf in another direction.

Moot points. Warrior have the best HP pool of the game. And in doing so, are the more easiest to simply do 30/30/… build than all others classes. More, they have the same armor has guardian with more CC and DPS.

Bunk Guard + Bunk Warrior with all shouts are invincible on mid fight.

So please, go find a build that is reliable (yeah many in the warrior class are reliable) and practice more.

Its not OP, anyone has stunbreak or teleport, if the gimmick of skullcrakc+ hb or eviserate is killing you, maybe you should reconsider telling people to practice more when you do clearly need it too.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Jourdelune, you have been told. Fenrir just owned you with his impeccable arguments.

On a more serious note, I spent the past few minutes trying to find where exactly you managed to refute my arguments. I think the forums must be bugged, I can’t see that post.

What type of warrior build would you like to see become effective? What are you aiming for exactly? Because things you listed in the opening post, things like berserker phantasm, warrior bunkering, rocket boots, etc, they’re not the true problem at all.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Manijin.3428


I think the main issue right now is that the warrior is INTENDED to be more durable than other classes, which is supposed to make up for it’s general lack of maneuverability in combat (barring very few weapons), or access to vigor/protection, but in reality warrior isn’t really that much more durable, and keep in mind, I say this with healing shouts and a cleric’s amulet, which is about as tanky as a warrior can get including a shield and some stability and stunbreaks.

Now, conditions are something I eat for breakfast. I cleanse conditions SOOOOO fast with soldier runes and Cleansing Ire on a longbow that I can actually keep up with just about any condition application, and I cleanse a few off the group, too. However, straight damage, ironically enough, is my Achilles’ Heel. All it takes is a couple of well placed crits, typically 1 more than normal than would take down an unprotected guardian (so no aegis or protection) and I’m down for the count, heals or no. A higher health pool isn’t going to save me from these mega hits, even if I am more able to withstand steady pressure.

I even tried spec’ing more offensively to counteract my lack of damage (Valkyrie amulet), and while my healing was only slightly worse, it didn’t help my damage enough to make the difference, and I think this is where warriors need help: They don’t have a focus (unless you count being a CC master, which I guess you could). If you bring a CC warrior, you’ll be… okay. If you’re a good player, you’ll be great. But going for anything else screws you over because, while your damage may be good, your survivability you sacrifice to gain that damage goes down the CRAPPER, with no way to get it back outside of a few seconds of invuln. On the flip side, if you specialize in tankiness, you lose the ability to finish your foe, and lack the sustainability to withstand multiple foes due to a lack of steady invulnerability frames (dodges, blocks, etc.). It’s not that warrior is BAD. I love it, and frequently do well enough for myself… but I made a bunker thief that holds points better than my warrior with half his health and half his healing, and WAY more easily. THAT, I think, should show the power of damage prevention/avoidance over healing or base armor.

(edited by Manijin.3428)

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Godofallu.2935


1 warrior in a teamcomp is UP. 2+ can be pretty OP. The problem is their damage is insane which allows them to hop into a fight and very quickly destroy teams with no hope of a revive. Once they wipe a team they have some of the best mobility in the game which can lead to matches snowballing out of control.

I don’t really like where warriors are now because I think berserker’s stance was the wrong way to go about balancing them and it just feels cheesy. I don’t think they are overpowered but they are definitely cheesy ATM. Longbow f1 is way too large which destroys the ability to play around it and berserker’s stance obliterates the ability to snare/blind/stun a frenzy’d warrior leaving little room to outplay your opponent in order to prevent a cheesy death.

Proud GW2 Esports Guild Admin and Coach. Whisper me for duels, help, or guild invites.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: forrae.6708


1 warrior in a teamcomp is UP. 2+ can be pretty OP. The problem is their damage is insane which allows them to hop into a fight and very quickly destroy teams with no hope of a revive. Once they wipe a team they have some of the best mobility in the game which can lead to matches snowballing out of control.

just give them plenty of support and you’re good. haven’t seen this too often.

thugged out since cubscouts

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol dude you clearly don’t know how to play warrior it is godam good now… The reason many teams have not incorporated it yet is because right now the meta is broken in terms of condis and people need time to play around with warrior to see how they can fit it in best because keep in mind after this patch they finally just became good. They are not going to take chances like that right before pax….. Try me anytime on warrior I will eat you alive (of course unless you would like to get on a 1v1 spec). Anet has chosen cc to be what warrs bring to table. Stop QQing and practice more simple as that.
/end thread please

