What does Personal Score really tell you?
You got trolled.
Points depend as much on role, skill level, how the match goes. It’s not a reliable indicator of anything. Personal score exists because people like numbers.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
You got trolled.
I thought so at first, too, but it turned out that the player was just a real jerk. One of those types of players that people say makes PvP “toxic.”
He also informed me that PvE players are “cancer.”
Oh well, he is my newest blocked player!
To a point, it shows contribution to the match. If you see someone on your team with a personal score of 0, I think I know why you lost.
But because of the various things it gets awarded for, not a good indicator of how much they actually contributed. Trading the same point repeatedly ramps up personal score quickly, but it doesn’t help your team as much as if you just held it.
PS Points gives you no information of the Player in general. Im playing high mobility classes and often enough i push far and after i killed the player on the point and be able to cap it a random player appears and whants to take the point too. So i leave the point because it is useless to take it with two people. in the end he gets the points from it. or poeple run over the map and just get some attacks on downed player. often enough a ranger for example has the most points just because he is attacking everything that he can reach from his spot. but often enough he did nothing for the team or for the success of the team.
i totaly ignore the PS just because it depends on the fact that you can have the highest score and still be the worst player. in the end it is just important that your team wins.
and when you whant to say hello to the team feel free to do it. you will get a hello back from me. its allways nice to have a littlebit smalltalk before the match starts.
Yeah PS doesn’t really matter for the most part. I mean a score of 0 while everyone else has a relatively high score usually means that person did nothing for the team but sometimes the losing team will all have higher PS points than the winning team so that doesn’t mean anything really. They still lost. Usually playing a roamer I will rotate off a point we just won the team fight on to go to help on another and leaving a tankier person to cap so I won’t get the points for that cap but I know I am doing what I should to help the team win.
It must be something in the water today. I had a guy rage at me for being a “useless thief” because my score was second to lowest after we lost 498-501 and thus I was the worst person on the team in his eyes. The only reason the guy who got less points than me had an excuse is that he was obviously new because only people new to the game make the mistake of running Staff Ele.
The point system is great tbh…
Don’t know about this top player being the worst player attitude though… I’ll try to explain.
Top player could have been the biggest asset to your team, why? Well you get points for everything, literally everything.
He could have rezzed people 5+ times tuning the tides for 5+ fights, he gets the rez points + defence + cap points ontop of skirmishing points all the while running around like a headless chicken decapping as much as they could or capping as much as they could… —-—— That would be considered, in my eyes, a very valuable ally…
BUT…….. That doesn’t mean he was the most useful person on your team, you could have a bunker sit on home all game defending 1v2 and holding point limiting enemy players to 3 for the rest of the map, he might only end up with a measly 20 points end game, but he also provided the team a lot more opportunities to secure the winbeing able to fight with greater numbers on point. (which you wanna hope your team mates can win 4v3)
I wouldn’t take “Hello team” as signification that the player is bad either, more often than not I will say positive or friendly things from the start to ensure the team remains friendly and pumped up for the game, sorta like League of Legends and positive attitudes will help players play better instead of doubting themselves and getting worse with every mistake… It is after all just a game
….. And Elementalist.
PS doesn’t mean nothing, its meaning hinges on the profession and build of the person attached to it. Tankier folks (your D/D eles and bunker guardians) spend a lot more time holding points against enemies than they do capping or getting kills. That’s to be expected, and it means they are probably playing their role properly. A thief or mesmer with an abysmally low score probably indicates a bad player (as there is no other role for them than decap / damage and should therefore be getting flip and kill pts), whereas a bunker with a low score could mean they were actually just doing their job (holding nodes).
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
Thats exactly what i was meaning. But you broght it on point. On my Engi i often go for 1 vs 2 Situations or fight for ages against another engi or dd ele. so often i end up with low points or in the end with lower points then a thief has. but when we loose, the thief is raging against anyone else because he has the most points. but we both just did our job. his job brings more points in the end.
the PS gives for some examples some informations. but you allways have to look at the class and the job he is doing.
Usually the people with most points are the one withthe most kills, so mostly the ones with mobility that goes from one team fight to another.
And the people with the less points (exept the one doing nothing) is the one keeping close. Since he cap it only once if he is good, and never cap it again, and kill only a few ennemy cause he need to be able to get backto close as soon as someone try to take it.
But you won’t know if they are good or not just by looking at those numbers.
Cause you can have one guy on a killing spree but not keeping any points, making lot of points for himself and letting the other team win with cap. And you can have bunkers that hold cap against lot of opponent but not winning any points.
The point system is great tbh…
Don’t know about this top player being the worst player attitude though… I’ll try to explain.
Top player could have been the biggest asset to your team, why? Well you get points for everything, literally everything.
