What? AGAIN!?!
mesmers can also one shot from stealth so embrace the “new” and improved pvp
Chronomancers have so many blocks/evades. Just always be aware of your surroundings and be ready to pop distortion or something when you know there is a thief nearby; they can’t stay in stealth very long without giving something away, and you can generally tell how long before a back-stab happens.
Mesmer is a go to choice for thieves… Wasn’t during the Bunker meta but it’s back it now with the removal of toughness from most builds.
I’m not a thief main but I still understand the importance from stealing off a Mesmer/Warrior in a fight and focusing down the “squishies” first.
….. And Elementalist.
Chronomancers have so many blocks/evades. Just always be aware of your surroundings and be ready to pop distortion or something when you know there is a thief nearby; they can’t stay in stealth very long without giving something away, and you can generally tell how long before a back-stab happens.
This doesnt help the OP, if a thief begins its approach and attack from stealth then what
Very few Mesmers run substantial stealth in the current era. That argument doesn’t make much sense.
I does little good to distortion or block after an initial hit with basilisk venom, plus the thief is now high on boons. I should random block/evade/dodge?
Chronomancers have so many blocks/evades. Just always be aware of your surroundings and be ready to pop distortion or something when you know there is a thief nearby; they can’t stay in stealth very long without giving something away, and you can generally tell how long before a back-stab happens.
This doesnt help the OP, if a thief begins its approach and attack from stealth then what
Very few Mesmers run substantial stealth in the current era. That argument doesn’t make much sense.
I does little good to distortion or block after an initial hit with basilisk venom, plus the thief is now high on boons. I should random block/evade/dodge?
How do you think it is for thief fighting condi mes lol? You get hit even through dodges because clones run at 200% speed.
Also, map awareness is hardcounter to thieves. Open your map for once and use your eyes.
I can beat most mes on thief but only reason is because they all use same rotation with same timing, it is literary like fighting a raid boss – too predictable. They don’t even attempt to play mind games or care about positioning. Good mes like Misha, Helseth and co. are different story, they play differently, not like some bot that learned rotation from metabattle that is why they are good.
(edited by Shadowstep.6049)
Alright, I’ll try being especially sharp on map awareness.
lol you dont seem to get it, it not about who can one shot who. Neither is it about map awareness because that doesnt apply to what im talking about.
The question is what do you do as a mesmer if you get jumped and then one shotted by a thief you cannot see
lol you dont seem to get it, it not about who can one shot who. Neither is it about map awareness because that doesnt apply to what im talking about.
The question is what do you do as a mesmer if you get jumped and then one shotted by a thief you cannot see
the only thief that can one shot mesmer is kamikaze one with zerker amy and signets…. that thing has 11k HP and dies to literary anything; not to mention it is one trick pony on long CDs
99% of thieves you see in pvp cannot one shot mesmer…..
also, thank you OP for reminding me what kind of GW2 forums are
(edited by Shadowstep.6049)
lol you dont seem to get it, it not about who can one shot who. Neither is it about map awareness because that doesnt apply to what im talking about.
The question is what do you do as a mesmer if you get jumped and then one shotted by a thief you cannot see
the only thief that can one shot mesmer is kamikaze one with zerker amy and signets…. that thing has 11k HP and dies to literary anything; not to mention it is one trick pony on long CDs
99% of thieves you see in pvp cannot one shot mesmer…..
also, thank you OP for reminding me what kind of GW2 forums are
trade sword with scepter and say goodbye to thieves …
I’m getting one shot by thieves from stealth, again.
Mesmer already suffered years of being a certain kill for thieves and now we’re back to it again.
I just adore being laughed at by thieves who can attack from stealth and kill me in less than a second.
Next, I’ll start being told I’m “just bad” and “l2p” right?
At what point are you going to start accepting the responsibility for losing match ups? If a thief opens on you from stealth:
1. Play with your volume turned up.
2. You have blink.
3. You have distortion.
4. You may have blind on shatter.
5. You may have block or evasion.
You have plenty of answers for thief right now. Not to mention, the real problem of burst from stealth 100-0 isn’t thieves, but it is mantra Mesmer. Even then, I would say the same thing to anyone, play with your volume on.
lol you dont seem to get it, it not about who can one shot who. Neither is it about map awareness because that doesnt apply to what im talking about.
