[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Did a few tpvp with the warr, and more solo tpvp. Cause they do want me on the thief. But I must say warr dmg is insane!!

And he just looks like a beast lol

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Maybe if you lost some weight…

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Manijin.3428


Well, the video is mostly a compilation of one burst combo that’s become popular on Warriors these days. I’ve fought many like it. The thing is, outside of that combo, there’s little the warrior brings to the table with this build. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to remember our limitations.

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


Well, the video is mostly a compilation of one burst combo that’s become popular on Warriors these days. I’ve fought many like it. The thing is, outside of that combo, there’s little the warrior brings to the table with this build. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to remember our limitations.

I disagree I think a good warrior is well worth his weight…for example spirit rangers are the big thing…well a good warrior counters them very well, they also counter necro’s well so the two big classes at the moment have trouble with warriors, take the advantage!

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Yes, warrior damage is very high, though I’m not sure what the point of this video was: Youtube is full of clip shows from every class showing off big burst damage. If you want to show off a class, or your skill, you should post an unedited high-end pvp match.

Most of the people in your video didn’t even know they had a dodge button.

Edit: Just had a look at the player titles in that vid: Maybe I missed it, but there weren’t any (or many) Ransackers in there. Lots of PVE or non-titled characters though. The Champ Phantom necro is an exception, and we all know stuns are the hard counter to necros due to their lack of stability.

(edited by Kharr.5746)

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Yes, warrior damage is very high, though I’m not sure what the point of this video was: Youtube is full of clip shows from every class showing off big burst damage. If you want to show off a class, or your skill, you should post an unedited high-end pvp match.

Most of the people in your video didn’t even know they had a dodge button.

Edit: Just had a look at the player titles in that vid: Maybe I missed it, but there weren’t any (or many) Ransackers in there. Lots of PVE or non-titled characters though. The Champ Phantom necro is an exception, and we all know stuns are the hard counter to necros due to their lack of stability.

Point of the video, own interest, I just love it to edit videos, and share them with you. And as I cant test it alot in tpvp I wanna hear your opinion bout warrs with this build, in tpvp my thief is more wanted.

Try to dodge the f1 mace -_- Wait till stab in off etc. Most of them were ranked. But then again dont be fooled by rank. And titles, I sometimes run with sanctum sprinter or slayer title. ^^

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Manijin.3428


Well, the video is mostly a compilation of one burst combo that’s become popular on Warriors these days. I’ve fought many like it. The thing is, outside of that combo, there’s little the warrior brings to the table with this build. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to remember our limitations.

I disagree I think a good warrior is well worth his weight…for example spirit rangers are the big thing…well a good warrior counters them very well, they also counter necro’s well so the two big classes at the moment have trouble with warriors, take the advantage!

Oh, I’m not arguing that a good warrior is bad. I play warrior almost exclusively, and frequently prove an asset to my team. I just don’t appreciate a post that does nothing but showcase warrior damage against unprepared players when there is so much more they can bring to the table. Almost any class can do decent to high damage. Warriors just have 1 combo that works well assuming your opponent doesn’t have sufficient evasion/stunbreakers.

That’s not meant to be a dig against the OP, I’m glad he had fun playing a warrior, and clearly he was an asset to his team. My issue is that the video doesn’t really… well, do anything. It showcases a popular combo for about 5 minutes, and that’s about it. It’s effective, but hardly proof of the benefit a warrior can provide a team.

In regards to the overall effectiveness of the build, it seems to be doing fine. In larger team fights it’d require considerable support (due to being immensely squishy), but in small skirmishes or 1v1’s it shines, which is the point, I assume. As long as you use your greatsword mobility to help harass far and home, sticking to small skirmishes, you should maintain maximum effectiveness.

(edited by Manijin.3428)

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Panda.1793


Great video! Intro music made me chuckle.

Helpful too as I run a similar build, and now iv seen what difference’s there are between the two, saving me a lot of time. So thanks!

Proud too, to see people who still wanna just wanna crack some skulls together

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Dragnela.6532


The dmg is hugee!!

[Warriors] available tpvp?! [Video Warr PoV]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


In regards to the overall effectiveness of the build, it seems to be doing fine. In larger team fights it’d require considerable support (due to being immensely squishy), but in small skirmishes or 1v1’s it shines, which is the point, I assume. As long as you use your greatsword mobility to help harass far and home, sticking to small skirmishes, you should maintain maximum effectiveness.

Imo its not squizy ^^

I tried it with some guys from the guild.

Full Tournament: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfKgmXt1Q2g

Some miss comm. its not good tho, need to perfection/master it. But the cleave dmg is good!