He could have rezzed people 5+ times tuning the tides for 5+ fights, he gets the rez points + defence + cap points ontop of skirmishing points all the while running around like a headless chicken decapping as much as they could or capping as much as they could… —-—— That would be considered, in my eyes, a very valuable ally…BUT…….. That doesn’t mean he was the most useful person on your team, you could have a bunker sit on home all game defending 1v2 and holding point limiting enemy players to 3 for the rest of the map, he might only end up with a measly 20 points end game, but he also provided the team a lot more opportunities to secure the winbeing able to fight with greater numbers on point. (which you wanna hope your team mates can win 4v3)
I wouldn’t take “Hello team” as signification that the player is bad either, more often than not I will say positive or friendly things from the start to ensure the team remains friendly and pumped up for the game, sorta like League of Legends and positive attitudes will help players play better instead of doubting themselves and getting worse with every mistake… It is after all just a game
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
It is possible that a person who scores zero was the most instrumental person on the team that contributed to a win, but only in a few limited circumstances. For example I’ve seen the strategy of one person trolling the other team’s home point right from the beginning of the match. When playing against an inexperienced team they have a tendency to try and kill the person who is near their home point and 2 or 3 of them will literally chase that person for a considerable amount of time throughout the match. But that person doesn’t kill anyone or cap a point.
If that person has good survivability/stealth skill that means the rest of their team are facing 3v4 or 2v4 most of the time. If your team can’t win with those odds the game is lost anyway.
Sometimes you could just have a run of very bad luck, and be off sync with the rest of the team. The other members of your team all die quickly in mid and one person out survives them. They all respawn together and the other player dies and respawns alone, the 4 people have headed straight back to mid and die quickly. Repeat this cycle and 1 team player is pretty much always fighting 2v1, 3v1. Obviously in this sort of case the team loses because they are too focused on taking mid and ignore everything else, without realising their team can’t beat the other team in mid, or the fights in mid are way too much fun.
Both of the above examples are pretty rare, but I have seen them happen a few times. There are other legit ways this can happen. Of course the majority of the time a zero score usually indicates an AFK or disconnect from early on in the match, but this is definitely not always the case.
I don’t think personal scores are a good indication of how much a person has contributed to a team. Too often I’ve killed another player sometimes two on point and am capping it when another player on my team comes and sit on the point with me to score personal points. If that happens I usually leave the point straight away, and let them have the points because elsewhere the team is likely outnumbered. Sometimes it is legit if they are bunker and intend to hold the point, but most times that is not the intention. I lose those points to someone who did nothing, but I don’t mind because I’m trying to help the team win.
From my experience too many people are more interested in their placement on the scoreboard than actually winning the match. Also as someone mentioned above I’ve seen many times that the opposing losing team having much higher individual scores than all people on the winning team. I think that says it all.
Personal score means little, and its great to say hello to everyone at the start of the match.
The point system is great tbh…
Don’t know about this top player being the worst player attitude though… I’ll try to explain.
Top player could have been the biggest asset to your team, why? Well you get points for everything, literally everything.
He could have rezzed people 5+ times tuning the tides for 5+ fights, he gets the rez points + defence + cap points ontop of skirmishing points all the while running around like a headless chicken decapping as much as they could or capping as much as they could… —-—— That would be considered, in my eyes, a very valuable ally…BUT…….. That doesn’t mean he was the most useful person on your team, you could have a bunker sit on home all game defending 1v2 and holding point limiting enemy players to 3 for the rest of the map, he might only end up with a measly 20 points end game, but he also provided the team a lot more opportunities to secure the winbeing able to fight with greater numbers on point. (which you wanna hope your team mates can win 4v3)
I wouldn’t take “Hello team” as signification that the player is bad either, more often than not I will say positive or friendly things from the start to ensure the team remains friendly and pumped up for the game, sorta like League of Legends and positive attitudes will help players play better instead of doubting themselves and getting worse with every mistake… It is after all just a game
This… isn’t exactly accurate.
The highest score player should mean he’s a high asset but sometimes that could mean the complete opposite.
Without going into details, if a player finishes with a high death ratio but has a high point score, he was a burden to his team. It means he spent more time respawning after dying from a decapped point and/or he’s constantly at places where he isn’t needed. Such as adding a +1 to a 2v1 node for the point stomp and node decapp.
It gets more complicated if the person does it purposely to regroup with his team after being out rotated. That’s hardly the case for some people.
The point system is so politically inacurate that it rarely ever reflects how a team or individual player performs in a game. Newbie, ill-informed players, use it as a guide while others use the point system to back up their, “I’m not doing bad” arguments.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Actually point score is very useful. Sometimes I get invited to play with random people on ts3, and if they care about personal score, then I know they lack basic understanding of gw2 pvp and after that they I refuse to play with them. And so far every single person I met who cares about pvp scores were pretty terrible but thought they were ESL material and even compete against some of the great teams.