The question is what do you do as a mesmer if you get jumped and then one shotted by a thief you cannot see
Even a crit-backstab cannot 1-shot you — maybe take away 80%-90% of your health — but an auto or two is needed before you go down. Use that time to pop distortion and counter-attack.
Also, most thieves go in stealth by putting down a pistol 5. Watch/listen for that, and you will generally know when it is about to happen.
(edited by Razor.9872)
lol you dont seem to get it, it not about who can one shot who. Neither is it about map awareness because that doesnt apply to what im talking about.
The question is what do you do as a mesmer if you get jumped and then one shotted by a thief you cannot see
Even a crit-backstab cannot 1-shot you — maybe take away 80%-90% of your health — but an auto or two is needed before you go down. Use that time to pop distortion and counter-attack.
Also, most thieves go in stealth by putting down a pistol 5. Watch/listen for that, and you will generally know when it is about to happen.
80/90%? Since when thief backstabs hit for 20k?
Itchiwen please take responsibility for once in the time u played the game. We all shared the same burden at one point in our lives when playing gw2, take this from an average joe who also get his face kittenstomped at times. U already explained what compromising situations u are in. Do not run away from it, accept it. And adjust your playstyle to it or move on. For somebody who ask for everybody else to empathise with you which we do. Why do u constantly fail to show the same empathy to others? They are all enemies, thief players who laugh at how ‘’misreable u are’’.
For most thiefs except the good ones thier role is soley reduced to +1 and decap. they are dogs to go fetch ball whenever thier owners Druid or Tempest tells them to.
possible solutions
>Play an easier to play class/build that is tanky given your hand, that doesn’t require much mobility and can dish out decent amounts of damage like an Macebow or Druid.
>Go on teamspeak and play in team in unranked using voice chat. Don’t worry about how it would impact your skills if u solo qued. I believe u need a completely different way of playing the game that fits your current state of mind. taking any extra challenges in order to improve simply isn’t going to work with how u view everything else and quitting the game is not something u will do anytime soon.
>Go to qqmore and practice everything else that is not related to finger dexterity like rotations and positioning, Simple kiting jumping spots. Maby u actually have the potential to actually be a teamcaptain and guide your team instead of bieng a duelist. With the current mentality u have I honestly think that u should be a casual player in the most basic sense of the word. U do not have the personality to be a competetive player which is completely fine. nothing wrong with that. But the hard truth is that u simply need a thick skin.
> Also if season 5 still has leagues as we are used to or similar to. And u still decide solo/duo que without anybody to carry u. Please do not go beyond saphire league. or the equivelant of it unless u change your mentality.
If I offended u in any way i apologize. It’s not my intent to do so.
The thief counter mesmers and necros since ever. The work of a thief is come out of the shadows, stab you and then disappear again. And again. And again. And again.
Actually the thief had recived some improvements on his damage, it’s AA is insanely strong, just because some bad players don’t wanted to use skills because were unable to manage the mechanic of the class, then ANet made they’re AA so strong that sometimes they don’t even need to stab you twice, they just need to stab and AA.
As a mesmer, you can use some teleport skills, break stuns, stealth and total immunity/block skills that make you able to fight a thief or at last to flee from it.
A single burst of the dps build can kill a thief, hardly you need two if you hit with all the combo. Then is a skills fight, where who get the other first win.
Pay attention to when the thief come to you (if you can) and be ready with a breakstun/teleport skill and burst him when he come out of the darkness.
more or less the same thing he need to do when is you that chase him.
Did something changed recently or something? Few months ago the boards were a full on dh whine a thon and now everything is being complained about. Especially thf now. I don’t remember thf getting buffs though.
Very few Mesmers run substantial stealth in the current era. That argument doesn’t make much sense.
