What features are you expecting on the 26th?
custom arenas:D:D:D:D:
A new map, that is all.
Well they have this in the flame and frost blog:
“Two Team Rated Play in PvP
It’s time to prove your skill! In this new type of competitive PvP, two teams of equal average rating are pitted against each other in a quick, intense match. The ratings for every member of each team is then adjusted after the match."
and since theres already two team matchmaking maybe it means they’re (freacking finally!) adding a ladder? Besides that, the map, and probably nothing more really…
Warriors are immune to conditions and gain x4 base toughness.
Hoping for and expecting are two different things. I hope for the best, expect the worst.
i want:
Solo ques.
Dueling system.
Rated 3vs3 arena.
Visible ingame ratings and ladder.
i expect: another conquest map with a different skin
+1 for 3v3 or 2v2 deathmatch
I expect the new map and not much else. I feel like if there were any other major things coming, they’d have made some sort of announcement about it with the rest of the teasers for this patch. We’re certainly not getting custom arenas or anything this time around, so in terms of “features,” I’m expecting a dry month.
In terms of balance changes, I expect the usual dissatisfaction. For instance, I expect that there will be enough Ele nerfs to kitten off Ele’s, but not enough Ele nerfs to satisfy the people who dislike Ele’s. I’m a bit optimistic that Warriors and Engis will get some buffs, based on the state of the game talk a couple weeks back, but again, I doubt there will be enough to satisfy the people who have been complaining about these classes. For my part, I’d really love them to make Guardian Spirit Weapons usable again, but I don’t expect them to fix the HP scaling for another couple months, since they haven’t (to my understanding) even acknowledged that this problem exists yet.
They did say that AoE’s would be getting tuned down, but that’s been quiet for long enough at this point that I’m not sure if I should still expect it in this month’s patch. I predict much QQ over the matter, though, even though it’ll probably be a healthy change for the game if handled correctly.
One other thing I’m a bit more optimistic about is the potential for weak specs to get buffed, since they also mentioned that in the SotG discussion. I don’t expect many specs to get buffed, but I do expect them to make a start.
Essentially, I’m keeping my expectations very low, based on past patches. I understand that the PvP team is doing their best, but the results have been consistently disappointing thus far, so it seems silly to keep getting my hopes up until they can prove themselves. If they can put out an awesome patch this week, I’ll happily change my tune, but I want to see it happen first.
dueling (in open world pve or anywhere) and the new map, honestly that’s all I want for now. (realistically speaking too)
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
Ranger rework.
Necro/Engie buffs.
Heavy thief/stealth nerfs.
Sad thing is, this will never happen, because it would mean actual balancing.
I expect my wait to continue. Will check in some evening after patch to try new map, check if they even tried to balance things and then log out and keep on playing other games until solo queues hit and hopefully some proper balance happen
Ranger rework.
Necro/Engie buffs.
Heavy thief/stealth nerfs.Sad thing is, this will never happen, because it would mean actual balancing.
thief isn’t op tho l2p
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
i expect ladder, small balance changes, new map (ofc^^) and that’s about it
i also hope for free tournamtens turning to single matches
redo the warrior traits
Warriors are immune to conditions and gain x4 base toughness.
I would enjoy that greatly.
Some kind of placeholder til March patch.
They already said it’s not happening this patch all we get is a new map
I expect the limited features they have announced but maybe with a shake up of the tournies to create weeklys, a ladder and/or single matches for frees. Some combo of these features.
As for balance, I hope for significant balance changes and substantial ele nerfs to bring them in line but I think we will see minor changes which will result in QQ from eles but in practice will still leave ele’s as the undisputed kings of pvp
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Bug fixes – this one is big. The game should not be as buggy as it is at this point. It’ll never be perfect, but we aren’t even close to acceptable at this point.
Skill and trait redesigns – every single class has at least a few weapon skills, at least 1 (usually 2) entire utility skill lines, and a number of traits that are severely under-performing or downright worthless to slot. There are always some skills/weapon skills/traits that are going to be regarded as slightly better than others, but the current gap is ludicrous. We can’t really talk about long term balance until classes have more spec diversity, and that involves giving player different skills/traits worth using. I’ll wait until late march for a big balance patch if they give us better built classes to toy with. Spec diversity = deeper gameplay = more tactical options = better game.
Bunker and Burst both nerfed – IMO, the current incarnation of Bunker is boring as kitten to play against, and the burst required to counter them trivializes the game to a severe degree. Both need to be toned down so fights are engaging and exciting, but take longer than 5 seconds and are shorter than a minute and a half.
Boons and conditions adjusted – survivability in this game is heavily tied to boons. That’s a big part of the reason why an elemantalist can bunker where a warrior can’t – lowest base HP and Armor in the game doesnt matter due to the amount of healing and protection up-time the class can generate (along with other factors, like block and mobility, but the boons are a big part of the equation). The current boon stripping options for most classes are hilariously limited – if you cant strip a ton of boons in 2-3 seconds, the class that relies on them re-applies them so quickly that stripping them 1 or 2 at a time is barely noticeable. It’s going to be a delicate balance, because too much boon stripping will have the opposite effect (completely neutralizing classes based on said boons), but a better balance needs to be struck.
