(edited by Calae.1738)
Warrior vs Elementalist: Mobility Race
Because the Elementalist has giant quantities of protection, healing, cleansing, and invulnerability?
Where is rush??Also ar you gonna make a comparison with ranger gs/sword spec or thief with sb and hs spam.
No seriously i did the maths myself and mobility over longer periods of time drops so low that eles mobility is not worth the title of second kitten child of last servant..not close to “king” of mobility than many people think.
Well if only i could spam that 6 sec cd 600 range leap on my totally viable lightning hammer :P
Because the Elementalist has giant quantities of protection, healing, cleansing, and invulnerability?
The bunker spec is not what got nerfed by the way. It’s the glass specs. With inferior mobility; the Elementalist no longer has the choice of being anything other than a bunker.
It’s the god kitten bunker that SHOULD have been nerfed!
kitten you Arenanet.
Not counting utilities (blink skill/speed signet)/ traits / runes? 0/10
Btw, RTL is apparently 1500 range
Really? Eles are complaining about Warriors? I have now seen it all.
Beast mode
Well warrior might get there faster but he will be a easy kill. Elemenalist gets there a second later but kills everything or at least cant be killed by anyone.
Because an Elementalist uses magic and should stay at some point spamming ranged AoE… not needing mobility… oh wait it’s Guild Wars 2 not some other game with some usual mage or wizard class… everything different here.
Not counting utilities (blink skill/speed signet)/ traits / runes? 0/10
blink is 900 range on a 45 sec cd so it wont change much.He doesnt count conjures that provide leaps that lower the difference a bit and the elite conjure which does make ele the most mobile kid in town while equiped.None of them are viable in pvp though.
Aye yet the warrior as a class is not very viable, not due to the warrior being a bad class but due to the un-killable cheese classes and builds.
Not counting utilities (blink skill/speed signet)/ traits / runes? 0/10
blink is 900 range on a 45 sec cd so it wont change much.He doesnt count conjures that provide leaps that lower the difference a bit and the elite conjure which does make ele the most mobile kid in town while equiped.None of them are viable in pvp though.
Still, easy acess to Swiftness or “One with Air” or even the Signet of Air (which warrior lacks) and the fact that Lightning Flash can be used on upper ground, like Khylo,Foefire and Temple. There’s no way a ele would lose a race against a warrior.
Not counting utilities (blink skill/speed signet)/ traits / runes? 0/10
blink is 900 range on a 45 sec cd so it wont change much.He doesnt count conjures that provide leaps that lower the difference a bit and the elite conjure which does make ele the most mobile kid in town while equiped.None of them are viable in pvp though.
Still, easy acess to Swiftness or “One with Air” or even the Signet of Air (which warrior lacks) and the fact that Lightning Flash can be used on upper ground, like Khylo,Foefire and Temple. There’s no way a ele would lose a race against a warrior.
Well warriors acess to swiftness also affects the range of his movement skills and his uptime with signet elite is more than decent(s/d vlak roaming burst build used by tp has less than 50 % uptime of swiftness).
No matter how you see it man..This change is the same as making rtl 20 sec and 600 range when it comes to long periods of travelling.Would you say a class that has a 20 sec cd 600 range leap… mobile?Guardian has one leap on a 15 sec cd
Again i dont dismiss the usefullness of the ability as disengage since it isnt affected by slows but it really pretty much kills all roaming moreso in other modes since in spvp distances are shorter and short bursts of mobility are preferred
I can only find this change stupid..
Not counting utilities (blink skill/speed signet)/ traits / runes? 0/10
blink is 900 range on a 45 sec cd so it wont change much.He doesnt count conjures that provide leaps that lower the difference a bit and the elite conjure which does make ele the most mobile kid in town while equiped.None of them are viable in pvp though.
Still, easy acess to Swiftness or “One with Air” or even the Signet of Air (which warrior lacks) and the fact that Lightning Flash can be used on upper ground, like Khylo,Foefire and Temple. There’s no way a ele would lose a race against a warrior.
A warrior can click Signet of Rage and gets 30 seconds of swiftness. You want to use lightning flash on your Elementalist? That’s OK, I’ll juts catch up to you with a Bull’s Charge.
Anything else?
Now repeat the race with chill or cripple and lets see what happens!
Now repeat the race with chill or cripple and lets see what happens!
Great point man.
