Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Well of precog nerf
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
I don’t often say it, but… ya done good A-net, ya done good.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
So this chapter ends.
+ 1
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
They care!
Please buff warriors. Getting tired of sending my warrior unemployment checks.
Alright, let’s see how this all turns out, I betcha Chronobunker is still going to be a solid support, its just not going to be able to do what it COULD do before.
Also, we need to queue the party music, anyone?
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
The change to distortion so it prevents point capture was totally needed.
The cast time increase for an active defensive utility, however, looks a terrible design choice (unless “precognition” is meant to indicate that a player should be able to see the future to use it properly). The skill could have got a CD increase or a decrease in duration if further nerfs were needed.
precog nerf, revenant tweak and a massive influx of alcoholic beverages to fuel the celebrations! good patch!
Please buff warriors.
No. Just no. No one needs more buffs, we need a lot of targeted nerfs to revert this stupid power creep. All classes need to be brought down to the level of warrior and thief.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
Majority of even mesmers thought this should happen.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I think it’s a campaign to return Mesmer to trash tier, where we languished for 2 years. I honestly think anet doesn’t like/want mesmers.
Please buff warriors.
No. Just no. No one needs more buffs, we need a lot of targeted nerfs to revert this stupid power creep. All classes need to be brought down to the level of warrior and thief.
Not all buffs are dps oriented.
Warriors indeed need a buff.
EU Scrub
There are still a ton of things that need nerfing on other classes, but this is a great start.
Maybe now, pro league games will reach 500 points.
Please buff warriors.
No. Just no. No one needs more buffs, we need a lot of targeted nerfs to revert this stupid power creep. All classes need to be brought down to the level of warrior and thief.
I agree with your idea, but I think the right power level is a bit above what warriors are right now.
So nerf everyone quite a bit, don’t touch thieves, and buff warrior slightly.
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.
Please buff warriors.
No. Just no. No one needs more buffs, we need a lot of targeted nerfs to revert this stupid power creep. All classes need to be brought down to the level of warrior and thief.
Warriors need a buff and I say that with no emotion or bias. It was the least represented class on the league and its elite spec saw zero representation
Please buff warriors.
No. Just no. No one needs more buffs, we need a lot of targeted nerfs to revert this stupid power creep. All classes need to be brought down to the level of warrior and thief.
Actually, Thief and Warrior need Overhauling, Dragonhunter needs a Semi Overhaul, Rangers Pets Need to finally be Fixed, Core Proffessions Need Slight Tweaks and Increases, Elites Need to be Nerfed down alittle in areas (not completely, the idea is it to be a option it should be good at what its Ment to bring to the profession)
this is the part we’re ignoring, for example
Druid, Druid itself isn’t REPLACING ranger (although core ranger has always been considered to be bad) the fact its a BUNKER is replacing the specc, bunker is the current meta so obviously the ranger is going to build to be a bunker to fit the current meta. (ofcourse their are proffessions which are actually completely replacing base profession abit more then this example, and that’s why I stated some nerfs)
as a whole both buffs and nerfs are going to be required to bring everything into line realistically,
the problem is, pre-elites, they left ALOT of proffessions broken in some aspect, Rangers mechanic is Pretty bad, Warriors entire being is pretty glaringly obvious in need of changes, Thief has needed half its set remade, the fact they remain with the exact same build through everything proves that.
theres ALOT more issues deeper then just Damage output.
Stop patting Anet on the back please. This should have been nerfed before league even STARTED. It should have been nerfed on day 1 of Heart of Thorns.
It was the most obviously overpowered ridiculous insult to PvP I’ve seen in a long time.
The devs should not be rewarded for screwing up and taking their sweet time to fix something this obviously broken.
About time, this was the most broken skill in the game for a good while there.
Stop patting Anet on the back please. This should have been nerfed before league even STARTED. It should have been nerfed on day 1 of Heart of Thorns.
It was the most obviously overpowered ridiculous insult to PvP I’ve seen in a long time.
The devs should not be rewarded for screwing up and taking their sweet time to fix something this obviously broken.
