To start I’ll clear up a few points on traits. On “Natures Vengeance” procs the active heal of the player does not occur, only the AoE support heal, this was mentioned in the livestream. Rune effects (such as the suggested Runes of Dwayna) that proc on heal use will, I confidently assume, not proc when the spirit dies. The active effect also doesnt provide Vigor to allies if traited.
The spirit to me is a very unreliable heal. In a worst case scenario, the spirit dies 24~ seconds after you use the active ability, which seriously reduces the healing potential. This would be very unlucky if the spirit were to go down to AoE, but this is how clever teams and players will counterplay this skill. This seriously nerfs the potential of the heal, leaving you vulnerable.
Amount of Support
Perfect Scenario
Counting the active and passive effect of the heal, assuming all procs are instant and Nature’s Vengeance is traited, you get 805 healing every 10 seconds and a 1930 heal every 25 seconds. Given cast times, the maximum healing potential is reached if the spirit is killed instantly 74.5 seconds after starting the summon. and the heal is used instantly every time. This adds up to 168.5 healing per second (HPS) for allies. 64.8 of this comes from the passive proc, a 1000 radius, the other 100~ of which comes from the active on a traited 360 radius. The average point in sPvP is 240 radius to put this in perspective. Regeneration is 130 HPS with no healing power.
Healing Turret Comparison
Engineers Cleansing Burst is a 3 second water field and clears two condis. Without the regeneration this turret provides 162.6 HPS for allies. The regeneration makes this 204 HPS. Personally though, ignoring the regen, I would take 2 condi clears and a short water field over 6 healing per second. This is in a 480 radius, larger that the water spirit active, which accounts for most of the water spirits healing. I also didn’t count the toolkit skill.
Effects of Healing Power
I’ll be assuming for these calculations that you are using a Settlers Amulet, with an offensive Jewel (about as defensive as the Ranger spec is allowed to go Meta wise) and have no points in the final tree.
The passive effect is a base 805 healing and stacks at a factor 0.08 with healing power giving approximately 850 healing every 10 seconds. The active self heal stacks at 0.36, pushing it from 3865 to 4064. The group heal incidentally doesn’t even stack with healing power! It’s 1930 regardless of the stat. Healing power really doesn’t do much to improve the efficiency of this heal.
Healing Spring Comparison
For perfect HPS the spirit goes up, is used immediately, gets used twice more on cooldown and then dies immediately, with 6 passive procs. This is almost unachievable but this is the best case, so I’ll calculate using it for now. The spirit gives 324.1 HPS with no healing power, 335.7 as in the case above. Assuming the spirit just doesn’t die (which doesn’t actually give anymore healing as you still only get 6 procs of the spirit) it gives 296.3 HPS, 305 in the case above. In the worst case scenario, these values are reduced to 218.06 and 225.4.
Healing springs is a far more reliable heal, and can be used every 30.5 seconds. The immediate heal gives 161.3 HPS. The same healing power as above increases this to 179.9. The regeneration provides an additional 76.7 assuming 0 boon duration but that all ticks are received. This increases to 118.7 with 569 healing power. Totals here are 238 HPS and 298.6 HPS. However most of these specs have 30% boon duration from Nature magic, giving 99.7 HPS and 154.3 HPS to the regen values, so totalling 261 and 334.2 respectively. These values do not account for the provided water field and condi clears, both of which massively increase the effective HPS.
I appreciate that I am making some assumptions but overall I feel I’ve given the spirit a generous outlook in these calculations.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Healing Spring remains the only choice for a group heal. I genuinely don’t believe there is a single spec where I would rather use the Water Spirit be it for Soloq, Teamq or Hotjoin. I found the maths quite surprising, but this is largely due to the perfect scenario being almost unattainable and the worst case numbers really put this into perspective.
Can’t blame you.
- Traits and runes have deceptively poor synergy
- Counterplay is obvious, has serious negative consequences for the player
- Healing per second suprisingly high in ideal scenarios
- Healing power scaling is poor
- In support terms, Healing Turret offers a lot lot more
- Vs. other Ranger Heals, still no comparison to healing spring
Does anyone disagree? I know there are some people really enjoying this new heal, but I simply can’t fathom why, I’d love to see some convincing arguments for it founded in maths or experience.