Thanks to many guildies who contributed to this list. It’s not complete, so feel free to add to it as you see fit and I’ll try to update it. Upvote or report for sticky if you like this post.
Dragon’s tooth – Giant fire spike above your head. Lands in about 1.5s for large damage. Move if near the edge, dodge if in the middle.
Ice Spike – Same as Dragon’s tooth but with an ice spike.
Phoenix- Flaming bird that slowly travels in a line and explodes for big damage. Can hit 3 times if it passes through you first before explosion. Move out of the line or dodge away.
Churning Earth – Ground rumbles, ele is standing still crouched for 3s. Major damage + bleed if hit. Usually just walk out, dodge if necessary. This is often paired with a teleport, so if an ele is churning earth somewhere else, be ready to dodge at the end of the cast.
Ride the Lightning/Updraft – Ele turns into a ball of lightning and rushes at you, minor damage but often followed by an instant-cast knockdown. Dodge just after/as the lightening explodes to avoid it.
Earthquake – Ele hops up in the air, knockdown and low damage. Dodge during the jump, on the way down.
Meteor Shower – Ele stands still for 3s, flaming hands. Cast continues for a short duration after casting is over. Meteors crit hit for 2-2.5k. Move out of the circle, usually no need to dodge.
Burning Speed – Ele slides toward you shoulder first, explodes for large damage. Dodge when you see him rushing at you, shoulder first.
Shockwave – Ground disturbance, travels in a line. Bleeds and immobilizes. Dodge or move out of the way, it’s pretty slow.
Gust – Same as shockwave but it knocks back with no bleed.
Eruption – Rumbling rocks form and compact, then explode ~2s later. Good damage, 12s bleed. Takes forever to go off, move out; dodge only if necessary.
Lava Font – Small fire pile on the ground, major damage if stood in. Move out quickly or dodge if necessary.
Fire Grab – From chest, ele reaches out and does a short range fire blast. Massive damage if on fire. If you’re burning, they have a dagger OH and close the gap on you, dodge.
If you see an ele with a brown bubble around them, they’ll reflect all projectiles for the next 3s.
If you get immobilized/stunned vs an ele, use a condi removal or stun break or it’s gonna hurt.
Any Immobilize – If a giant net is flying at your face, either dodge or be ready to clear all conditions. Don’t trust that you’ll hit it with a single target condition removal because Engi spams conditions easily to cover it.
Big ol’ Bomb – AoE Knockback with a pretty big radius. It looks like an Asura sized Barrel on the ground and has a couple second delay. It’s best to just run out to get clear of the radius but it is possible to time your dodge to evade the KB.
Overcharged Shot – This one is hard to see but you can predict it if you have good game sense. It has a very short range and most Engi’s use it immediately following Jump Shot – So if an Engi runs up to you and hops up in the air expect to get the KB next. Some practice is likely needed for timing on this one.
Static Shield/Magnetic Field – Both of these can be predicted by watching for the Engi putting up a shield and no longer auto-attacking. One is a reflect so just keep an eye out for the tell-tale reflect bubble for that one.
Turrets – Rocket, Thumper, Net all have CC tied to their activatable. The activatable though is an on next hit attack, so just keep an eye out for when the attacks are hitting you and you can know when each cc could possibly land. For the Rockets KD it can be seen by watching the rockets themselves, a normal rocket will fly essentially straight at the target while the KD rocket has a ballistic approach and will travel much higher before hitting.
Air Blast – This attack is tied to the Flamethrower. Although it doesn’t have an easily spottable animation you can bet that if you are sitting on an Engi’s kitten and they equip the Flamethrower all the sudden that this is the first thing coming out.
Throw Mine – This works similar to a trap or mark from a Necro, so just look for the radius circle and avoid it. Mines in general also have a beacon type light on them that can be seen flashing dimly. One thing to note is that the auto trigger proximity is a bit less than the radius of the KB and the Engi can manually detonate at any time. Because of this I’d just steer entirely clear of it.
(edited by Slithan.4380)