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Lol dude you clearly don’t know how to play warrior it is godam good now… The reason many teams have not incorporated it yet is because right now the meta is broken in terms of condis and people need time to play around with warrior to see how they can fit it in best because keep in mind after this patch they finally just became good. They are not going to take chances like that right before pax….. Try me anytime on warrior I will eat you alive (of course unless you would like to get on a 1v1 spec). Anet has chosen cc to be what warrs bring to table. Stop QQing and practice more simple as that.
/end thread please

Your right warriors bring cc to the table the problem with that is all the ccs are extremely easy to dodge and have massive tells. You can even actually predict when a warrior is going to use a cc because of how obvious it is. Its sad when the most effective race for a warrior is asura because their animations are much smaller and less noticeable. IF they smooth up the warriors animation their will be a perfect place for them in tpvp.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

(edited by Derps.7421)

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Gele.2048


Warrior I think has gotten sufficient changes and does not need more (So same thing that happened to necros does not happen to warrior) once this meta becomes less dependent on condi spam I think teams will be looking to out in warriors.
I mean if you look at the changes the healing surge got huge buff, berserker stance is quite good, and the changes in traits were good except for the berserkers power going grand master, and lastly the skull crack change was huge I mean right now a warrior with good timing is close to unstoppable in team fights, in a way it is kinda OP.

warior dies 1 on 1 whit any class i can kill warior so easy max cc and he dead if he is even melee then u can perfectly kill whit not even take little dmg u can kite him forever

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Gele.2048


Lol dude you clearly don’t know how to play warrior it is godam good now… The reason many teams have not incorporated it yet is because right now the meta is broken in terms of condis and people need time to play around with warrior to see how they can fit it in best because keep in mind after this patch they finally just became good. They are not going to take chances like that right before pax….. Try me anytime on warrior I will eat you alive (of course unless you would like to get on a 1v1 spec). Anet has chosen cc to be what warrs bring to table. Stop QQing and practice more simple as that.
/end thread please

wariors have CC ? are u kittenING INSANE or on droogs what cc it got 2 skills for cc whit more then 40 sek CD and got slow animation that u can doge so fast and last to little melee warriors are JOKE

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Dude…. I don’t know what warriors your facing but warrs 1v1 are gods lol… mace shield /gs if your losing 1v1 with that regularly you have a problem… Of course mesmer troll 1v1 specs will win but other than that with good timing and speed you can overcome almost all classes. I kill most necros if I have berserker stance up easy.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Dude…. I don’t know what warriors your facing but warrs 1v1 are gods lol… mace shield /gs if your losing 1v1 with that regularly you have a problem… Of course mesmer troll 1v1 specs will win but other than that with good timing and speed you can overcome almost all classes. I kill most necros if I have berserker stance up easy.

They are 1v1 gods against bad players. A good player will dodge all of your stuns because they are so kittening easy to dodge lol.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


I will admit that War has a hard time 1v1, but it is not that impossible like you thought. But in team fight, War is pretty good current state. If it is Condi fight, pop Condi immune,rush in, lock and burst down, then get out of there, all of this can be accomplished during the Condi immune duration. If wear Soldier Amulet, the direct dams will be no problem. If it is Direct Dam fight, applied the same practice but with Endure Pain. And trust me on this, in team fight, it is way messy to see a War Bull Rush in,90% of the time it will connect, and that’s all you need to burst 18k Hp engine with 1500 toughness to 0 in less than 5s. On a side note, I see more and more War showing up in pre-made team as well as soloQ,some even have 2. So that is a good sign that War is catching up other prof for spot in tPvP.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Lol. There is no point even bringing up points with you guys. You guys are making it seem every class has like 10 stun breaks and 10 dodges… engis barely have one that can be incorporated into the build and they have 2 dodges. If you are having hard time hitting skull crack on good players then there is a problem with your way of playing the class… No point in just QQing when you have not fully explored ways in employing your cc.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Cyhann.2609


Lol. There is no point even bringing up points with you guys. You guys are making it seem every class has like 10 stun breaks and 10 dodges… engis barely have one that can be incorporated into the build and they have 2 dodges. If you are having hard time hitting skull crack on good players then there is a problem with your way of playing the class… No point in just QQing when you have not fully explored ways in employing your cc.

So you have 20 stuns/whatever on your warrior?

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


OP just seems like a bad warrior, he doesn’t believe Bulls Rush stuns? he takes mobile strikes any movement skill breaks immobilize. Sounds like he doesn’t know his class too well.
Warriors are very hard to beat when played well…and they do still have some of the highest damage in the game.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Matzepeng.1053


Not sure if you’re trying to troll or just can’t be bothered to read.