Stop patting Anet on the back please. This should have been nerfed before league even STARTED. It should have been nerfed on day 1 of Heart of Thorns.
It was the most obviously overpowered ridiculous insult to PvP I’ve seen in a long time.
The devs should not be rewarded for screwing up and taking their sweet time to fix something this obviously broken.
I don’t think we are patting them so much on the back, if anything I am more impressed they decided to take this kind of action mid-league, contrary to what they wanted Leagues to be, uninterrupted by ‘balance changes’. It gives us a satisfaction that they finally listened, which is a good thing.
…Yes, they should have absolutely saw this coming, there’s no way they aren’t aware of it now. I would rather not be too bitter about it given the circumstances, and I really do hope they learn from this to avoid this happening next time.
I am more interested in seeing what comes out on top next, but I doubt any bunkers will be as unbreakable as what Chronobunker was.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Stop patting Anet on the back please. This should have been nerfed before league even STARTED. It should have been nerfed on day 1 of Heart of Thorns.
It was the most obviously overpowered ridiculous insult to PvP I’ve seen in a long time.
The devs should not be rewarded for screwing up and taking their sweet time to fix something this obviously broken.
precog is still a terribly designed skill. Oh hey, lets give a class a skill that ignores the enemy, lets you attack them for the whole duration, lets you break out of stun, then lets give the class another skill that lets you do that all over again. WTF arenanet? WTB Brains?
They have no idea what they are doing.
Stop patting Anet on the back please. This should have been nerfed before league even STARTED. It should have been nerfed on day 1 of Heart of Thorns.
It was the most obviously overpowered ridiculous insult to PvP I’ve seen in a long time.
The devs should not be rewarded for screwing up and taking their sweet time to fix something this obviously broken.
precog is still a terribly designed skill. Oh hey, lets give a class a skill that ignores the enemy, lets you attack them for the whole duration, lets you break out of stun, then lets give the class another skill that lets you do that all over again. WTF arenanet? WTB Brains?
You forgot that it also makes itself and all your other skills recharge faster.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
This is going to bite all of you in the kitten when bunker tempests, scrappers, and druids start popping up. You’ll miss the bunker mes. Meanwhile, you’ll all still wonder “Why is it still broken?” Meanwhile, you just build the meta around Revs.
This is going to bite all of you in the kitten when bunker tempests, scrappers, and druids start popping up. You’ll miss the bunker mes. Meanwhile, you’ll all still wonder “Why is it still broken?” Meanwhile, you just build the meta around Revs.
At least with focus fire they die. In a team fight a thief can do much, we all know that but at least we could steal – backstab a tempest or droid ripping defenceive boons and inflicting a good 5-6k dmg. It was pretty impossible to find a window to do that to a chronobunker.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
All classes need to be brought down to the level of thief.
Be careful what you wish for
(Well actually I agree but a lot of the June nerfs for D/D have to be reverted as well, then I shall be fine).
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
I don’t agree with you about ele bunker, DF it has more than enough evade frames, shocking aura, condition cleansing, healing for self and allies, stun breaks, stab, stupid high protection and generally should be able to hold a 2v1 almost indefinitely.
Besides, most EU teams were not running double mesmer, this double mesmer was an NA issue not EU where the mesmers were being focused hard and fast.
P.s. I don’t mind the precog blur to distortion, I mind the 0.75s cast which makes it very hard to use, otherwise I think the shaving down is alright. I don’t think more needs doing though but we will see.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
I don’t agree with you about ele bunker, DF it has more than enough evade frames, shocking aura, condition cleansing, healing for self and allies, stun breaks, stab, stupid high protection and generally should be able to hold a 2v1 almost indefinitely.
Besides, most EU teams were not running double mesmer, this double mesmer was an NA issue not EU where the mesmers were being focused hard and fast.
P.s. I don’t mind the precog blur to distortion, I mind the 0.75s cast which makes it very hard to use, otherwise I think the shaving down is alright. I don’t think more needs doing though but we will see.
It’s evident to see you have no idea what you’re talking about, nor do you know how tempest works. If a tempest can 1v2 you indefinitely, you are definitely a highly incompetent player.
