Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Baseleader.4128


I myself play as a condi necro and warriors are just impossible to win from.

They have like 3-4 stuns, perma stability ( this means i cant fear em and never counter the insane burst they do), they have i condi removal (Berserker’s stance is just silly). Even when i do condi dmg the rgeneration from that sigil is rly high, combined with that very high healthpoool, i just cant get them down, ever.

Even with other classes i struggle immensely and when we fight 2-3 of them in a tournament its unbeatable. When there are 3 of them together at mid, noone can kill them.

Pls Anet nerf this class

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Oprah.1347


hate to be that guy, but this is a player skill issue. have a dedicated necro in my team and she deals with warriors just fine.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


welcome to “hard counter wars 2”

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Condi necros won’t beat warriors typically.

That being said, warriors are in a deplorable state in this game, and the lack of attention to the problem speaks volumes on behalf of ArenaNet. The problem stems primarily from Healing Signet, though the Longbow special needs attention as well.

No class should be freely given so much sustainability without a counter.

In the meantime, I’d suggest you switch to MM necro with Death Nova + Corrupt Boon (or Well of Darkness). That build is fairly successful against warriors

(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Tbh Warriors and every ware… I play TPvP with my team and 8 out of 10 matches the enemy team has 2-3 warriors… We have fought a team that had 4 Warriors and 1 engi…

They star out with a “balanced” team, then log out and dome back with they’re warriors…

My team is normally Thief, Guardian, Ranger, Warrior, Mesmer. But as is Warriors and bunkering and obliterating every thing in their path… I hope A-net is watching this…

A Warrior by himself, I thing they are good but not OP but if you put 2-3 together… it’s carnage. High HP pool, Tank, High DPS and Infinite CC.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Baseleader.4128


I’m not changing my build that i love and works fine vs all other classes just to deal with those silly OP warriors

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


In my opinion the problem is not when with a build or a profession you have difficulties to win against another … but when you have difficulties to win against many of them . I play eng, i can fight against warrior or guardian for example but i have much more problem with mesmer and with some backstub thief. … but i think this is quite natural in a PVP game

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Ninski.5680


If the warriors are playing a build that counters your build then you’re obviously at a disadvantage, I play ele\thief\eng\warrior and don’t have much of a problem with warriors, dual swords \ longbow in a 1v1 situation can be annoying, but most warriors nowdays are running hammer\longbow, and all of the hammer stuns are very predictable especially the F1, its incredibly easy to dodge roll cause of the animation. I dont know what to tell you as a necro, but when i play my warrior i feel its about 50\50 with necros 1v1.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Baseleader.4128


Every class should have some strong points, but warriors have all of them.

They have perma-stability so i cant counter em with fear.
The regeneration from that signet can be rly high
Very high healthpool
Acces to a lot of stuns
High dmg with hammer, axe, GS,….
EVen high condi dmg with that longbow kitten
Insanely powerful skills such as berserker’s stance and Endure pain

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Well the problem for condition necros is to survive the zerker stance. If you can do that without losing to much health, condition necros stand a good chance against warriors. But i will say this, good luck surviving zerker stance in a spvp setting (in 1v1 it is also hard but not impossible hence favoring the warrior). If your opponent are not bad the will target the necro first (easiert target, even with a full life force bar), And poping a non bunker necro in 8 seconds is easy.

Actually i see only 2 problem with warriors atm. First pin down is to hard to dodge for what it does, i think it needs a longer cast time. Second healing signet is to strong without healing power and to weak with healing power.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Ninski.5680


Putting poison on warriors almost makes healing signet useless, they can have lots of stun breaks, yes, but they cant have perma stability, they can have 8 seconds of it, it may seems like perma because they could use berserker stance to stop your immediate dots, then pop balanced stance when they realize you’re going to fear them. I dont know what the ability is called but necros get that ability that gives them a green HP bar, you can easily out live an 8 second stability with that, and if you cant then maybe you should reconsider what you’re doing. And if you’re still getting bulls rushed and GS #2’d and its a problem then its DEFINITELY a player skill problem lol.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Putting poison on warriors almost makes healing signet useless, they can have lots of stun breaks, yes, but they cant have perma stability, they can have 8 seconds of it, it may seems like perma because they could use berserker stance to stop your immediate dots, then pop balanced stance when they realize you’re going to fear them. I dont know what the ability is called but necros get that ability that gives them a green HP bar, you can easily out live an 8 second stability with that, and if you cant then maybe you should reconsider what you’re doing. And if you’re still getting bulls rushed and GS #2’d and its a problem then its DEFINITELY a player skill problem lol.

