Warrior? . . . maybe guardian
Well what profession / build are you running?
D/P thief, that is actually one of the best against a power build since blind field, i never play S/D.
I can kill them but since i need stealth they always cap very easy.
The thing is how much time and pressure you need to kill one.
in before 20+ posts from warriors saying you are bad you need to poison your target and regeneration is fine
there was some pilosophie in classdesign ages ago – something like when be good in 1 thing you have to be bad in others
like engi the king of knockbacks but dont have stability or guardians best bunker but cant do damage or “old” warrior highest damage ingame but squishi as hell
dont know why warrior now have to be tanky and still have the highest damage + best CC ingame on par with necros and alot stability
something is wrong here
(edited by Romek.4201)
Well other than poisoning, I’m not 100% sure how you’d kill them any faster than your are already, it’s just kind of the nature of fighting a build with lots of blocks / regen as a thief. My guess is you’d have a similar problem against guardians, if not worse.
I do get what you’re saying about Warriors these days though, when I get a good 1v1 with them it’s like fighting a bizzaro version of myself (as a Guardian).
D/P thief, that is actually one of the best against a power build since blind field, i never play S/D.
I can kill them but since i need stealth they always cap very easy.
The thing is how much time and pressure you need to kill one.
That is exactly it. D/P thief played well can kill most stuff 1v1, but you will almost always get neuted in the process and will often get the point capped from under you while trying to get the kill. The best you can do is try to play the node neutral for as long as you can and get the kill as fast as possible. Try to remember that keeping the node neutral keeps the opponent from scoring and that your harassment holds their scoring potential down while (hopefully) the rest of your team is scoring on the other 2 nodes. S/D is substantially better at contesting the point since it is less reliant on stealth (more evade focused) to be effective, which is why most thieves have gone to that set.
But the S/D 1v1 is good because it hits hard, but i don’t really know how they survive with the current condi meta.
If S/D gets into a fight 4v4, fir sure will be a lot of AOE condi spamms and S/D has not that many cleanse skills to survive.
I know people say that S/D is the meta on thieves now, but to me they are a bad version of a warrior.
Maybe i’am playing it wrong . . . thoughts?
S/D is more effective in small scale skirmish, far point harassment and catching folks between points out of position. You are correct in your assessment that an S/D struggles a bit in the AoE spam fest, large scale team fights, but a D/P doesn’t really have a much easier time there anyway. The D/P can nibble around the edges and gib someone that gets low, but Sword #2 and #3 actually prop up the S/D set with a bit more sustain in those same fights allowing more effective DPS if the positioning and evade tools are used well.