Now those players, you don’t ever want on your team because all they will say is “I have the highest personal score. Those who have lower threw the game for me. huh duhhhhh”. You can ramp up your personal score by double/tripping capping a point, tagging those who are downed and about to be killed, and leaving the capped point, let an enemy cap it fully, and back cap it.
As cleric troll thief I often scored a lot more personal scores and still lost match then I usually have on my non troll builds. That says a lot about how bad of an indicator of personal score is on an outcome of a match.
“Bunker with lowest score must be perma blocked cuz hes soooo bad.”
Or something like that
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Personal Score doesn’t mean too much atm. Wish they would give more details about how you performed in a match though. I like looking at stat sheets and stuff so here’s hoping they get an upgrade.
Personal Score doesn’t mean too much atm. Wish they would give more details about how you performed in a match though. I like looking at stat sheets and stuff so here’s hoping they get an upgrade.
You have that.
How many assists, kills, captures etc.
Only lack of personal detailed and overall statistics.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
Having a high PS could also mean a person spent a lot of time fighting off point and getting the extra 10 points for Skirmisher on those kills. I have seen games where we beat the other team by ~200 points but on the PS our team would all be <200 while they were almost all >200.
It just tells that a player was in the right moment and place to take credit for objectivs, that don’t have necessarily anything to do with the total score of the team in a match, now we need to break down how do you get points in the personal score, again Match Score is a totally different thing:
Player kills if they get downed and rally you don’t get any points, count for 5 points, if a player dies and you tagged damage you get 5 points too
Objective Assaulter if you kill a player that was capturing/defending a cap point you get 15 points instead of 5.
Skirmisher Killing a player offpoint, that’s 10 points.
Objctive Assaulter/Defender/Neutralizer that has to do with turning caps to your color, defending caps you have or turning caps white, 10 points each, assaulter/neutralizer just give points when the bar is filled or it gets white, defender triggers when you kill an enemy near a cap that is your collor
Map specific:
Trebuchet hit if you hit something with a treb it’s free 3 points
Trebuchet Destroyed/Repaired 15 points for this
Forest Creature Kill 25 points per mob (reason behind caps being priority, 1 point each 2 seconds per cap=5 points in 10 seconds=30 points in a minute, wow that’s 5 points more than the beasts given you don’t get decapped).
Guild Lord Kill 25 points if you tag the lord.
Commune 10 points.
Firs example: Kyhlo, total team kills are 20, you tagged 14 of those, 4 of those kills an enemy died in a cap, you used de treband hit 10 times, repair the treb of your team, take down the treb of the enemy team, make 2 decaps (just neutralize), 2 kills offpoint, cap 3 times thats: 14(5) + 4(15) + 10(3) + 1(30) + 2(10) + 2(15) + 3(10)= 70 + 60 + 30 + 30 + 20 + 30 + 30 = 270 personal score, you’re the 2nd place in personal score after a team mate that had 290 as personal score. Final result your team wins 500 to 430 in a close match, total game time: 14ish minutes.
Second example: Niflhel, 3 full decaps (counts as 20 points), tag 5 enemies killed, kill 2 beasts, kill 1 enemy offpoint, make 1 cap for your team, defend1 time in a 3v3 and kill 2 enemies, given that somehow your team rocks and carries you to a decent loss in a 11ish minute match: 200 points, you’re the at the top on the personal score, while your teams personal score ranged 90-120. You did good for yourself but your team lost 500-410, just because you weren’t in any teamfight or did a bad job rotating from one cap to another, also beast kills make personal scores skyrocket in this map.
Third Example: Temple of the Silent Storm, tag 10/15 kills, 2 caps neutralized, 1 capture, defended 2 times, 2 kills offpoint, 1 commune: 140 points.
Your team wins 500-290
All of the above apply to very active roamers with high dps, mesmers, thieves, engineers, warriors (current meta). Pointholders/full bunkers will always get less points, and in the same scenario a not so skilled roamer or a roamer with a team that doesn’t favor him moving in between sidepoints will have a lower score than any other team member, you can get to the top of the personal score board with just side objectives in each map, even after all the rank changes people farmed ranks by just completing caps so they had higher personal scores even if they lost the match.
Tl;DR personal score tells you how many objectives a player completed which doesn’t really mean who’s the MVP, and if a certain player is trying to win the match he/she certainly wouldn’t care about the secondary objectives or personal plays as much as teamfights/team support.