Well gs/bull rush warriors are easier to deal with then hambow warriors as condition necros…. (easier to dodge)

And so that you know necros normally start without the “green HP bar” and condition necros need conditions on thier target to generate it (unless they aa with staff). Well with a full life force bar a necro can out live the zerker stance.

And by the way stability is hardly a problem for condition necros as they normally take corrupt boon (unless the warrior runs the op Lysaa runes…).

But all that aside i dont think the op refers only to 1v1 situations but to the conquest game mode where warriors are atleast really strong (op?).

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


Warrior’s have at most 2 forms of stability (unless traited but that’s unusual for the typical hambow warriors) just use your corrupt boon and stop complaining. A necro with half life force and a proper build should only lose to a really good warrior in a very even fight. So stop complaining and keep spamming your very balanced Dhuumfire and Signet of Spite along with your scepter autoattack.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Baseleader.4128


You can not seriously say Necro is OP and war not

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


As a mesmer, warriors are usually one of my easiest kills. But that’s probably because, at least at my MMR, most warriors are played in a low-skill manner by people who think all they have to do is charge in full steam ahead and they’re sure to win.

You beat warriors (and others like them, such as offensive thieves) with defensive counterplay designed to throw them off their game. Done properly, it’s highly effective.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


If the warriors are playing a build that counters your build then you’re obviously at a disadvantage, I play ele\thief\eng\warrior and don’t have much of a problem with warriors, dual swords \ longbow in a 1v1 situation can be annoying, but most warriors nowdays are running hammer\longbow, and all of the hammer stuns are very predictable especially the F1, its incredibly easy to dodge roll cause of the animation. I dont know what to tell you as a necro, but when i play my warrior i feel its about 50\50 with necros 1v1.

1) Warrior counters more then just condi necro. ( its more like a warrior can do it all without any downsides that other characters get. No risk for the reward they get )

2) Every john doe is currently playing warrior( guess why ). It also makes it that there are a lot of bad warriors that still get downed by better players. ( tho with equal skilled players , the warrior will always win )

3) Tired of the “dodge it” excuses. In teamfights animations are not clear ( to much chaos cause of big aoe fields ), AND you can only dodge 2-3 attacks in a row on most characters.

- The more warriors you have in a team the bigger your advantage gets.
- The more warriors you have in a team the more weak minded players you’ll have in that team. ( thats how easy warrior has gotn )

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: vashio.6297


Warrior at the moment is just to strong they literally have everything.

1. Mobility
3. High passive regen
4. High base armor
5. High base health pool
6. High base damage
7. High amount of CC
8. Good condi removal
9. Good AoE
10. Immunities

This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.
They really need to up the risk of playing a warrior.

Arenanet needs to start changing their balance structure because they must not really understand that giving a class all of these things is just way to powerful especially when they can have all of it within a build.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Adris.1859


I’m born warrior. Been maining war since GW1, but current state of warrior is disgusting and I refuse to play it. It is the definition of cheese. Sad story.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


What!? You are seriously running a build not good at countering Warriors that is all. I was PvPing for a couple hours today and usually what killed me tbh was MM necros and Terrormancers….there are just as many out there as warriors! (in PvP). Just alter your build alittle bit. Terrormancer is great if you learn to boon strip. Not that long ago I just got straight up pinned against a wall by a terrrormancer while it picked apart my life and destroyed my soul while I just bounced back and forth between the wall and the constant fears.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: RockSteady.7123