I does little good to distortion or block after an initial hit with basilisk venom, plus the thief is now high on boons. I should random block/evade/dodge?
Mesmer don’t need stealth to pull off their burst, and in fact the burst from torch 4 can be a giveaway that a burst is coming up very soon from a mesmer, making it easier to prepare for assuming they aren’t smart enough to use Decoy (and a lot of mesmers are not good mesmers).
Condi Chrono wins the 1v1 vs DP Thief. It’s not like the build is designed for team fighting, anyway. Regardless, you now have more skills to give you an opportunity to outplay them. You’re far from a free kill. If you’re using a non-meta build, though, then of course you’ll have more weaknesses.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Did something changed recently or something? Few months ago the boards were a full on dh whine a thon and now everything is being complained about. Especially thf now. I don’t remember thf getting buffs though.
I think people played the game and learnt how to deal with most DH. Now it’s probably reversed and the DH’s whine about everything else….
Seriously though, who are most of the ragers in PvP atm? From what I’ve seen it’s the DH players who run traps and still can’t get a kill.
….. And Elementalist.
Did something changed recently or something? Few months ago the boards were a full on dh whine a thon and now everything is being complained about. Especially thf now. I don’t remember thf getting buffs though.
Thieves are more common and don’t have as many counters because of the DH and Druid nerfs. tbh I think they are getting just a bit out of hand, most of them just spam interrupts and hope they interrupted a heal or other important skill to get a pulmonary. I actually had to change from a thief main ’cause of how easy mode they were becoming lol
Looking for a team? Start here! https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
That screenshot I showing two vaults used to make the 12k damage with steal and Bound. I was asking for a screenshot of the fabled 1 shot from stealth from this current patch or last balance patch for that matter.
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
where is one shot in this?
Obviously there is no true 1 shot kill from full health in this game but we have been doing this for the past 2-3 seasons.
I could play thief for 1 hour, collect videos of me waiting for people to run off point and i insta kill them.
I showed a screen shot of a quick 12k hit. Revs can do this as well, i took 10k damage yesterday as i went for a stomp and my guardian took a surge of the mists.
Is this 1 shot true? Yes its kind of true. We have thieves running around doing between 6-12 damage for hitting 2 buttons. Same goes for revs. Power necros are doing the same thing in team fights.
This is simply the new meta, S1 the bunker meta and Anet does what they do. They balanced the complete opposite way.
In the last TOL you saw multiple teams run the 0-5-0 split and even the teams posted saying stuff like you can get ganked and insta killed if you get caught alone.
So to those questioning the thread, maybe quit trolling so much or simply counter point that this is the meta.
lol you dont seem to get it, it not about who can one shot who. Neither is it about map awareness because that doesnt apply to what im talking about.
The question is what do you do as a mesmer if you get jumped and then one shotted by a thief you cannot see
Even a crit-backstab cannot 1-shot you — maybe take away 80%-90% of your health — but an auto or two is needed before you go down. Use that time to pop distortion and counter-attack.
Also, most thieves go in stealth by putting down a pistol 5. Watch/listen for that, and you will generally know when it is about to happen.
One shot does not necessarily mean one attack taking 100% hp it also means a combo that happens almost instantly that takes over 80% of the targets hp
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
where is one shot in this?
I was in a 1 vs 1 with another class which is why you see the burning. It was at a constant 1-2 burns so nothing to big. My health was around 15k the whole fight in a 1 vs 1.
Theif comes over steal/dazes me and hits the 5 staff skill and im down.
When you talk about 1 shot kills i really think about the time. Like in this situation i was in a 1 vs 1 and we are going at with no real winning coming any time soon. A thief comes over and ends it in 2 sec.
It can be frustrating to alot of people who might not be able to find a role they like in the game. ( The OP seems to run into this issue)
Finding a role can be hard and when you might want to stand off point a little and run some sort of stun/daze mesmer with marauder amulet. Your gonna die in 1 sec from passive condi being thrown around in the fight. Then boom a thief instantly downs you in 1 sec.
