I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
"What does 'rotate' mean?"
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
You must be playing on NA servers. Just play on EU servers
I just told my team to hold our caps on mid and home to get the win, with the score tied at 450 to 450.
2 of them ran to far and died and we lost both our caps and then the match.
You can’t keep people from losing the match even when you tell them how to win.
Give me my individual rating. AND give give massive rating loss for deaths. AND give us the ability to vote players off the team when their detrimental play has cost the team the match. AND get your PVE rewards out of PvP. AND stop rewarding losses.
This is not competitive.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
When the flaws of GW2 PvP get me down, I just go play a better PvP game on the PS4 with it’s in built chat features. That way I can at least co-ordinate my 5-man team/squad to some semblance of a victory!
The only problem I’m reading here is that you’re playing GW2 :)
I just told my team to hold our caps on mid and home to get the win, with the score tied at 450 to 450.
2 of them ran to far and died and we lost both our caps and then the match.
You can’t keep people from losing the match even when you tell them how to win.
Give me my individual rating. AND give give massive rating loss for deaths. AND give us the ability to vote players off the team when their detrimental play has cost the team the match. AND get your PVE rewards out of PvP. AND stop rewarding losses.
This is not competitive.
Had a game ~470 – 450 with home and mid. I say, just stay alive. 2 go far and die. Other 2 die and lose mid to 4, and I end up going from a 1v1 to a 1vX defending home and die. They win by 3 points.
I’m losing by 100 or less every time. It’s not that I can’t win, it’s that I can’t stop my team from losing
I’m gonna go play some CS:GO and feel better
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Someone from my team asked today what “close” means because he doesn’t play the game much and doesn’t know, then proceeded to go close with another player and got heavily insulted by him.
spvp is crap, deal with it. If you want to play pvp choose a different game.
kitten, I think even WAR! on ror works better than pvp in gw2.
You have to react to your team. If they are pushing to far and dying because they are being outnumbered, you go and push with them. Make the fight less unbalanced to increase their chances of surviving.
Other thing you can do is be good enough to fight outnumbered for a while to give your team breathing space to cap another point.
It is great when your team also knows when to push to win. I’ve had a match, both teams with 400-ish score but the other was 30 points ahead and the only way to win was to 3 cap and not die for a few seconds. I pushed to far to do 1v1 while the rest of their team was in respawn from our fight from mid. At first my team was standing still at our points but they noticed and reacted to me coming to help. By the time they got there I was already doing 1v3 and barely managed to stay alive. With their help, we got the cap and 3 kills which was more than enough to ensure the victory.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
There are lot of players that have no idea of strategy or profession/build basic rule on the match. Any player of any level can play pvp, no problem at all. The actual problem is when do not listen to you: “Don´t leave mid”, “Don´t go to lord”, “Don´t go alone fight a 2×1”, etc…
Very subjective be more specific either personal skill rotation (talking about class/profession skill including utilities) or map skill awareness rotation like go where and when which is also involve in your personal skill (talking about behind desk) or defining/defying rock paper scissor?
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
It means get your chair and SPIIINNN!
SPIN SPIN SPIN, all the way around and keep going.
If you rotate enough you’ll be able to go back in time, like Superman, and win the game by changing history.
In all seriousness it means to change who is fighting who and where. Generally this is to ensure that either a losing fight doesn’t turn into a snowball or a few kills turns into a snowball.
(edited by apharma.3741)
Lol, talking about communication and rotations, I had one match where our Thief stated he was new and did not know what his role was supposed to be. It was OK though, I kindly explained it to him and hoped for the best. Still lost, but maybe that Thief improved a bit after that match.
Another match, this in happens alot, I notice a Scrapper keeps stealing our home because it is getting left open and then he was able to hold it until an Ele came to support him so it was always a pain to get the point back.
I finally recaptured the point again after repeatedly asking someone to guard it (I was on shoutbow druid and needed to support our team fights) and so this time I just tell the Necro that was with me, “STAY! DO NOT MOVE FROM THIS SPOT!” He then follows me off the point, like wtf lol, but thankfully our DH decided to help me out and he stayed on our home. After that we caught back up and won the match.
It’s nice when people listen and pay attention to the minimap, and frustrating when nobody wants to listen and is there to just do their own thing.
Lol, talking about communication and rotations, I had one match where our Thief stated he was new and did not know what his role was supposed to be. It was OK though, I kindly explained it to him and hoped for the best. Still lost, but maybe that Thief improved a bit after that match.
Another match, this in happens alot, I notice a Scrapper keeps stealing our home because it is getting left open and then he was able to hold it until an Ele came to support him so it was always a pain to get the point back.
