Warriors Discussion Thread

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: xloz.6280


Press h and screenshot your stats.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I’m not trying to be rude here, but I have a feeling these were staged, especially the second pic. Forgive me if I’m wrong but doesn’t 100b only hit 8 times, maybe 9 with the final swing. And the second pic shows no stuns or immobilizes hitting you, so you were just standing there taking multiple 100b’s.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


For whatever it’s worth in consideration, Bull’s Charge does have a knockdown if you’re moving when hit. Which tends to be often. I can’t remember if that’s something that shows up in the death break down or not.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Raltay.7613


Warrior’s – 40% of every team ?
Maybe in pugs – in more organized pvp modes (like tournaments) warriors are nonexistent:

  1. Their utility skills are clearly inferior to guardian (just take skills with similar effects side-by-side and compare them),
  2. They have no real escape mechanism – in any Xv1 (with X > 1) if warrior isn’t heavily traited for defense and packs defensive utility (balanced stance, “shake it off”, endure pain) – kittening his DPS in the process – the warrior WILL DIE – and even if he is traited/specced defensively, it will only prolong his agony by those few seconds and not be something that can save him,
  3. As a follow-up to previous point – as somebody said in warrior subforum – armor means NOTHING in this game, it’s stealth/clones/evasiveness/distortion that are true kings of survivability,
  4. They have almost no skills that can make significant change on the battlefield – just compare for example warrior’s and guardian’s shield skills,
  5. Many skills having only single effect or/and having too long CDs for what they have to offer (and how much they have to offer) and/or being simply UP (Rampage, all banners, most of physical),
  6. Warriors only excel in bursts – even in constant DPS field they are easily matched by Guardians,
  7. The whole warrior class design makes me feel like it has been dashed off in less than 10 min by somebody who couldn’t decide what roles should warrior perform in game – they can do a bit of this, a bit of that, but overall every their role is performed better by other classes,

Note: just my humble opinion on the current state of Warrior – feel free to disagree

(edited by Raltay.7613)

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Quickness HB is a dumb combo and needs to be removed. Actually quickness is a dumb boon and needs to be removed.

If that happened 90% of the crying about thieves and warriors would stop.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

You kidding me, quickness is a minor problem at best. Anything large is on a minor cooldown and anything single character buff is easily counterable, not to mention classes that run it tend to be easily and quickly squished.

It takes an organized team to even properly use Quickness properly, and an organized team can counter it just as easily.

Seriously, quit griping that you got outplayed or caught off guard and learn from it please.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

For Warrior’s 100b burst combo on Mesmer, the most guarenteed evasion result is Blink.

Shoot it behind them as they’re coming in on you and you’re golden for a counter attack.

Barring that, keep Phantasmal Guardian out. Even their full burst won’t kill you when they’re dealing half damage + a likely Protection buff on top of that.

That’s if you’ve gotten caught. The best way for a mesmer to counter a warrior is to go on the offensive against them. Even the tanky ones die faster than say a Tanky Necro or Guardian.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Hundred Blades is only eight strikes plus the final strike. Definitely looks like a staged 1v1 since there is no other damage in there at all, which you would expect to see in W3 or sPvP.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Maybe in pugs – in more organized pvp modes (like tournaments) warriors are nonexistent:

  1. Their utility skills are clearly inferior to guardian (just take skills with similar effects side-by-side and compare them),
  2. They have no real escape mechanism – in any Xv1 (with X > 1) if warrior isn’t heavily traited for defense and packs defensive utility (balanced stance, “shake it off”, endure pain) – kittening his DPS in the process – the warrior WILL DIE – and even if he is traited/specced defensively, it will only prolong his agony by those few seconds and not be something that can save him,
  3. As a follow-up to previous point – as somebody said in warrior subforum – armor means NOTHING in this game, it’s stealth/clones/evasiveness/distortion that are true kings of survivability,
  4. They have almost no skills that can make significant change on the battlefield – just compare for example warrior’s and guardian’s shield skills,
  5. Many skills having only single effect or/and having too long CDs for what they have to offer (and how much they have to offer) and/or being simply UP (Rampage, all banners, most of physical),
  6. Warriors only excel in bursts – even in constant DPS field they are easily matched by Guardians,
  7. The whole warrior class design makes me feel like it has been dashed off in less than 10 min by somebody who couldn’t decide what roles should warrior perform in game – they can do a bit of this, a bit of that, but overall every their role is performed better by other classes,

Note: just my humble opinion on the current state of Warrior – feel free to disagree

Couldn’t agree more.

In TPvP warriors are kind of like having half a player on your team. Considering pretty much every team that’s worth a kitten has dropped wars from their roster if not outright stated that warriors suck and are outperformed at any role by another class it’s pretty much GG wars until something happens to restructure the class.

BTW, actually writing up a point by point comparison of warrior skills/traits vs those of other classes who perform the same function. Even engineer kit shield skills surpass warrior shield skills for instance, which is kittened up on a whole new level.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend