(edited by vezon.8901)
What am I doing wrong?
For the second season in a row I’m few pips away from legendary (10 pips) mostly as solo player ( briefly teamed up in sapphire, 100% solo from ruby to diamond) and I have experience of losing streaks and how to end them ( but I’m no God so take what you will from my suggestions and in the end a little bit of luck is still needed I’m afraid )
1 After 3 consecutive defeats…pls stop for the day, you’re not fit mentally( your head not there anymore) to continue, you’re either upset or demoralized..you won’t win ever like that
2 Never argue with your team and generally never create a tense situation, always try to maintain an overall positive attitude, this facilitate what was supposed to be an impossible comebacks as you can exploit (in some cases ) the overconfidence of the enemy
3 Always communicate with your team and react accordingly, propose tactics in the beginning, try to build some confidence, boost the morale of the team.
4 Think of ways to improve your teamfight presence and this means understanding the strengths and limits of your role, whether a DPS or support…victory or defeat may rely on you entirely
-As DPS know when and who to pressure and how, peel for others and don’t overcommit yourself: a dead DPS does no dmg
-As support know how to kite and how to prioritize support, also know when to disengage and regroup, for example if mid is lost..do not try to hold against all odds as your absence may cause a snowball effect
Basically , do realize when a battle is lost, flee, regroup and change plans
5 Play to win : Follow the meta and adjust it to your style.
Never put yourself into an unfavourable match up if you can avoid it, always try to create unfair fights for the enemy
6 Find the best playing times for you and stick to it, for example if you’re a solo player I’d suggest to avoid playing weekdays between 6pm-9pm GMT and during weekends because the number of premades will skyrocket during those times and I presume you want to avoid them. This last point may look extreme to you..but hey do you want to go up or not?..so give yourself the best chances of victory ( ofc getting better yourself is always necessary )
Hope this can help, if I did it..you can
So after 100 games winning less than 20% there has to be some problems with me,
We really need more information to help you out.
1.) Are you playing on EU or US? With that information, you can maybe get a ‘personal trainer’ to take a look at your play ingame.
2.) Which profession & build are you using?
3.) Can you maybe video tape a match? That would give us an even more detailed insight and therefore, the option to provide an even better feedback.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.
My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.
I use Shadow Play by Nvidea. Doesn’t get laggy for me at least.
OBS works pretty well and is free. Just takes a bit to get your settings the way you want them
Won 2 games out of 12 tonight. T3 diamond. That one 500:0 game was fun as hell.
People are quick to say use meta, but when dealing with over 7 million players the few several cookie cutter builds will place them all within arms reach of ruby I suppose, or suppose not.
I’m all for people using cookie cutter builds to try to win if those players lack some creativity and logic in their builds, but I wouldn’t necessarily suggest to every player to use meta builds. Lets be real if you have to use cookie cutter builds it is no longer fun. In all honesty too, does every one feel that cookie cutter builds work 100% of the time for 100% of players? No, of course not, and yes they’re meta builds for a reason but that reason cannot constantly apply to over 7 million people 100% of the time..
I’m just saying telling people to use meta is cool if they can’t make a build work good enough for them on their own, but in order for one to find something that works for them they should go through their own versions of builds to see what they find that fits their play style. Some people like 1v1’s, some like mobility, etc, it’s all dynamic and no static cookie cutter will suffice for every situation and player.
Great advice, all of it. Particularly the bit about coordinating with your team and not arguing. Time and time again, I’ve seen one player on the team throw a CAPS LOCK rage-fit in /team chat, and inevitably the team starts performing even more poorly than they were.
Similarly, I’ve seen several instances of someone raging in team chat, and one or two others on the team try to assuage them and build confidence back up (“We’re doing okay, focus on the ele and stomp downs and we’ll turn it around, keep it up all”, etc), and even if we still ultimately lost the match, we would generally fare better than if we’d all given up and run ourselves into the mid meatgrinder.
Communication. Is. Key.
Before the match, tell your teammates what your strengths are (“I’m heal tempest, stack on me at mid”), but more importantly tell them of your weaknesses (“I will lose in 1v1 against engi every time, pls assist if you can”) and the other players on your team will keep this in mind during the match.
Also important: Don’t let the troll on your team get you down. You will inevitably get the person who decides it’s over before the match even begins. Ignore their negativity and play your best to the very end of the match. Also, be ready to change your tactics on a whim if they aren’t working out. Just because you’re down by 200 points doesn’t mean you’ll lose. I’ve been on several winning teams who barely scraped together a win from a 200 or 300 point deficit. It can definitely happen, and trust me when I say that those wins will be the most rewarding and memorable wins you’ll have.
And yes, if you lose 3 in a row, take a break—even if it’s just for an hour or two. Come back with fresh eyes and a cup of coffee and fight your way out of the losing streak.
Good luck!
My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.
i’m in my sapphire 16/25 US myself and yes, i kinda noticed that most of the better players have graduated into ruby or higher, i also noticed that the players on both teams kinda go down very quickly as well.
do you play other professions besides scrapper?
nowadays i play reaper myself and seem to do okay with it.
in where i am, since everyone goes down quickly, it is better to do more damage and get them down quickly instead of trying to play support.
My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.i’m in my sapphire 16/25 US myself and yes, i kinda noticed that most of the better players have graduated into ruby or higher, i also noticed that the players on both teams kinda go down very quickly as well.
do you play other professions besides scrapper?
nowadays i play reaper myself and seem to do okay with it.
in where i am, since everyone goes down quickly, it is better to do more damage and get them down quickly instead of trying to play support.
having a support in your team is a must, at least 1 druid or 1 ele. players who cant adapt to enemy comp will have a hard time at ruby or diamond.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.i’m in my sapphire 16/25 US myself and yes, i kinda noticed that most of the better players have graduated into ruby or higher, i also noticed that the players on both teams kinda go down very quickly as well.
do you play other professions besides scrapper?
nowadays i play reaper myself and seem to do okay with it.
in where i am, since everyone goes down quickly, it is better to do more damage and get them down quickly instead of trying to play support.
having a support in your team is a must, at least 1 druid or 1 ele. players who cant adapt to enemy comp will have a hard time at ruby or diamond.
for ruby and above, yeah.
but in amber / emerald / sapphire i find it that being able to repeatedly put down (and then stomp or cleave down) my opponents is more useful than being good support.