What do you think Ranked needs?

What do you think Ranked needs?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Lets face it, Season 6 is a bit meh.

I can say I genuinely enjoyed Season 5 (landing in Gold 3) despite all the underlying issues with the game mode itself. I myself am what you’d consider an 80% PVE player casually enjoying the game.

I’ve never seen balance to be an issue because it’s never been perfect in any pvp environments. I just play around it. Class stacking in Soloqueue MMOs is normal, I just switch out to a counter if it’s something dumb like 4+ DH.

There is a genuine population problem this season as a result of no pro scene and taking away those tasty ascended handouts from farmers. But for someone who plays for the love of the game itself,
I’d really want to know what the dedicated pvp players think needs to be addressed. Lets be productive here.

Sidenote: idgaf about toxicity. It’s a hardcore pvp mode, it’s going to happen.

Multiple Class Disorder

What do you think Ranked needs?

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

Simply put I don’t think there are any actual dedicated competitive PvPers. There’s no place in GW2 atm for dedicated competitive PvPers. And from a outside view looking in. It just seems and feel ANet just have giving up for the most part. A lot of things could’ve been overlooked.

But any actual competitive GW2 PvP who’ve try a actual PvP game, jumps ship shortly after.

Lets compare GW2’s to some of the Actual competitive PvP games on the market.

- Match Maker = 4 out of 10
- Balance = 6 out of 10
- Rank Entry Bar = 1 out of 10
- Skill based = 2 out of 10
- Fun = 3 out of 10
- Population = 0 out of 10
- Punishment System = 1 out of 10
- Meaningful Ranks = 2 out of 10
- Team Play Promoted = 3 out of 10
- Game Modes = 0 out of 10
- Build Diversity = 2 out of 10

For me that’s what ANet would have to improve in GW2’s Ranked PvP. Inorder to get me to actually put effort into. I just don’t see either happening. The fat lady is pretty much singing for GW2’s PvP mode and maybe even WvW mode. I don’t see or think that at this point their is anything ANet or the community can do. The time to act has long pasted. I’ll say back in Season 2.

PvP in GW2 atm is just that bad that, the competitive players are starting to look elsewhere after years of playing. And after these players find one of these games that suit their needs. Their GW2’s time is decreased by huge margin, if they haven’t just flatout quitted.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

What do you think Ranked needs?

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Just my opinion…..

First the population issues need to be addressed
-Revert Ascended changes.
-Introduce the new “Year Of Ascension”, even if it’s the same design in different colours.

-Introduce a hard cap on games for rating, say about 250. Or restrict it to same divisions only. No more Silvers vs ESL games.
-Compose teams of similar skill, not 4 bronze + 1 ESL vs 5 Golds. I know this creates “balanced” games but it also debunks any meaning to rating/divisions.

-Create a JP for the Lobby with PvP potions as a reward.
-Only reward the winners.
-Actually punish players who receive multiple reports for match manipulation / afk.
-Reintroduce ranked parties.
-Introduce a 3v3 ranked TDM using Courtyard as the map.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

What do you think Ranked needs?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

-Reintroduce ranked parties.
-Introduce a 3v3 ranked TDM using Courtyard as the map.

I think these two stick for me.

I know Courtyard was removed from ranked after all its hate, but quick skirmishes rather than point based rotations should appeal to a good number of players imo.

Also, ranked team based 5v5 without an option to play as a team feels a bit silly. I know there were waves of complaints about being solo queued against 5 mans. Ironic for a game called ‘Guild Wars’

Multiple Class Disorder