We WANT sPvP to be Great!!

We WANT sPvP to be Great!!

in PvP

Posted by: arrownin.3128


The PvP player base desperately desires for sPvP systems and combat to be amazing. We want systems in place that reward skill, teamwork, and deep understanding of game mechanics.

There are many systems in place in other games that can appeal to these desires and truly create a PvP community and environment that will make this game succeed in eSports, tournaments, and in simple hot join matches.

There are so many options available to you developers, that it is just a matter of picking and choosing one, or maybe making one of your own and creating a spin on it.

The main point is that there needs to be a few key components to make a PvP game great. Spectator mode is in the making, Tournaments are in place, PvP Systems are in their infancy, and Rewards are there, but seem a bit underwhelming.

If we look how these other games handle rewards, they generally either are based around a ranking system, or an unlocking system, or both. Notice how in almost all of these games, that getting the points to rank up is acquired through winning, and loss in a game results in losing these points. As of now, we have a leveling system that rewards pretty much everything you do in PvP, however you lose no ranking if you lose a game.

Now, I already can see how this wouldn’t work in matchmaking, because hot-join is a randomized system that can match even the best players with the worst, which can result in unfair loss of points. But in Tournaments, why not create a separate PvP level that can be lost? This would create a rudimentary ranking system that can be improved on later.

In terms of rewards, why do we get the same stuff as PvE players? I think that there needs to be PvP rewards, not PvE rewards. What I mean by this is, that there needs to be rewards that can visually show an experienced veteran just through the armor or weapons. Like how in Age of Conan a player can be seen in PvP Gear and be known as a awesome PvPer. Or how a gold framed player in league of legends can generally be known as experienced. There needs to be a unique PvP visual that can represent awesome players.

Although these might not be the only problems that sPvP has, these are the ones that bother me the most. Hopefully the development team can take some of this information and put it to good use. The sPvP in this game is great, but there is no real hook to keep players playing. I really want this game to succeed in terms of PvP, and I want there to be thousands of PvPers rushing to the battle.