What PvP needs to be good.

What PvP needs to be good.

in PvP

Posted by: KRERz.7304


I say this because I like the game mode.
You need to be able to forfeit a match.

Games are often over in the first minute or two but you are forced to limp on for up to 10 minutes sometimes.
This is boring and nobody wants to do it.

Allow your team to vote to surrender a losing match so that we can stop wasting time on hopeless matches and get back into the queue.
Not only would this reduce queue times but it would also completely resolve the issue of people either afking (which is essentially forfeiting but without officially ending the game) or abandoning (also essentially forfeiting but comes with the additional penalty of locking people out of queues and again, contributing to longer queue times)

I am not deluded enough to think that this is the sort of thing that can be implemented in time for the upcoming season, but this season will be boring like all the previous ones without it.

What PvP needs to be good.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’ve had games where a player quit but we came back from 100 pnts, to only 25pnts behind. We could have won if he didn’t quit.

It’s not because that 1 player was bad and we magically did better. It was because right when he left, we won mid and snowballed the map for 30s due to the other team being out-rotated (joining the fights 1 by 1).

There’s so many players who rather quit the game early than try-hard for a comeback. It’s really sad.

What we do need is an in-game voting system to force Dishonor players who blatantly quit matches after the first mid wipe…

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

What PvP needs to be good.

in PvP

Posted by: KRERz.7304


I guess I should clarify what I am asking for:

Would it be possible to implement a vote to quit if behind by say 100-200 points after the first couple minutes of the game?
Continuing games while being down 200-0 2 minutes in is not fun, even for the winning team I would argue. I would rather call “gg” then and there and get into another game rather than prolong everyone’s suffering.

What PvP needs to be good.

in PvP

Posted by: REGGADO.1237


Truely 4v5 is pointless even to try with this pip system. (tho s1 was ok to 4v5)

I hate when people quit after first mid fight, yes, sometimes kitten happens.. I had games with bad openings, score was 200-5 and yet we won (460-501). Secret is to get team of winers not whiners.

What PvP needs to be good.

in PvP

Posted by: Light Of The Abyss.5927

Light Of The Abyss.5927

A /resign function like in GW1 would be nice for times when you are placed in a 4v5. Or the other team snowballs on legacy and you just want to get out and start a new game.

Delpfine Drake