Warrior nerfed too much??? tpvp
This is because engi and ele have a better synergy together in a teamfight and the ROM build is not really widespread (or atleast i dunno in na but in Eu every good war uses it).
So the top warriors like ROM and Tarcis now use a shout sword warhorn build? Which is a joke for a warr. You can’t smash things or deal massive dmg with a warhorn….
As MarkPhilips said, the cele shout S/WH warrior is a very potent build, but it plays differently from hambow. Not as much presence in team fights due to the lack of hammer CC, but a ridiculously good side node duelist. Only D/D ele can force a stalemate, every other class/build you can beat. Yes, including cele engies. It’s a hybrid condi build, though, so it won’t give you the satisfaction of “smashing things” as you so succinctly put it. If you like warrior, you should give it a go at least. What’s the harm?
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
Maybe it’s a chance. In the times of the almighty hambow, you almost couldn’t play anything else. This new S/WH meta completely changed the role of the warrior in a team composition, which is kind of refreshing. You also see a lot of players running S/S, rabid or celestial, which is probably a little less effective but looks kitten!
Wars a good as they are, just ele/engie broken
i have been using sword-warhorn shout build from march with formerly setteler but with celestial since april cele buff patch. Honestly, cele shout sword-warhorn is only good at pvp tourney, or WvW becuz it requires you survivaility, mobility and supportiveness and etc.. you gotta waste flurry to make combo with bow skills or final thrust to make some dmg, becuz flurry doesnt do dmg wjthout deep cut. I would say sword-warhorn build is currently best warrior build FOR TOURNEY OR WVW ONLY. They arent that good in 1vs1 dueling though. sword-warhorn build is just focusing on too many aspects that can be happned in tpvp : duel, team fight, support, rez, fast capping, running away and etc… this buils isnt the best at any one of list above, but pretty much does fine on all of above list.
(edited by Kitt.2567)
I don’t know if it’s been nerfed too much, there are a couple competitive builds.
I do think it’s been nerfed in the wrong ways though. Pigeonholed into tanky dps celestial or soldier bow builds. Too much reliance on CI-LB and healing signet.
I don’t play warrior but I think the problem is their telegraphed attacks. No other class has such easy to dodge skills . Without shouts I think warrior class is weaker than others. But shouts are really strong, they need to reduce the healing of shouts and buff warrior damage and reduce cast time on weapon skills.
I don’t know why people talk about shout like it’s some thing so amazing.
it’s basically a mini DD ele. it’s a DD ele, but worse.
(edited by Simon.3794)
Shout warrior isn’t strong. It’s actually a pretty horrendous build to play outside of zerging in wvw. Even more atrocious when you put LB on it instead of hammer.
There are a whole slough of DPS oriented warrior builds that would have actual impacts on team fights. If you need someone to sit on a point, there’s better things to have do it.
I don’t play warrior but I think the problem is their telegraphed attacks. No other class has such easy to dodge skills . Without shouts I think warrior class is weaker than others. But shouts are really strong, they need to reduce the healing of shouts and buff warrior damage and reduce cast time on weapon skills.
Shout Warrior is pretty strong among many warrior builds. However, shout warrior never win against cele ele, turret engi, pu or condi mes when both 2 are equally skilled in each prof when dueling. I tried tones of times against decent players, whose pvp lb rank is pretty high as me(previous lb’s top #1~300 people), of those profs in dueling arena and ranked arena. so I think it is fine, not that OP as hell. For case of thief, Magic toker (theif) pwned me(i runned shout war at that time) before, so i think its not that op.
Wars a good as they are, just ele/engie broken
[Teef] guild :>
reduce the healing of shouts
erm no. kitten no.
vigorous shouts are fine and in a good spot.
leave them be.
Shout warrior isn’t strong. It’s actually a pretty horrendous build to play outside of zerging in wvw. Even more atrocious when you put LB on it instead of hammer.
don’t know why you would say this but s/w is a pretty good build for pvp, especially effective against condi necros, rangers, and thieves. only problem I had with it is against most engis (turret engi usually), shatter mesmer, and some eles. Of those, i can usually take down most mesmer and eles in 1v1. Most of the eles with bunker builds usualy seem unbeatable, but halfway thru the fight they will start to lose health while you will be close to full health if you use ur skills off cd. the only ones you can’t take down is some bunker eles, they don’t lose health so you can’t beat them, but then they can’t beat you either.. so no one wins.
(edited by nagr.1593)
Warrior is nerfed in a sense that Long Bow is a must have weapon. They DID NOT compensate the F1 skills that were gutted because of this.
Eviscerate is already easily avoidable and depends on critical RNG. Skull Crack got nerfed even though no one even plays Mace builds.
This nerf only made Sword, Maybe GS, Hammer and Long Bow F1 favorable because you’re going to hit something most likely.
Same concept as to how they nerfed Frenzy without compensating Warrior in general years ago..
TL;DR They nerfed Adrenaline and gutted Mace and Axe F1 skills because of it, they also did not compensate both of those. They could have taken away the casting time on Skull Crack or maybe doubled it’s damage, but no.
Hambow is still a very nice build, that you can beat them on a thief(assuming you are a S/D thief) is no surprise as you counter them pretty badly