If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.
Resorting to a personal attack like that clearly shows your level of skill, thanks for clearing that up for me.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
I don’t agree with you about ele bunker, DF it has more than enough evade frames, shocking aura, condition cleansing, healing for self and allies, stun breaks, stab, stupid high protection and generally should be able to hold a 2v1 almost indefinitely.
Besides, most EU teams were not running double mesmer, this double mesmer was an NA issue not EU where the mesmers were being focused hard and fast.
P.s. I don’t mind the precog blur to distortion, I mind the 0.75s cast which makes it very hard to use, otherwise I think the shaving down is alright. I don’t think more needs doing though but we will see.
It’s evident to see you have no idea what you’re talking about, nor do you know how tempest works. If a tempest can 1v2 you indefinitely, you are definitely a highly incompetent player.
If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.
Resorting to a personal attack like that clearly shows your level of skill, thanks for clearing that up for me.
LOL. You are so dead wrong. You wont survive 1v2 against any of the classes unless they are both bunker. If even one of them has dps, even a warrior or a thief, you will die. Your ignorant statement only serves to support my argument.
As for wanting a logical argument instead, I will indulge you. First off, what are these ‘more than enough evade frames’ you are talking about? Secondly, the cleanses we have are from the 5 shouts, earth 4 and water attune. This amount of cleanse is hardly enough against viper revs and reapers once they break our diamond skin. Stunbreaks? We only have one that is readily available. Eye of the storm. Other sources of stunbreak are overloads which are not reliable. We have no stability to boot except from earth overload too, making it extremely easy to cc us.
So, how do we 1v2 indefinitely again? I would certainly like to see some video proof documented since you are very experienced with ele, yes?
- Primordial Legend
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
I don’t agree with you about ele bunker, DF it has more than enough evade frames, shocking aura, condition cleansing, healing for self and allies, stun breaks, stab, stupid high protection and generally should be able to hold a 2v1 almost indefinitely.
Besides, most EU teams were not running double mesmer, this double mesmer was an NA issue not EU where the mesmers were being focused hard and fast.
P.s. I don’t mind the precog blur to distortion, I mind the 0.75s cast which makes it very hard to use, otherwise I think the shaving down is alright. I don’t think more needs doing though but we will see.
It’s evident to see you have no idea what you’re talking about, nor do you know how tempest works. If a tempest can 1v2 you indefinitely, you are definitely a highly incompetent player.
If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.
Resorting to a personal attack like that clearly shows your level of skill, thanks for clearing that up for me.
LOL. You are so dead wrong. You wont survive 1v2 against any of the classes unless they are both bunker. If even one of them has dps, even a warrior or a thief, you will die. Your ignorant statement only serves to support my argument.
As for wanting a logical argument instead, I will indulge you. First off, what are these ‘more than enough evade frames’ you are talking about? Secondly, the cleanses we have are from the 5 shouts, earth 4 and water attune. This amount of cleanse is hardly enough against viper revs and reapers once they break our diamond skin. Stunbreaks? We only have one that is readily available. Eye of the storm. Other sources of stunbreak are overloads which are not reliable. We have no stability to boot except from earth overload too, making it extremely easy to cc us.
So, how do we 1v2 indefinitely again? I would certainly like to see some video proof documented since you are very experienced with ele, yes?
Learn to read.
“If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.”
Soon as condi rev is out of the picture (only a matter of time) the only thing you will ever have to worry about is reaper. Which between cleanse on regen, cleanse on water swap, soldier runes and 4 shouts, 2 low cool down auras, auras from combos, 2 passive proc frost auras, water overload and geomancers freedom is more than enough condition cleanse to cope with a reaper. Your protection and high health regen on auras will cover you against power players.
As for enough evades, burning speed (15s) good access to vigor and latent stamina with sigil of energy should be enough to dodge anything big enough to hurt you and you regen/heal through the rest.