I dont understand why its hard to see a person point of view when we all know this is the case. Simply using the phrase “where is the 1 shot” is being argumentative just because which is fine if thats what your doing.
thats what you get for making lord hamsalt mad
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
where is one shot in this?
I was in a 1 vs 1 with another class which is why you see the burning. It was at a constant 1-2 burns so nothing to big. My health was around 15k the whole fight in a 1 vs 1.
Theif comes over steal/dazes me and hits the 5 staff skill and im down.
When you talk about 1 shot kills i really think about the time. Like in this situation i was in a 1 vs 1 and we are going at with no real winning coming any time soon. A thief comes over and ends it in 2 sec.
It can be frustrating to alot of people who might not be able to find a role they like in the game. ( The OP seems to run into this issue)
Finding a role can be hard and when you might want to stand off point a little and run some sort of stun/daze mesmer with marauder amulet. Your gonna die in 1 sec from passive condi being thrown around in the fight. Then boom a thief instantly downs you in 1 sec.
I dont understand why its hard to see a person point of view when we all know this is the case. Simply using the phrase “where is the 1 shot” is being argumentative just because which is fine if thats what your doing.
So you were 1V2 and complaining about dying to a thief priceless…….you’re not helping your case any further
@OP: There is nothing you can do, apart from trying to be more aware of where the thief is in a match. The thief was doing its job.
Nothing to see here…move along…
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
where is one shot in this?
I was in a 1 vs 1 with another class which is why you see the burning. It was at a constant 1-2 burns so nothing to big. My health was around 15k the whole fight in a 1 vs 1.
Theif comes over steal/dazes me and hits the 5 staff skill and im down.
When you talk about 1 shot kills i really think about the time. Like in this situation i was in a 1 vs 1 and we are going at with no real winning coming any time soon. A thief comes over and ends it in 2 sec.
It can be frustrating to alot of people who might not be able to find a role they like in the game. ( The OP seems to run into this issue)
Finding a role can be hard and when you might want to stand off point a little and run some sort of stun/daze mesmer with marauder amulet. Your gonna die in 1 sec from passive condi being thrown around in the fight. Then boom a thief instantly downs you in 1 sec.
I dont understand why its hard to see a person point of view when we all know this is the case. Simply using the phrase “where is the 1 shot” is being argumentative just because which is fine if thats what your doing.
So you were 1V2 and complaining about dying to a thief priceless…….you’re not helping your case any further
What case is that?
If you are reading my comments i have no real complaints. This is simply the meta.
Do i think this is more skilled base combat then before HOT? NO, simply put we had multiple builds you could play with.
You guys are arguing that a thief can not 1 shot you which is not true especially in the hypothetical situation i gave earlier.
Thief has been given a better role to play since the nerfs to other classes and this is its role. But disagreeing with the OP (which from his previous threads struggles against this class) is not you/others being correct taking the opposite side.
I and some guild mates tested this out and staff thef does a insane amount of damage. The idea you can be in a fight in good condition and a staff 5 can do 10k damage followed by a dodge that can do 4k then a another 10k.
You say im not making a good point, im agreeing with the OP that guess what you can get insta downed by thieves/revs in +1 situations and that necros do unreal amounts of damage in team fights.
Thats the new meta and i dont like it and you and others pretending that it doesnt happen is yours to keep.
The best crit on a Backstab I have seen running Zerkers with Assassins Signet popped was 10k plus 1.2 from from Lightning Strike against another Thief, this skill cannot one shot any class not running a Zerker assassin with the lowest HP. So for people saying it can one shot you in Pvp sho proof of Screenshots with your HP /ammy and the combat log.
This screen shot is before the nerfs to the other classes.
I dont know how they will perform in team setting but in solo que its pretty annoying.
Its simply steal 5 on staff. Or steal back stab 2 on dagger.
I didnt take pictures recently but i understand that any small changes ANet makes throws balance out the door from the previous meta because of how bad HOT classes are.
where is one shot in this?
I was in a 1 vs 1 with another class which is why you see the burning. It was at a constant 1-2 burns so nothing to big. My health was around 15k the whole fight in a 1 vs 1.