Beast mode
Not counting utilities (blink skill/speed signet)/ traits / runes? 0/10
blink is 900 range on a 45 sec cd so it wont change much.He doesnt count conjures that provide leaps that lower the difference a bit and the elite conjure which does make ele the most mobile kid in town while equiped.None of them are viable in pvp though.
Still, easy acess to Swiftness or “One with Air” or even the Signet of Air (which warrior lacks) and the fact that Lightning Flash can be used on upper ground, like Khylo,Foefire and Temple. There’s no way a ele would lose a race against a warrior.
A warrior can click Signet of Rage and gets 30 seconds of swiftness. You want to use lightning flash on your Elementalist? That’s OK, I’ll juts catch up to you with a Bull’s Charge.
Anything else?
Pew! That was easy.
the RoTL is so that ele’s disengage battle whenever they want, and then come back with the same skill at full health with the same skill.
Also, warriors are a meele class, ele’s are not :P D/D is just a build but doesn’t mean the class is suppose to be on your faces 100% of the time. :]
Ya guys this guys obviously a pro. We clearly need to nerf warriors.
The heavy armored warrior vs the cloth wearing Elementalist. Who would win in a race? Lets find out.
Warrior: One hand sword + Greatsword
Elementalist: Dagger + DaggerElementlist:
Ride the Lightning 1200 range 40 second cooldown.
Burning Speed 600 range 15 second cooldown.Warrior:
Savage Leap 600 range 8 second cooldown
Whirlwind 450 range 10 second cooldown10 seconds:
Elementalist covered 1800 range.
Warrior covered 2100 range.20 seconds
Elementalist covered 2400 range.
Warrior covered 3150 range.30 seconds
Elementlist covered 3000 range.
Warrior covered 4200 range.Why would a Warrior with 8000 more base health and 200 more base armor have better mobility than the Elementalist?
I don’t understand.
It gets far more complicated when considering the issues that each class does or does not face, the efficacy of said classes in combat and the designated roles that each class plays.
Mobility in and of itself is not good when you can’t do kitten all in combat. It’s only one piece of the puzzle.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
Ya guys this guys obviously a pro. We clearly need to nerf warriors.
He’s not saying nerf warriors, he’s saying that the sudden nerf-into-the-ground of eles mobility from RtL was a little heavy handed. Fix the range issue? Sounds good, you’ve already brought the cd up from 15 to 20, so maybe just the range change will even things out and will really give the skill balance. But suddenly slapping on a huge cd if used for mobility? What would people say if the other classes skills that are also used for target-less mobility suddenly came at a massive opportunity cost?
What if a Thiefs Inf. Arrow took more initiative if nothing was blinded? Or if they put it on a cd.
Thief HS. 450 range, can be chained.
Ranger leap skills? Dirt cheap cds.
Rush? 20s cd, also 1200 range.
The range nerf was a bug that needed to be fix. The cooldown is overkill.
Overkill and it doesn’t target the stuff that was actually needed to balance ele’s. It just limits eles to continue playing tanky builds because they can’t use a burst combo and then get out, like every other burst class in the game.
Overkill and it doesn’t target the stuff that was actually needed to balance ele’s. It just limits eles to continue playing tanky builds because they can’t use a burst combo and then get out, like every other burst class in the game.
just saw this and thought i woudl share, its not that it doesn’t exist. people jus thaven’t looked for them.
Overkill and it doesn’t target the stuff that was actually needed to balance ele’s. It just limits eles to continue playing tanky builds because they can’t use a burst combo and then get out, like every other burst class in the game.
just saw this and thought i woudl share, its not that it doesn’t exist. people jus thaven’t looked for them.
That build is so viable I can’t breathe.
The triple arcane glass canon ele is taking over the meta.
Golems and AFK people beware.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
lol he’s talking about burst combo and then get out hahah, i think this build can do that i’m test it on cause it looks fun, other than that, try not to be too sore when you can’t get away from me cause i dodged your RotL. promise ill be nice
lol he’s talking about burst combo and then get out hahah, i think this build can do that
i’m test it on cause it looks fun, other than that, try not to be too sore when you can’t get away from me cause i dodged your RotL. promise ill be nice
lol eles will be laughed at..Warriors will dodge the initial rtl ,then go /dance while we are waiting for our dragons tooth to materialise and then hiting f1 on axe criting for 123455k due to per boon damage :P
It will be glorious i tell you..
This is simple just the comparison bw mobility to show that Eles is not the King of Mobility like many people claim . Why’s some people give out dams, boon, survivability,burst in here? Their is a post for it and this is certainly not. Place for it. Thanks Op.
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