(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Weekly ESL Go4GW2 Cups with $500 Cash Prize
Great Games! Well played Abjured!
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners
Great games. Funny to watch.
I loved the tournament, great games.
That’s a total of 600€/600$ for each player of TCG and Abjured at the end of this month.
600 a month is peanuts. Less than peanuts.
That’s a total of 600€/600$ for each player of TCG and Abjured at the end of this month.
600 a month is peanuts. Less than peanuts.
Man you must buy a lot of peanuts
Phaatonn, London UK
Grouch made it happen! Ty arena net
To everyone who is whining that TCG/abjured will always win. What is your problem? You dont want them to win, how about you make your own team and defeat them? Easy peasy.
10/10 that just happened
The Various Artists [feat]
Fun, keep the tournaments coming!
Where can I find the VODs and brackets for this?
I’d appreciate it if these could be made clearer for the future.
Grats to whoever won (MiM?).
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard
Where can I find the VODs and brackets for this?
I’d appreciate it if these could be made clearer for the future.
Grats to whoever won (MiM?).
MiM won the EU one
Where can I find the VODs and brackets for this?
I’d appreciate it if these could be made clearer for the future.
Grats to whoever won (MiM?).
MiM won the EU one
What was mim team comp?
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
What was mim team comp?
Azani – Mesmer
Sam – Guard
Levin – Thief
Shaku – Ele
Tamyr – Ranger
What was mim team comp?
Azani – Mesmer
Sam – Guard
Levin – Thief
Shaku – Ele
Tamyr – Ranger
Yea ty, I watched a match of theirs against TC. They made really good use of portals and they were able to down players faster with mes+thief.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
What was mim team comp?
Azani – Mesmer
Sam – Guard
Levin – Thief
Shaku – Ele
Tamyr – Ranger
Who is this knowledgable Steve guy?
The absurd had some awesome player but I guess the Abjured need some practice before China. Looking forward to the next week
You can find info on the next cup right here
There’s been some updates to the prizepool, you can find more info about that here
Tomorrow’s cups kick off at 7AM PST for EU, and 1PM PST for NA. Plenty of time left so sign-up.
More information on this weekend’s cup and the recent increase in prizing can be found here: http://play.eslgaming.com/guildwars2/global/news/250364
Once again. Top event. Very entertaining. Thank you for this cup
Small update on the last cups winners, info for next cups and some cool news about the monthly finals: http://play.eslgaming.com/guildwars2/global/news/250592
EU cup starts in just over one hour!
ok found it
very nice games
(edited by Lupanic.6502)
Congrats to the Abjured and Cheese Mode on taking week three.
This weeks cup is live!
EN Stream: http://twitch.tv/guildwars2
DE Stream: http://twitch.tv/guildnews
Fair play award for 55 HP.
As a New Zealand player that is not in a N/A or EU time zone, are there any tounaments running or that will be run for/by players in Australia, New Zealand or Oceanic time zones on Saturdays or Sundays? I would love to try my hand at entering tournaments, but unfortunately the current ones are held on a weekday when I work. If there aren’t any organised, how would one go about trying to set something up?
NA ESL GO4GuildWars2 Cup – on twitch/guildwars2 is only 30sec long. Is their a possiblity to see the complete recorded stream for NA cup #22 ?
NA ESL GO4GuildWars2 Cup – on twitch/guildwars2 is only 30sec long. Is their a possiblity to see the complete recorded stream for NA cup #22 ?
You should be able to find it here: http://www.twitch.tv/drwilco/profile/past_broadcasts