I’m glad warriors are wrecking your faces. Maybe it will usher in the end of this stupid condi spam that you necros keep running. Run stun breaks or change your build. I can confirm that MM necros are effective against warriors.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Hate to be that guy as well but a necro complaining about warriors is pretty funny. Since the December patch the most common class/build I have seen in spvp in solo and team q is MM necro followed by warrior. These two classes greatly out perform the other classes to the point its not even fun if your team isn’t made up of all warriors/necros or if you end up playing against a team of all warriors/necros.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: vashio.6297


This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)


Hambow is an example. Have 35 points left over to put where ever you want really.

good condi clear from cleansing ire(longbow makes this easy to use)
Regen from healing signet+Adrenal health
21k+ health pool
2.6k+ armor
25% increased movement speed from warrior’s sprint/fast hands for quick weapon swap
AoE from earthshaker+other hammer abilites+longbow combustive shot+ arcing arrow
Hammer/longbow skills all hit for a good amount of damage.
Dolyak signet+balance stance immune to CC+ berserker stance immune to conditions

Condi warrior pretty much have the samething no hard cc(stuns) but a good amount of immobilize.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)

0 10 30 30 0
Longer bleeds dogged march cleansing ire spiked armor larger banner area quick breathing banner regen. Sword/horn + longbow or hammer Utilites= zerker stance or balanced stance dolyak singet and banner of choice.

Long bleeds on sword auto attack and pin down. 2 forms of immobilize. 2 forms of stability or 1 form of 0 condition dmg taken for 8 secs and 1 form of stability. 2 forms of condi cleansing 1 of them converts conditions to boons. Constant retaliation. Shortened immobilize crippled etc… All while regening 500+ hp per second passively depends on gear or trinket if spvp. Cleric gear for example will net your around 800 hp per sec with the banner down.

(edited by Chuck Zitto.2367)

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: vashio.6297


This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)

0 10 30 30 0
Longer bleeds dogged march cleansing ire spiked armor larger banner area quick breathing banner regen. Sword/horn + longbow or hammer Utilites= zerker stance balanced stance dolyak singet.

Long bleeds on sword auto attack and pin down. 2 forms of immobilize. 2 forms of stability and 1 form of 0 condition dmg taken for 8 secs. 2 forms of condi cleansing. Constant retaliation. Shortened immobilize crippled etc… All while regening 500+ hp per second passively depends on gear or trinket if spvp.

I get the chills when i see builds like this.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)

0 10 30 30 0
Longer bleeds dogged march cleansing ire spiked armor larger banner area quick breathing banner regen. Sword/horn + longbow or hammer Utilites= zerker stance balanced stance dolyak singet.

Long bleeds on sword auto attack and pin down. 2 forms of immobilize. 2 forms of stability and 1 form of 0 condition dmg taken for 8 secs. 2 forms of condi cleansing. Constant retaliation. Shortened immobilize crippled etc… All while regening 500+ hp per second passively depends on gear or trinket if spvp.

I get the chills when i see builds like this.

Had to edit it forgot you have to pick a banner to throw down for constant regen.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)

0 10 30 30 0
Longer bleeds dogged march cleansing ire spiked armor larger banner area quick breathing banner regen. Sword/horn + longbow or hammer Utilites= zerker stance balanced stance dolyak singet.

Long bleeds on sword auto attack and pin down. 2 forms of immobilize. 2 forms of stability and 1 form of 0 condition dmg taken for 8 secs. 2 forms of condi cleansing. Constant retaliation. Shortened immobilize crippled etc… All while regening 500+ hp per second passively depends on gear or trinket if spvp.

I get the chills when i see builds like this.

You ain’t seen nuttin’

With condis it’s easy, but I can do stuff like that with soldier’s gear.

With the right traits, I can kill a hambow by just standing in their face and autoattacking. With sword.

I have too much armor and HP for their braindead spam.XD

After going too much in zerker amulet, I decided I needed something tougher, for more flexible gameplay.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Well I’ve tried builds like those and to be honest and haven’t had that much luck with them. I usually end up getting worn down fairly quickly and I can’t do a lot of damage.

Maybe I just need more practice.

