Warriors torch anet
Your first mistake was logging onto your warrior.
Your first mistake was logging onto your warrior.
Not gonna lie its my pride and joy.
It the character i did all the dungeons with, the first character i got 100% map completion with (though theres only 2), first character i got all ascended stuff for first, and by far the most games i have play with has been warrior.
I truly have given up though. With all the classes besides mesmer ( i dont care for mesmer) ive came up with a build i can use for my style of play and win sometimes. I really felt like some mad scientist about to break the code and cure all of cancer when i came up with a warrior build that could be used.
Sadly i failed and you are correct. Its a mistake trying to use him right now and what made it hurt worse was im in diamond and im playing all the usual people i normally play in ruby/diamond/legendary rank and i realized how bad it was and how unfair it was for my team. Today i went like 2-7 on my warrior before i made this thread. I really wish i could apologize to the people who had me on warrior in there matches since i could of greatly changed the effect of the match with my ranger or necro compared to what i was playing.
I’m a warrior main too but I’ve found that scrapper plays like a how a warrior “should” feel in sPvP. If you haven’t tried scrapper I’d recommend a variation of the current meta build. You’ll find you’re extremely tanky and have a high melee uptime with good CC and support.
I mostly just avoid Leagues now due to the blatant imbalance and class stacking so I play some unranked and go back to WvW.
engy to me as been always that all around class with the different weapon kits and now the tool kit.
Ive played a tiny bit of it and idk i just dont really care for it. The rev for me as well is a not really care for it either. With the HOT expansion alot of these classes are really just starting to feel the same. Stunned switch to different champ, hit F5,blinkaway, etc etc and then heals are getting pretty crazy too. Especially in team fights when everyone kind of runs these soilders/cele/cleric builds. Stand in wells/traps/aura shares, everything is really starting to feel the same.
TBH i dont even look for skills anymore. Im kind of like 1,2,3,4,kitten shout/glyph/trap/ etc 1,2,3,4,5 again since if they are running a similar build we will all get heals and condi cleanses.
i shelved my warrior.
been playing a 5 shouts soldiers rune reaper.
reminds me of my shout warrior.
ah, nostalgic.