Theif comes over steal/dazes me and hits the 5 staff skill and im down.
When you talk about 1 shot kills i really think about the time. Like in this situation i was in a 1 vs 1 and we are going at with no real winning coming any time soon. A thief comes over and ends it in 2 sec.
It can be frustrating to alot of people who might not be able to find a role they like in the game. ( The OP seems to run into this issue)
Finding a role can be hard and when you might want to stand off point a little and run some sort of stun/daze mesmer with marauder amulet. Your gonna die in 1 sec from passive condi being thrown around in the fight. Then boom a thief instantly downs you in 1 sec.
I dont understand why its hard to see a person point of view when we all know this is the case. Simply using the phrase “where is the 1 shot” is being argumentative just because which is fine if thats what your doing.
So you were 1V2 and complaining about dying to a thief priceless…….you’re not helping your case any further
What case is that?
If you are reading my comments i have no real complaints. This is simply the meta.
Do i think this is more skilled base combat then before HOT? NO, simply put we had multiple builds you could play with.
You guys are arguing that a thief can not 1 shot you which is not true especially in the hypothetical situation i gave earlier.
Thief has been given a better role to play since the nerfs to other classes and this is its role. But disagreeing with the OP (which from his previous threads struggles against this class) is not you/others being correct taking the opposite side.
I and some guild mates tested this out and staff thef does a insane amount of damage. The idea you can be in a fight in good condition and a staff 5 can do 10k damage followed by a dodge that can do 4k then a another 10k.
You say im not making a good point, im agreeing with the OP that guess what you can get insta downed by thieves/revs in +1 situations and that necros do unreal amounts of damage in team fights.
Thats the new meta and i dont like it and you and others pretending that it doesnt happen is yours to keep.
I am arguing that what you showed is not a Indra down you were against two people as you stated your self of course you will die against two people it’s common sense. And again there is no true one shot down in this game unless both people are pure glass on the two squishiest classes in Pvp. The OP stated she got one shot downed from stealth from a thief which implie BS which can’t hit anywhere near that hard against any of the Meta builds.
Also almost every class has a combo of skills that do ridiculous amounts of rust damage, Thief, Chrono, Rev, Druid, War the list goes on.
And your screen shot proves that at most those Vaults only did 6k damage since it was 12k in two hits.
TL dr Thives can’t one shot people. Yes they can burst people down as a plus one but so can every other class…
The balance between thief and mesmer is a lot closer compared to pre-specialization update. Sure in 1v1 for extended fights thief has every advantage, but it’s no longer the “free food” it used to be unless you are running power. Which power is just kind of bad right now. (not that you can’t make power work, it’s just condi does more over all. It’s easier to land damage, more survivability, Stronger passive pressure when pushed off point, ect.)
Awareness, and out rotating is Mesmer’s best defense against Thieves. However it works better when you have a team that can actually peel.
I’m not aware of anything that instagibs condi mes with a full bar of cooldowns tho, screen shots help.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
(edited by Daishi.6027)
About halfway through S4 I made the decision to learn how to play Mesmer. They were the one class that gave me a lot of trouble. I wanted to learn how to beat them.
When I first started playing Mesmer I was being stomped and killed by everything, ALL the time. It made me feel more useless than a newbie scrub potato.
It took considerable effort, but I managed to get a grip on how to play Mesmer (and how to beat them). I enjoyed playing Mesmer so much I now play it as my main in pvp. However, I discovered a new thorn in my side, thieves. Sneaky buggers stealth in and ganking me before I could do anything. More time, more effort; even a spent some time on a thief toon so I could understand how they work, et voila I can defend myself against thieves.
You are always going to come across players of varying ability. A truly good thief, still gets the better of me. But when that happens, I know it is my lack of skill and not some supernatural trait/skill on thieves that makes me die.
In conclusion, learn to identify flaws and weaknesses in your skill and ability. Practice, practice, practice. Be prepared to accept that we each have skill limits and can’t all be Lord Helseth.
Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/