As for hambow, my mesmer eats them for breakfast and I’m far from an expert.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


can u post build please.

So, in order for this build to exist they’d need;
3-4 stuns-bulls rush,shieldbash, skull crack, earthshaker
perma stability-dolyak signet, blanced stance, lyssa runesx6
constant condi clear-cleansing ire, shake it off, soldier runes w/ a shout, warhorn traited
health pool..they’re running necro healthpool w/ deathshroud or valkyrie runes+amulet
healing sig..they’re running clerics

so you’re referring to the 30-30-30-30-60 berserker cleric omni swiss army knife greatsword 9 utility slot double elite warrior…yeah, they are hard to beat.

seriously, all warrior’s run almost mirror builds..it is only the weapon that changes..never play the warrior, play the weapon their using. There goes a very helpful tip for you. You’re trying to beat the person when you should be aiming to counter their weapon as much as u can. A warrior doesn’t kill you..the weapon their holding does.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.

Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!

(I’m serious.)

0 10 30 30 0
Longer bleeds dogged march cleansing ire spiked armor larger banner area quick breathing banner regen. Sword/horn + longbow or hammer Utilites= zerker stance or balanced stance dolyak singet and banner of choice.

Long bleeds on sword auto attack and pin down. 2 forms of immobilize. 2 forms of stability or 1 form of 0 condition dmg taken for 8 secs and 1 form of stability. 2 forms of condi cleansing 1 of them converts conditions to boons. Constant retaliation. Shortened immobilize crippled etc… All while regening 500+ hp per second passively depends on gear or trinket if spvp. Cleric gear for example will net your around 800 hp per sec with the banner down.

I have seem some of these supposed bunker warriors (with cleric gear), and all that does are run around banner without attack.

- Oh! Lock my regen how are quickly!

Useless! Are helpless and requires one more team player to DPS, one balanced player holding 2 opponents, outnumbering foes in other 2 nodes.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: mooty.4560


Necro is in a very good place right now and perhaps deserves more attention than warrior in balancing.

Just focus on boon stripping and constant CC (fear/snares) to keep warriors off balance. Both condition and raw damage spec will work.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Flo.3465


I myself play as a condi necro and warriors are just impossible to win from.

They have like 3-4 stuns, perma stability ( this means i cant fear em and never counter the insane burst they do), they have i condi removal (Berserker’s stance is just silly). Even when i do condi dmg the rgeneration from that sigil is rly high, combined with that very high healthpoool, i just cant get them down, ever.

Even with other classes i struggle immensely and when we fight 2-3 of them in a tournament its unbeatable. When there are 3 of them together at mid, noone can kill them.

Pls Anet nerf this class

I’m getting sick of these post! Warriors may be strong at the moment, but guys like you complain after every balance update. Just because you can’t roll your face on your keyboard and kill everything, like in the past few months, doesn’t mean you have to create this QQ-topic! There is and will always be a fotm build/class! I agree, there are a few classes that are unbalanced, but this is no reason to create a new topic every day! There won’t be any changes until the next patch!

Just try to figure out how to deal with those classes! Try to choose your build accordingly. Ask other players how they handle warriors. Ask your warrior friends(if you have any) how necros kill them or play warrior and find out yourself!

You are playing necro and imo warriors seem balanced when I think about what a necro can do to me!

By the way, you’re not the only one who thinks warriors are too strong! Read this:


(edited by Flo.3465)

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


hate to be that guy, but this is a player skill issue. have a dedicated necro in my team and she deals with warriors just fine.

Oh! I know that necro.

I heard she beat Wakkeyy


Spirit Bae
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Malchior.5042


You mean this perma-stability, OP?


Read the notes, here’s what your fears are hitting.

Malchior Devenholm | Proud member of Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] | Northern Shiverpeaks

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


welcome to “hard counter wars 2”

This is actually a very true statement. This game has some unfair hard counters. Warriors apecced for mass cd removal vs a cd necro is just one example.

Stormbluff Isle

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Malchior.5042


welcome to “hard counter wars 2”

This is actually a very true statement. This game has some unfair hard counters. Warriors apecced for mass cd removal vs a cd necro is just one example.