Why is everyone so happy! well of precog got buffed! invul > evade, distortion > blur /end_sarcasm
New bunker meta sux
Abeit i’m no mesmer as far as i see it mesmer did not lose much from it’s bunker role, save ability to hold a point solo. They are still great survivors and can aid a team that’s not doing so well, just can’t be a troll point holders that are nearly untouchable 1v1.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
I don’t agree with you about ele bunker, DF it has more than enough evade frames, shocking aura, condition cleansing, healing for self and allies, stun breaks, stab, stupid high protection and generally should be able to hold a 2v1 almost indefinitely.
Besides, most EU teams were not running double mesmer, this double mesmer was an NA issue not EU where the mesmers were being focused hard and fast.
P.s. I don’t mind the precog blur to distortion, I mind the 0.75s cast which makes it very hard to use, otherwise I think the shaving down is alright. I don’t think more needs doing though but we will see.
It’s evident to see you have no idea what you’re talking about, nor do you know how tempest works. If a tempest can 1v2 you indefinitely, you are definitely a highly incompetent player.
If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.
Resorting to a personal attack like that clearly shows your level of skill, thanks for clearing that up for me.
LOL. You are so dead wrong. You wont survive 1v2 against any of the classes unless they are both bunker. If even one of them has dps, even a warrior or a thief, you will die. Your ignorant statement only serves to support my argument.
As for wanting a logical argument instead, I will indulge you. First off, what are these ‘more than enough evade frames’ you are talking about? Secondly, the cleanses we have are from the 5 shouts, earth 4 and water attune. This amount of cleanse is hardly enough against viper revs and reapers once they break our diamond skin. Stunbreaks? We only have one that is readily available. Eye of the storm. Other sources of stunbreak are overloads which are not reliable. We have no stability to boot except from earth overload too, making it extremely easy to cc us.
So, how do we 1v2 indefinitely again? I would certainly like to see some video proof documented since you are very experienced with ele, yes?
Learn to read.
“If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.”
Soon as condi rev is out of the picture (only a matter of time) the only thing you will ever have to worry about is reaper. Which between cleanse on regen, cleanse on water swap, soldier runes and 4 shouts, 2 low cool down auras, auras from combos, 2 passive proc frost auras, water overload and geomancers freedom is more than enough condition cleanse to cope with a reaper. Your protection and high health regen on auras will cover you against power players.
As for enough evades, burning speed (15s) good access to vigor and latent stamina with sigil of energy should be enough to dodge anything big enough to hurt you and you regen/heal through the rest.
Wat? You must play against seriously crappy players if they can’t eventually kill you 2v1. The only duo I could see a tempest surviving near indefinitely against would be two bunker builds. And that’s assuming you are a good tempest and they hit like wet noodles.
I think it’s a campaign to return Mesmer to trash tier, where we languished for 2 years. I honestly think anet doesn’t like/want mesmers.
As a 3-year Mesmer player, this was obviously a needed change. I already spoke out against the Well back in September, prior to HoT, saying that it would likely be overpowered as it were. I don’t see this as any sort of campaign to make Mesmers bad. Good Mesmer players has always been good. All this allowed for was for bad players to play Mesmer too.
Seafarer’s Rest
Good Mesmer players has always been good.
And the PvP meta has been jam packed with them!… or something.
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
All of those builds, while strong, fold to focus-fire quite quickly, as their defense is based on healing and soft mitigation (like protection), while chronobunkers had so much hard mitigation (invuln) that they could EASILY 1v2 or 1v3 for a very long time with no counterplay.
Yes, druid/scrapper/tempest need a nerf (like all of the elite specs still), but they aren’t as game-breakingly OP. For the rest of the season, at least there will be more viable builds (even if everything is still heavily bunky).
I don’t agree with you about ele bunker, DF it has more than enough evade frames, shocking aura, condition cleansing, healing for self and allies, stun breaks, stab, stupid high protection and generally should be able to hold a 2v1 almost indefinitely.
Besides, most EU teams were not running double mesmer, this double mesmer was an NA issue not EU where the mesmers were being focused hard and fast.
P.s. I don’t mind the precog blur to distortion, I mind the 0.75s cast which makes it very hard to use, otherwise I think the shaving down is alright. I don’t think more needs doing though but we will see.
