Was separating pve and pvp beneficial?
if you pvp’d for a while without caring what you look like you can easily craft the armor you want.
what do you mean by you cant customize your stats?
State of Keg Brawl 2013
This is about PVP, and I am not that really into PVE… I am used to actually having to level characters to do high-lvl PVP… so this new system feels weird to me and Im sure it feels weird to others too.
Being able to make a PVP ready character in few minutes reinforces the flavor of the month mentality where people always bandwagon to the ’’best’’ class, and since they didnt have the class experience that leveling 80 levels would grant, they are generally bad and complain when things dont go the way they want.
And by cuztomize the stats, I mean that pve offers a much versatile level of cuztomization, you can fine-tune your attributes to best suit your playstyle.. wheras in SPVP you only have a few choices.
Honestly you’ll find that it’s better the way it is. It’s more competitive and allows you to use different classes in pvp, which also allows you to learn the enemies strength and weaknesses. For a competitive scene, which is a goal I think they want to achieve, you can’t have restrictions to accessibility, it restricts player options and strategies. It also makes you level more characters to level 80 in order to enjoy pvp with a profession you may not enjoy in pve.
i think they should allow 1v1 duels in pve though, where you can request to another player and doesn’t cause any sort of death penalty.
i promise you….you get gear SOOOO much easier in tpvp now.
its amazing…the only thing i agree with kinda is the fact that you can’t customize the stats AS MUCH as you could in pve….the amulet gem combo its kitten poor imo…and on top of that….knights armor prec power in pve…..power prec VITALITY in pvp….blergh…iunno…not that fond of the amulet gem system for all my stats
Having PvP-only characters, à la GW1, would have been more beneficial. And yes, the gem system is horrible.
please let us do so with our PVE characters, the ones we actually leveled and adventured with, with the gear we worked so hard to get.
Sure, as long as it’s only cosmetics.
if you pvp’d for a while without caring what you look like you can easily craft the armor you want.
what do you mean by you cant customize your stats?
The customization of stats is one amulet/jewel and a rune set… The armor is all base defense with no inherent stats in it where as pve armor has stats accompanied with it.. As well as the ability to mix and match the jewelry portion… The customization difference between the two is actually very annoying for people that are used to how their chars behave in a certain build in wvw…
They just see smaller numbers in pvp and it meows them off.
What do you mean by you cant customize your stats? Anything you can do in pve you can do in pve with the exception of ,rings, etc.
I voice my opinion and I get called names, thankfully you guys dont speak for all the spvp community
He probably just wants to outgear everyone. That’s not even that unreasonable given that this is an MMO.
He probably just wants to outgear everyone. That’s not even that unreasonable given that this is an MMO.
not really, I dont have any ascended gear in me, and getting exotics is fairly easy (1-2 days for a casual) compared to other MMOs.
I voice my opinion and I get called names, thankfully you guys dont speak for all the spvp community
nope, this is about how nice most of them get
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer
They actually got the part you are complaining about right. What’s wrong is there should be more rewards for spvp that benefit you in pve and WvWvW to get more people doing spvp. In a perfect world you could level a character through spvp and also make money doing spvp imo.
Sounds like the real problem is how much of a failure WvW is moreso than how strict PvP is. If WvW had more to offer than 50+ man zergs playing ring around the rosey you’d probably find the kind of stuff you’re looking for.
Why not treat sPvP in the same way WvW is treated where you’re up leveled and can only use PvP gear? That way you could legitimately level a character doing 10 mans all day. Could maybe even get badges and karma and such. More overlap wouldn’t hurt.
i have no idea what i’m talking about.jpg
Its pretty much 2 separate games in one and I dont think it worked so well, part of why I really dont step into spvp that much is because I cant customize my stats like I can in PVE. Also its pretty depressing I leveled my character to 80 and gave him kitten armor, only to step into HOTM and look like a lvl 1 squire. I really dont think that the character that spawns in hotm is the same character I grew fond of…
In my opinion, separating pve and pvp did more harm than good. Other games (wow) let you PVP with the same character you PVE with, and it worked quite well.
While I see the benefits (better balancing), its all worthless when you dont have enough people playing hotm.
If we ever get the chance to play Arenas, Deathmatches or duel our friends.. please let us do so with our PVE characters, the ones we actually leveled and adventured with, with the gear we worked so hard to get.
First off ignore those that don’t have anything constructive to say about your post.
Coming from wow I thought the same way until I didn’t have time to grind for the top arena gear. You’ll find that a level playing field is actually a great thing for the skilled players who just doesn’t want to sink time into farming the top level gear. I understand the desire to level your toon and have something to show for it when you step in the pvp world, but since there’s such an imbalance this way that even Blizzard needed to create pvp gear to counteract those imbalances. But the tiered gear system that blizz created still made arenas imbalanced.
Making two separate worlds in one game, not so great because it keeps pve players from stepping into pvp and playing competitively. As much as I want every pvper to play competitively, it’s not going to happen and Anet needs to add more casual game modes while still maintaining a level playing field thereby increasing the pvp population. This has been the blight of HOTM since launch and sPvP has been somewhat of a failure because there’s this barrier separating the two communities.
Was separating pve and pvp beneficial?
Having it any other way is dumb. Only PvEers who want to stomp players with their gear and not skill would have it combined.
Was separating pve and pvp beneficial?
Having it any other way is dumb. Only PvEers who want to stomp players with their gear and not skill would have it combined.
Again, this is far from the truth, ascended gear makes minimal difference and getting exotics is VERY easy and quick.
PvE doesn’t have to be balanced and should be unbalanced.
I preferred the way it was setup in GW1. You could make PvP only character to take to PvP, or you could bring your PvE character. Ofc the available stats for gear were the same in GW1 for PvE and PvP. Here we have the overly complicated system with all of the jewelry/mods in pve and not pvp and now Ascended gear. I guess they were never intended to be balanced. But still I think it is better if a game is made with PvP first and PvE is made/balanced around the combat balance that is established in PvP.
The only downside I recall for the system in GW1 was that there would occasionally be some new player in PvP on a PvE character without maxed gear. But this was not too often, usually just in very new players who didn’t know better. Also the PvP-only characters did not have as much gear appearance diversity available (unless participating in the very complex tournament gear system).
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
The only thing that might have helped is allowing PVE cosmetics to transfer over and visa. But allowing a seperate set of cosmetic apperance to be earned via SPVP. Or even earn a currency outside of dyes that could be used in pve from spvp.
As for wanting your stats from pve to cross over to pvp, that entirely ruins the competiveness of it. If we both pick up a controller to street fighter or sit down to play a game of chess, i dont naturally get a handicap to help me win because i played those games longer…the skill you obtained through experience is an advantage enough. If your wanting pvp that allows/promotes imbalanced pvp you should try WvW. But Spvp its fine without.
Also, the stats and customizations are already pretty high. Did you know you can have over 1000 combinations per profession between traits, master traits, amulets, gems, runes, sigils, utilities, elites, weapons, heals…..not to mention the options a ranger has through pets. If a certain play style isnt available, it simply means that play style is weak, unhealthy for spvp or the options already in place for it are not strong enough.
Hopefully this information has been enlightening for you.
Was separating pve and pvp beneficial?
Having it any other way is dumb. Only PvEers who want to stomp players with their gear and not skill would have it combined.
Again, this is far from the truth, ascended gear makes minimal difference and getting exotics is VERY easy and quick.
i have no idea what i’m talking about.jpg