If they’re Specced, that means they built their build in such a way to cover one of their obvious weaknesses.

That’s soft-counter. Hard-counter is when they AREN’T specced, and can utilize an individual setup to be at an advantage against ANY OTHER setup. The instances of these in GW 2 are very few.

Malchior Devenholm | Proud member of Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] | Northern Shiverpeaks

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


welcome to “hard counter wars 2”

This is actually a very true statement. This game has some unfair hard counters. Warriors apecced for mass cd removal vs a cd necro is just one example.

If they’re Specced, that means they built their build in such a way to cover one of their obvious weaknesses.

That’s soft-counter. Hard-counter is when they AREN’T specced, and can utilize an individual setup to be at an advantage against ANY OTHER setup. The instances of these in GW 2 are very few.

Actually I’d define a hard counter as “a build that will very reliably win against another build” or maybe “a class for which most viable builds reliably win against most viable builds of another class”.

A general (non-hard) counter is a way to deal with a greater variety of foes but not necessarily win every fight with them.

Example: lots of cleanse, healing and vitality is a counter to condition builds, but overall immunity is a hard counter. The condition-only build is either rendered useless in the face of this opponent, or needs to change in a major way.

Somewhat Related Proper My Own Opinion Time: Diamond Skin is barely a general counter to condition-heavy builds, but it is a hard counter to entirely condition builds. If a necromancer can’t get through an elementalist’s DS, they can deal with it by speccing for a little power and timing their condi-bursts to hit between the ele’s health top-ups.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Malchior.5042


welcome to “hard counter wars 2”

This is actually a very true statement. This game has some unfair hard counters. Warriors apecced for mass cd removal vs a cd necro is just one example.

If they’re Specced, that means they built their build in such a way to cover one of their obvious weaknesses.

That’s soft-counter. Hard-counter is when they AREN’T specced, and can utilize an individual setup to be at an advantage against ANY OTHER setup. The instances of these in GW 2 are very few.

Actually I’d define a hard counter as “a build that will very reliably win against another build” or maybe “a class for which most viable builds reliably win against most viable builds of another class”.

A general (non-hard) counter is a way to deal with a greater variety of foes but not necessarily win every fight with them.

Example: lots of cleanse, healing and vitality is a counter to condition builds, but overall immunity is a hard counter. The condition-only build is either rendered useless in the face of this opponent, or needs to change in a major way.

Somewhat Related Proper My Own Opinion Time: Diamond Skin is barely a general counter to condition-heavy builds, but it is a hard counter to entirely condition builds. If a necromancer can’t get through an elementalist’s DS, they can deal with it by speccing for a little power and timing their condi-bursts to hit between the ele’s health top-ups.

True on every regard, good sir.

As for how does a condi necro break through Diamond Skin – Life Blast Marks 3 & 4 on staff have decent base damage as well.

Malchior Devenholm | Proud member of Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] | Northern Shiverpeaks

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


I’m not changing my build that i love and works fine vs all other classes just to deal with those silly OP warriors


Edit : It was supposed to be just that but i can’t hold myself from saying that a single build that counters ALL OTHER CLASSES regardless of their builds, is overpowered over the edge and must be shut down not nerfed or fixed.That is what necros get to play since 6 months and they are complaining at the only class that has 50/50 chance to win against them if they are playing fairly bad.

This kind of complaints ..just .ugh

(edited by mini.6018)

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Warriors have a lot of stuns, but they also have some pretty obvious tells on them. If I lose to a warrior in a 1 v 1, it’s generally because I wasted endurance when I shouldn’t have or because I just missed a dodge that I shouldn’t have. I rarely have a loss to a warrior where I can’t see what I did wrong.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


It’s perfectly alright for a build to have high health, armor, healing, CC, and damage. Especially when it takes a lot of skill to play the way warrior does.

Was one enough? Let’s ere on the side of caution

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Wranglerist.5489


Everytime I see a warrior I tell myself it ain’t gonna be easy and I jump right in their face.