You should take your time and have a look at the skill description.
Bull’s charge is a knockdown not a stun (which also means that neither unsuspecting foe nor sigil of paralyzation have any effect on it). Yes it removes immobilize IF you have mobile strikes traited, but it’s still effected by chill and cripple just like any other warrior movement skill except savage leap.

On the other hand rocket boots remove all three conditions, without you having to trait for it.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Dude…. I don’t know what warriors your facing but warrs 1v1 are gods lol… mace shield /gs if your losing 1v1 with that regularly you have a problem… Of course mesmer troll 1v1 specs will win but other than that with good timing and speed you can overcome almost all classes. I kill most necros if I have berserker stance up easy.

From my experience, against certain enemies (mesmers, eles) I win 1v1s in tourneys, but not on dueling servers: on open fields melee classes have a really hard time, while around points or in narrow spaces they can apply constant pressure.

Just remember to choose your ground and you’ll have a chance to fight and win.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


Dude…. I don’t know what warriors your facing but warrs 1v1 are gods lol… mace shield /gs if your losing 1v1 with that regularly you have a problem… Of course mesmer troll 1v1 specs will win but other than that with good timing and speed you can overcome almost all classes. I kill most necros if I have berserker stance up easy.

From my experience, against certain enemies (mesmers, eles) I win 1v1s in tourneys, but not on dueling servers: on open fields melee classes have a really hard time, while around points or in narrow spaces they can apply constant pressure.

Just remember to choose your ground and you’ll have a chance to fight and win.

Yea well dueling servers is another thing because people bring purely 1v1 specs so you get kitten like that but tourneys good positioning equals win for you.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


All I am trying to say here is warrior is in a good spot and once the meta in whole sways away from condi spam warriors are going to be wanted for teams. Like for example you run a s/d ele with warrior, the warrior can call the stun then ele gets all his burst and if ele goes 30 in air for shocking aura that will be insta gib on an enemy.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


All I am trying to say here is warrior is in a good spot and once the meta in whole sways away from condi spam warriors are going to be wanted for teams. Like for example you run a s/d ele with warrior, the warrior can call the stun then ele gets all his burst and if ele goes 30 in air for shocking aura that will be insta gib on an enemy.

I agree, I think our spot is nice. We bring constant pressure and we are kind of a jack-of-all-trades: we can help killing the enemy bunker quickly (with another teammate), we can take out condi spammers on big fights, we can prevent some resses with 100b, and we can hold a point for some time, depending on the build and our enemies we will probably die in not much time, but sometimes it might save a match.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Velron.3729


All I am trying to say here is warrior is in a good spot and once the meta in whole sways away from condi spam warriors are going to be wanted for teams. Like for example you run a s/d ele with warrior, the warrior can call the stun then ele gets all his burst and if ele goes 30 in air for shocking aura that will be insta gib on an enemy.

This works really well…but I believe something that can do pretty good burst while also boon stripping would be superior. Remove protection and stability from CC Warrior’s target = gg. S/D Thief and Shatter Mes come to mind.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


ya a Warrior teamed up with a Wells necro, Shatter Mesmer w/ Null Field, or S/D thief will wreck some fools.

If you guys haven’t tried the LB/Hammer build do so. You will crush everything in sight.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


So many jack of all trade now. Among them, I guess Eles is the worst jack of all trade Q___Q.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Warrior inconsistencies topic.

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


OP just seems like a bad warrior, he doesn’t believe Bulls Rush stuns? he takes mobile strikes any movement skill breaks immobilize. Sounds like he doesn’t know his class too well.
Warriors are very hard to beat when played well…and they do still have some of the highest damage in the game.

Oh you are!!!!

I read this post and i guessed it was the same guy who posted this stupid thing, just read it and LOL HARD:

If you trait warhorn you remove 2 conditions every 12 seconds along with free removal of cripple/chill/immobilize. On top of this you can trait to get free shake it off every 20 seconds if you have 2+ conditions. Even more on top of that you can trait cleansing ire to remove max 3 conditions with full adrenaline bar.

Hope you don’t mind me expanding on this.

Berserker Stance removes all conditions and stops them being applied to you for 10 seconds…possibly 12 if you trait stances.
Signet of Stamina removes all conditions.
Restorative Strength – Removes chilled, immobilize and weakness on heal.
Mobile strikes – Any movement skill removes immobilize.

Then this happened:

Berserker Stance removes ZERO conditions. It is preventative only. You cannot pop it after the conditions are already on you to make them fall off.

Should learn your class then it reduces duration by 100% that means they are removed.

Here is the topic:


I think this kid should stop posting on warrior threads for the sake of his dignity.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”