I finally recaptured the point again after repeatedly asking someone to guard it (I was on shoutbow druid and needed to support our team fights) and so this time I just tell the Necro that was with me, “STAY! DO NOT MOVE FROM THIS SPOT!” He then follows me off the point, like wtf lol, but thankfully our DH decided to help me out and he stayed on our home. After that we caught back up and won the match.
It’s nice when people listen and pay attention to the minimap, and frustrating when nobody wants to listen and is there to just do their own thing.
The necro was right not to stay, they are easily killed by any class with decent CC, even a thief can probably down them before support arrives. A necro is insanely strong in a team fight especially when supported by a druid or ele. DH can sit on that point and it won’t be getting recalled for at least 30s and he’s not likely to be killed quick unless outnumbered with unblockable.
Half the people queuing right now don’t even know what “focus target” means or “accept target” must not be bound. You even coach them pre-match “focus necro,” you call the target, then they are off in la-la land, 1 attacking an engie, 1 attacking a warrior, and the 3rd chasing a thief.
Half the people queuing right now don’t even know what “focus target” means or “accept target” must not be bound. You even coach them pre-match “focus necro,” you call the target, then they are off in la-la land, 1 attacking an engie, 1 attacking a warrior, and the 3rd chasing a thief.
Don’t forget the 4th guy raging at the ele to stand on the unthreatened point away from everyone.
So what does rotate mean tho? Had some1 tell us to rotate when we needed to group up….we didnt’ understand. Maybe if some1 could just explain what it means? lol. Its not explained in the pvp information on the wiki or here on teh forum or by anet themselves what it is or what it means. Its a player created term……so dont’ expect people to understand it without explaining it to them.
I mean how did u learn what rotate meant?
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
So what does rotate mean tho? Had some1 tell us to rotate when we needed to group up….we didnt’ understand. Maybe if some1 could just explain what it means? lol. Its not explained in the pvp information on the wiki or here on teh forum or by anet themselves what it is or what it means. Its a player created term……so dont’ expect people to understand it without explaining it to them.
I mean how did u learn what rotate meant?
In layman’s terms it’s just to match numbers for fights and don’t do dumb things like 4v1 1 guy.
For example if you’re winning a fight already 4v3 and they have 2 downed, you should prepare to leave and move to other nodes/watch for respawn.
Other things include not sitting solely at home 24/7 like some lower tier players do. If you clearly see 5 people on the map AND they have no thief/mesmer, go help your team or do something and don’t afk at home, that’s rotating too.
Another one is when you open 1-4 and then you lose the mid fight (say 2 downed), best bet is to just leave the fight and/or go far try and get the decap.
Just things like that really.
Lol, talking about communication and rotations, I had one match where our Thief stated he was new and did not know what his role was supposed to be. It was OK though, I kindly explained it to him and hoped for the best. Still lost, but maybe that Thief improved a bit after that match.
Another match, this in happens alot, I notice a Scrapper keeps stealing our home because it is getting left open and then he was able to hold it until an Ele came to support him so it was always a pain to get the point back.
I finally recaptured the point again after repeatedly asking someone to guard it (I was on shoutbow druid and needed to support our team fights) and so this time I just tell the Necro that was with me, “STAY! DO NOT MOVE FROM THIS SPOT!” He then follows me off the point, like wtf lol, but thankfully our DH decided to help me out and he stayed on our home. After that we caught back up and won the match.
It’s nice when people listen and pay attention to the minimap, and frustrating when nobody wants to listen and is there to just do their own thing.
The necro was right not to stay, they are easily killed by any class with decent CC, even a thief can probably down them before support arrives. A necro is insanely strong in a team fight especially when supported by a druid or ele. DH can sit on that point and it won’t be getting recalled for at least 30s and he’s not likely to be killed quick unless outnumbered with unblockable.
In a normal situation sure, wouldn’t want the Necro to stay. But the enemy team had no Thief and the only one attacking our home all game was the Scrapper, which is a real easy match-up for the Necro.
Upon reading I gathered that rotate or rotation is still delicate matter as solo and depends on who you with/against (co-op aside). Why? Because everything can positively or negatively change the outcome on a slightest movement cos it’s a real time combat out there whenever those doors/gates open and clock start ticking unless ofcourse in a coordinated manner like in hollywood which i presume this game where heading.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
In a very general sense, rotating is moving around the map in a manner to create favorable fights for your team and unfavorable fights for your opponents. This includes knowing when to leave a point (either winning or losing) when you can do more good elsewhere, as well as knowing when to stay (whether in a fight or not).
If someone keeps capping home when you leave it and ignores it when there’s someone there, do you stay or rotate? Asume they will decap home before you can arrive if you go to support mid while watching home. Also asume no one with more mobility is willing to take your place. Furthermore asume I’m misspelling asume on purpose so no kittens will mar my question.
You must be playing on NA servers. Just play on EU servers
OMG these are so good, I need more EU memes
I just told my team to hold our caps on mid and home to get the win, with the score tied at 450 to 450.
2 of them ran to far and died and we lost both our caps and then the match.
You can’t keep people from losing the match even when you tell them how to win.
Give me my individual rating. AND give give massive rating loss for deaths. AND give us the ability to vote players off the team when their detrimental play has cost the team the match. AND get your PVE rewards out of PvP. AND stop rewarding losses.
This is not competitive.
I cant be for this, I had Edison on my team twice and there was a rev in 1 match complaining about him. Telling him to decap far and to leave certain fights.
I actually had to write something to the extent of the thief is one of the best in NA, chill man.
So when everyone can vote on something then that means you cater to those who cry the loudest.
How do you carry teams when matched with players who ask things like “what does ‘rotate’ mean?”
You need a bigger barrier to entry for Ranked matches. And remove the rewards for losing.
- hope the enemy doesn’t know what that means as well
- pick skyhammer/Temple
- get the hammer/geth all Buffs (don’t try to blink on the mini map for the first buff, they just run for the main buff that isn’t there…. trust me)
Every one knows everything in the forum , but some how i get players insta dying as warriors and guards or players that afk close.
Not possible to win such games.
God a couple of games ago i saw 1v1 close a warrior vs a warrior, they just started that 1v1, i go + 1 him, and he leaves me ro go kill chief…..
I asked him why u left me 1v1 a warriors as a necro, he said there was no point ro 2v1 a player in a point that belong to us.
And this crap is actually happening in platinium.
Its really crazy that in the same game there is such a huge gap in skill play
Hm, I have a hypothesis that this term has suffered from Symantec Diffusion. Why don’t you (OP) describe what you think it means, and see how many people agree or disagree?
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
When the flaws of GW2 PvP get me down, I just go play a better PvP game on the PS4 with it’s in built chat features. That way I can at least co-ordinate my 5-man team/squad to some semblance of a victory!
The only problem I’m reading here is that you’re playing GW2
This is a pretty much invalid reasoning. People who are bad usually do not participate at chats – no matter if done via written words or voice chat.
Also, this does not work on Europe, because you will end up with guys yelling “HABLAS ESPANOL?” or “TU PARLE FRANCAIS?” and even if no one responds they will have Spanish/French monologues. Trust me, I have learned that 6 years ago…
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
Every one knows everything in the forum , but some how i get players insta dying as warriors and guards or players that afk close.
Not possible to win such games.
God a couple of games ago i saw 1v1 close a warrior vs a warrior, they just started that 1v1, i go + 1 him, and he leaves me ro go kill chief…..
I asked him why u left me 1v1 a warriors as a necro, he said there was no point ro 2v1 a player in a point that belong to us.
And this crap is actually happening in platinium.
Its really crazy that in the same game there is such a huge gap in skill play
I just had 5/6 losses lol, 4 games I had 2 thief, one with no armor. #feelsbadman
I just wanna play some games so I don’t usually q dodge but man I really should.
Idk how these bads get to plat, I had a game the other night with some top 50 NA duo and we still lost because our ele wanted to go solo beast as d/f support lol -_-
Rotating means to use your brain and have just a touch of map awareness. It’s not rocket science you know…
Every one knows everything in the forum , but some how i get players insta dying as warriors and guards or players that afk close.
Not possible to win such games.
God a couple of games ago i saw 1v1 close a warrior vs a warrior, they just started that 1v1, i go + 1 him, and he leaves me ro go kill chief…..
I asked him why u left me 1v1 a warriors as a necro, he said there was no point ro 2v1 a player in a point that belong to us.
And this crap is actually happening in platinium.
Its really crazy that in the same game there is such a huge gap in skill playI just had 5/6 losses lol, 4 games I had 2 thief, one with no armor. #feelsbadman
I just wanna play some games so I don’t usually q dodge but man I really should.
Idk how these bads get to plat, I had a game the other night with some top 50 NA duo and we still lost because our ele wanted to go solo beast as d/f support lol -_-
Storys like those are the reason why i don’t feel bad about beeing bronce, but i still wanna know how they ended in plant and how they could stay there?