Triumph fire by setting fire


Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


When I play zerker GS/LB war, I know how it feels:

I can defeat hambows 1v1, with all utilities off cooldown and stuff like that.

Then one of them jumps me right after a big battle at mid has ended, I’m at 50% health and my stability is off cooldown. I dodge out of range 1-2 times, Whirlwind out of another, but eventually the war gets me, and I’m toast. And the more I die like this, the more I get nervous and make mistakes.

(by building a tankier roamer, I became less prone to this, but not all classes can build such hybrids)

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


Then one of them jumps me right after a big battle at mid has ended, I’m at 50% health and my stability is off cooldown. I dodge out of range 1-2 times, Whirlwind out of another, but eventually the war gets me, and I’m toast.

If anybody ‘jumps you’ with 50% health and no cd’s there’s a good chance you’re going to drop.

Why are you not resetting after mid fights, and where is your team while you’re getting jumped after winning mid point? Also, how do you not see a hambow warrior coming, and why would you let him engage with no reset?

Spirit Bae
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Then one of them jumps me right after a big battle at mid has ended, I’m at 50% health and my stability is off cooldown. I dodge out of range 1-2 times, Whirlwind out of another, but eventually the war gets me, and I’m toast.

If anybody ‘jumps you’ with 50% health and no cd’s there’s a good chance you’re going to drop.

Why are you not resetting after mid fights, and where is your team while you’re getting jumped after winning mid point? Also, how do you not see a hambow warrior coming, and why would you let him engage with no reset?

Sometimes it takes a while to get out of combat. And sometimes the team goes away, or I am looking at the minimap to see what’s going on.

And, well, I correct myself: this mostly happens during the fight, when I used stability for a stomp, and a warrior gets me. While the fight is still going on, it’s not that easy to see someone.

Ok, truth be told it happened to me only 2-3 time in my soloq experience, but was indeed annoying.

I’m not saying it’s not my fault, but I can understand people thinking this build is not forgiving enough, considering how tough it is.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


That’s probably because warriors usually roll they face on the keyboard at an higher fequency than you.

I know that rolling the face on the keyboard faster might hurt, so I suggest you to try to roll your face from right to left instead of left to right.

I assure you that it will leave the warrior surprised and harmless because they still have no idea on how to deal with the arabian facerolling.

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: zMajc.4659


I’m not changing my build that i love and works fine vs all other classes just to deal with those silly OP warriors


Edit : It was supposed to be just that but i can’t hold myself from saying that a single build that counters ALL OTHER CLASSES regardless of their builds, is overpowered over the edge and must be shut down not nerfed or fixed.That is what necros get to play since 6 months and they are complaining at the only class that has 50/50 chance to win against them if they are playing fairly bad.

This kind of complaints ..just .ugh

Exactly what i was thinking heh

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


That’s probably because warriors usually roll they face on the keyboard at an higher fequency than you.

I know that rolling the face on the keyboard faster might hurt, so I suggest you to try to roll your face from right to left instead of left to right.

I assure you that it will leave the warrior surprised and harmless because they still have no idea on how to deal with the arabian facerolling.



try to faceroll with this and tell me how far you go.

I wasn’t complaining, but I can understand how annoying these warriors can be. I can beat them, but they are kinda slow to take down and boring.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: Stx.4857


Warriors with zerker amulet have more health and armor than most classes with soldiers amulet… There is problem number one lol. Add Healing signet+adrenalin health to that and yeah… High damage + high passive survival is a recipe for OPness. Lets add in direct damage immunities and conditions immunity just for the hell of it.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

Warriors in PvP, this is just silly.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Warriors with zerker amulet have more health and armor than most classes with soldiers amulet… There is problem number one lol. Add Healing signet+adrenalin health to that and yeah… High damage + high passive survival is a recipe for OPness. Lets add in direct damage immunities and conditions immunity just for the hell of it.

That is true with hammer warriors. One probable fix might be to just put Merciless Hammer somewhere else.

The problem is that a hammer warrior can go for Zerker Amulet for full damage, for he gets all the armor he needs from the defense traitline, which is needed for hammer.

If he had to go in -say- Strength, he would be much glassier.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself