What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Isabis.9561


About 4 seconds?
Like every thief build is about spamming 1 ability. How stupid is this?
Not to mention it’s OP to spam that one strongest ability all the time. This would fix both problems and add depth into profession.
I understand thief is designed around initiative as a resource, but it didn’t turn out well in the end imo.

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Jordan.9132


Spamming one ability isn’t as strong as comboing different abilities together, noob thieves will be able to own noobs by spamming one button but once you learn how to play it doesn’t really happen.

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Teltae.1547


Yeah. Let’s get rid of the one class that actually has to manage a resource in this game.

Uh, yeah, no thanks. Try again. There’s nothing wrong with resource management.

“You lizards should learn that I’m a lot scarier than you are.” -RC-1138

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Gawmbles.5308


I have a post about pistol whip and heartseeker in the thief forums, go read it and tell me what you think.

A good thief will almost never just sit there and spam an ability unless its under certain conditions.

ie. healing tree from rangers and hearseeker for heal
-condition thief using death blossom (its utterly worthless on any other build)
-Dazing steal from a guardian then bursting
-jumping into a fight after an enemy used their stunbreaker to burst down.

I don’t agree with how its designed, but the overall system is entirely counterable and not a problem once you get used to playing. If a thief spams the same ability in most situations its bad play. I constantly kill these players in 1v1 because all it takes is a stunbreaker and a dodge roll. They just lost everything while you barely lost anything.

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Isabis.9561


Gawmbles, you basically wrote a thread on how to counter these thiefs who spam one ability. I know how to counter them – try to dodge their HS/PW, if caught in immobilize pop dmg mitigation/immobilize break, if caught in stun, use stun breaker. That’s not the main problem.
The main problem is how thiefs ignore all their abilities and use only the one which deals most dmg. What is the point of all other abilities then if they are not used in 90% cases?

@Teltae By “resource managing”, you mean “know when to use my only dmg ability and when not to”? That’s all I can pull out of that statement.

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Mizeri.1847


the assassin profession shouldn’t be allowed to maximize their damage in a short period of time?

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Antisceptic.9174


Remove the focus on initiative from the thief? While we’re at it let’s remove Mesmer clones, Warrior Adrenaline, Ranger pets, etc.

What about adding a small CD to thief abilites?

in PvP

Posted by: Mayama.1854


the assassin profession shouldn’t be allowed to maximize their damage in a short period of time?

By that logic I could say that the thief class should do the least amount of damage. Tiny daggers are harmless compared to a sword the size of a man or fireballs.