(edited by Rygg.6237)
Personal score has never meant anything at all. I’ve had gamed where I 1v2ed for over 5 minutes straight without dying and end the game with far less points than the rest of my team who went around capping nodes and slaughtering the other 3 players, where I was carrying the game and being the most useful. On the flip side I’ve had games on my terrible Thief where I just run around decapping all game and have a giant personal score, but lose the game ankitten ot really that useful.
The only time I look at personal score is when we lost badly so I can see the morons with high point scores on my team that traded points all match/circle rotated and basically screwed everyone over. FYI if you have higher individual points scored then most of the winning team and you got clobbered you are most likely doing something very wrong.
(edited by brannigan.9831)
Nothing, though sometimes it’s fun to abandon the team and just go for score. It’s hard not to when you see people on your team duo capping points and whatnot.
I’ll prelude by saying I only read the thread tittle, but this has been discussed so much in the past.
Here is what score tells you in a pvp match.
How often you were involved in team fights or how many objectives you secured. It does not take many important factors into consideration in a game, but it at least is a useful tool to know how you did when playing a roaming build.
Can I ask you guys a question? This post seamed relevant. Does personal score or some kind of average personal score dictate what type of players you will ultimately go up against in future games? Like will a person who always gets a high ps go up against others who usually have high ps while someone who usually gets low ps go up against the same people. Or is it more complicated than this? Ive always wanted to know how they calculate that.
Schrödingers Clone: PvP Mesmer
Can I ask you guys a question? This post seamed relevant. Does personal score or some kind of average personal score dictate what type of players you will ultimately go up against in future games? Like will a person who always gets a high ps go up against others who usually have high ps while someone who usually gets low ps go up against the same people. Or is it more complicated than this? Ive always wanted to know how they calculate that.
It doesn’t look like it, but I’m only going off of the wiki.
Ya, Ive read that before as well. The only problem is, I feel like it gives you hardly any information about my question. I suppose that may be how Anet wants it to be.
Schrödingers Clone: PvP Mesmer
As a bunker, I’m not a huge fan of personal PvP scores. Holding a point just doesn’t light up the scoreboard the way that roaming and capping do. So sometimes I feel a little bit left out.
I do use personal scores pretty frequently when I’m grouped with my friends and guildies, especially when they haven’t done much PvP. Three minutes (or so) into a match, I’ll check the scoreboard. If someone has a really low score, like 10 points or less, I know that they’re struggling. Then we can move things around so they get more support.
It’s not a great system, but it has helped some of my PvE friends ease their way into PvP. Just based on that, I’m glad it’s around.
Let me tell you a story about Bob The Bunker:
One day Bob decided to solo que. He was placed in a team of random PUGs that did not know each other. During the initial split, 1 went home, 3 went mid and Bob went far. Bob arrived at far point quickly enough to keep the point neutral and stop the enemy from capping it. Bob was engaged in a 1v1 at far point then noticed that an enemy from mid had peeled back to far to try and +1 Bob. He was now engaged in a 1v2 at the far point. Bob could not down either of the 2 opponents but they could not down Bob either. Bob’s team was now in a 4v3 “in their favor” on home and mid, due to Bob’s 1v2 at far.
Bob’s teammates were sloppy. Even in a 4v3 “in their favor” on home and mid, they were allowing back-caps on the home and mid points. When they would notice a back-cap, they would all zerg up and stand on the point together while killing the opponents in a 4v3 “all gaining neutralization points, all gaining points for kills”.
It was 10 minutes in to the match and Bob was still holding the far point neutral in a 1v2. He had killed no players and he had capped no points. The score was 400 to 200, Bob’s team was winning. It was then that a 3rd player came to the far point to +2 Bob. Bob was now in a 1v3 at the far point and his resources were dwindling. The score kept ticking and Bob’s team was closer to victory but Bob wondered one thing: “Where the hell is my team?”. The 3 opponents were close to killing Bob but Bob knew well how to mitigate damage and he knew that his 1v3 was allowing a 4v2 “in his team’s favor” on home and mid point. Bob could not kill the 3 opponents at far but they could not kill Bob either. Bob survived like a radioactive kittenroach until the score hit 500 to 250 and Bob’s team finally won.
During this match, Bob carried his team like Atlas to an easy win.
But at the end of the match, Bob had 0 personal score.
Score means NOTHING. I could easily get the highest point total every game I play.
A high score doesn’t indicate that someone is good or bad and the same goes for the low score.
high personal score tells me: i roamed alot or wasted time farming useless buffs/animals when my team needed me
now the problem with it is, bunkers probably shouldn’t have high score; if they do it means they either
a) didn’t defend anything
b) their team was crap and they had to roam instead
that being said there are so many cases that personal score overall is worthless, imo
HOWEVER. if my score is around 300 and all i did was defending/capping whole match and my entire team is below 100 then i know i did my job while my team kep feeding enemy >:(
[Teef] guild :>