It’s evident to see you have no idea what you’re talking about, nor do you know how tempest works. If a tempest can 1v2 you indefinitely, you are definitely a highly incompetent player.
If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.
Resorting to a personal attack like that clearly shows your level of skill, thanks for clearing that up for me.
LOL. You are so dead wrong. You wont survive 1v2 against any of the classes unless they are both bunker. If even one of them has dps, even a warrior or a thief, you will die. Your ignorant statement only serves to support my argument.
As for wanting a logical argument instead, I will indulge you. First off, what are these ‘more than enough evade frames’ you are talking about? Secondly, the cleanses we have are from the 5 shouts, earth 4 and water attune. This amount of cleanse is hardly enough against viper revs and reapers once they break our diamond skin. Stunbreaks? We only have one that is readily available. Eye of the storm. Other sources of stunbreak are overloads which are not reliable. We have no stability to boot except from earth overload too, making it extremely easy to cc us.
So, how do we 1v2 indefinitely again? I would certainly like to see some video proof documented since you are very experienced with ele, yes?
Learn to read.
“If you’re not against a rev or signet reaper it should be more than capable, I know because I maimed ele for 2 years and tempest since it came out. There is no reason to die to a 2v1 unless one of the other 2 is a viper revenant, maybe a condi reaper.”
Soon as condi rev is out of the picture (only a matter of time) the only thing you will ever have to worry about is reaper. Which between cleanse on regen, cleanse on water swap, soldier runes and 4 shouts, 2 low cool down auras, auras from combos, 2 passive proc frost auras, water overload and geomancers freedom is more than enough condition cleanse to cope with a reaper. Your protection and high health regen on auras will cover you against power players.
As for enough evades, burning speed (15s) good access to vigor and latent stamina with sigil of energy should be enough to dodge anything big enough to hurt you and you regen/heal through the rest.
I think you’re the one that needs to l2read. I said all the classes unless they are bunker. Even if you exclude reapers and viper rev, there’s still many classes able to 2v1 you.
As for my next reference to viper rev and condi reapers, i was talking about team fight scenarios. No one runs cleanse on regen or latent stamina, hence you dont get cleanse on auras as well. And LOL, you are actually referring to dodges and vigor as ‘evade frames’? What a joke. By that logic every other class has more than enough access to ‘evade frames’ then.
Hearing you talk about tempest with all the selfish traits input with poor understanding of how it works only serves to further my belief that you do not know how to play it properly. So much for maining it for years lmao. You even went as far as to ignore the valid points i put up, evidently knowing that im right. So, where’s the video proof i requested again?
Also, are you still stuck in emerald or sapphire? Geniunely curious.
- Primordial Legend
Enjoy your new druid/scrapper/diamond skin ele bunkers.
Druid wont be meta until condi Rev kicks the bucket.
DS Ele offers more dps, utility and point denial anyway.
Good Mesmer players has always been good.
And the PvP meta has been jam packed with them!… or something.
There’s always been some Mesmers represented in the PvP “meta”. It’s just been a difficult profession to master, you should know that just as well as any other long-time Mesmer, and average people flock to whatever is easy to play. The kind of players that’ll go copy-pasta builds from websites based on what a tournament/profiled player are using on a stream and call it meta, even though there may often be better builds out there and the player they copy-pasta it from, often copy-pasta’d it elsewhere.
Right now, Bunkermancer was incredibly easy to play, kinda like DH is (which is why you see so many play it—and very few being good at it), and as such, you slowly had an exaggerated amount of players filling the spot in the current “meta”. These past few days prior to the patch, there were at least one in almost every single match I did. Bunkermancer was/is something that is boring to fight against, and it is boring to watch. I didn’t mind too much, they were actually fairly easy enough to kill on average, given you use (and have access to) unblockable skills as they try blocking, because terrible players on a easy to play build, will ultimately be terrible players. But when facing actually good players, it was pure annoyance.
Seafarer’s Rest
precog nerf, revenant tweak and a massive influx of alcoholic beverages to fuel the celebrations! good patch!