What do you do with AFKers?
I had one earlier in my tpvp game, so I just left and went to play something else.
i never met an afker in about 150 tournament which makes around 300 matches
If its hot join and you are losing, just quit. If its tournament, then blame what will probably be your loss on the afker and move on.
If it’s hot-join there’s not much you can do. Leave and join another game.
If it’s tournament: report them. (however it’s unlikely anything will ever happen unless that person is a repeat offender of AFKing. Most people who AFK have good reason to because something IRL has come up)
Do not listen to Gilgamesh on this issue, you should never report them or anyone because they do something that makes you mad,; you should only report people for acts listed under the preset categories. There is no correct category for this kind of report and maliciously reporting (reporting behavior other than what it is correctly related to) can get you banned. If they did go through and try to investigate the incident they would find that the offender did nothing in violation while you did.
It sucks, and the guy who has done 150 tournies and hasnt run into an afker, or someone who quit before the match then he only runs with guildies or is insanely lucky; as this happens in pug tpvp enough to be a problem. When faced with this the correct thing is to soft forfeit the match( by stayng in base) or give it your all despite the odds.
If you are in hotjoin then join another server, or deal with it. Since matches are done back to back there is no real time( other than a 20sec period before the match) to formally leave. Hotjoin is just what it implies, people are free to join or leave, or free to go grab a pizza and comeback. Should they have the courtesy to leave the match, sure; should a gamer faux pas be reported or dealt with by Anet personally, not imo