As for damaging conditions, the current meta is pretty focused on cleansing them. You don’t run with 0 condition cleanses, because in any sort of group fight, you’ll find yourself bleeding, poisoned, crippled, blinded, and weakened in about 8 seconds. Access to damaging conditions has to be broadened a bit, since there are so few of them and its so important in the current meta to be able to cleanse constantly. Conditions cleansing on down needs to change too – condi players already trade all burst capability for their conditions, there’s no reason downed players should get a free cleanse all. I can’t really suggest any sort of fix for this, because its a complicated balance; Anets decision to have some conditions stack duration and others stack intensity makes it even tougher to strike a balance that feels fun and dangerous without being OP.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
I hope they fix that 30-sec wait when youre trying to join a spvp server just to tell you its full. That really grinds mah gears.
how i feel about mesmers…http://i45.tinypic.com/260pv7r.jpg
Why does everyone seem to skip over the “Two Team Rated Play in PvP” part? We’re getting MMR and a ladder, that’s a huge change.
MMR is already in, and a ladder isn’t a huge change. These were all things hyped up before the game even released.
^ climbing a 20 person ladder sounds fun
1. soloq
2. random map rotating (i know its not coming..)
3. fixing bunker/burst meta (thief, mesmer, ele, guard)
4. make thief sbow teleport to a utility or something and give them swiftness or w/e
5. fix wari adrenalin skills (give them more than just burst, like the mesmer has for shatters)
6. daily/monthly tournaments with gem reward and bigger roaster
7. fix mesmer shatter bug and so remove .25 global cd
8. let.phants attqck instantly
9. fix bug with illu leap when casring upon a hill
10. remove “ooh-kitten-button” like distortion and mist form and so punish ppl for mistakes
11. fix engies
12. give us a spectator mode
13. custom arenas would be awesome
14. ton down stun/immobilize and give more chill/cripple so you actually nesd skill for a proper spike
i guess there would be more but thats what is in my mind right now.. sorry for spelling mistakes, writing on my smartphone in a bus on a kittening awful street :S
I dont think they will change skills a lot. But about skills (from class i know)
1. You should NOT be able to use skills or F interactions while in Mist form
2. Same for thieve. Shadowstep away should break any kind of canalisation
3. Warriors should have traits to make them invulnerable to conditions like the engineer. They are the most exposed and engineer have already a lot of think to remove conditions.
3. Warrior Greatblade skills are overpowered. Greatsword Swing and Greatsword Slash give vulnerability. In this case, Hammer swing and bash should give weakness
4. Thief’s Hide in shadow should not cure conditions. It is OP, if you consider it heals a lot and cloak. OR ALL healing skills should do 3 actions (Heal + 2 other things)
5. Yes those invincible tank elementalists are a real problem. But i dont know how it could be nerfed…
6. change elementalist elites…
About game:
1. If the 1v1 tournament stay, we should have a better interface and be able to select the map we want to play (and see how many teams are registered for each map)
2. Otherwise make the maps rotation random
3. Make new achivements for completing pvp locker
4. Well it concerns PvE but allow people to join an underflow server when their is too few people on a map. especially dungeon maps
5. a duel system not on pvp maps but inside the heart of mists only, for training.
(edited by FAZZ.6194)
A good rating system and soloq.Give some space for the casuals,give some space for casuals to become more competitive.Minor balance fixes,dont ruin builds bring new to the table.
Every thief is a glass cannon with some minor changes,i mean how boring is that?Why not boost the support builds.Why every ranger is either a trap or a BM Bunker-pet dmg..?Where are the spirit Rangers?You alrdy saw that Spirits cant be viable with 15% more Hp..
I dont want d/d ele to be nerfed if they dont get a boost in some other builds..and i hate eles
This should really be a thread about hopes and dreams rather then expectations. I mean, there will be some changes, but many of you are expecting way too much. There is a feasible limit to what they can accomplish in a single patch cycle, and much of what is being discussed has already been put down as not yet.
Only things I expect are the new map and the makeshift solo queue’ish matchmaking in 1v1 frees. That may not even be accurate.
Tirydia – Scrapper
I expect loading bug.
No PvP patch is complete without loading bug.
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
(edited by Harrier.9380)
hoping for more fixes with underwater combat, some underwater combat skills buffing also
We know the new map and the improved matchmaking system are coming this patch. I wouldn’t expect any other big features for now.
We’ll also get balance fixes, I think? We know devs are toning down ele bunkers, toning down aoes and buffing underused weapon sets/ options. I’d expect the former and the later (something tells me that the aoe nerfs is going to require a lot of testing and are not ready yet to be patched).
Just like the gimp hot fix to the mesmer might stack bug, they will probably temp change a few things on eles and thieves and maybe rangers, so people stop whining…..only to just kitten more people off.
As much as I want balance, I doubt we’ll see anything major.
I really want soloQ though and a working MMR for ftournies. Or atleast something new to encourage individuals who dont have time to look for teams.
Just like the gimp hot fix to the mesmer might stack bug, they will probably temp change a few things on eles and thieves and maybe rangers, so people stop whining…..only to just kitten more people off.
The might-stacking was not a bug, it was an over-buffed trait. The hot fix was deserved, imo.
i want:
Solo ques.
Dueling system.
Rated 3vs3 arena.
Visible ingame ratings and ladder.i expect: another conquest map with a different skin
^THIS all the way
also i`d like to see them fix the flamethrower especially the “2” ability which goes straight into the ground doing nothing 100%of the time reliably after using the flamethrower knockback
i`d also like to see them fix all the positioning/character model gets teleported around randomly bugs which are associated to the rifle – especially jump shot and overcharged shot and make rifle barely useable in competitive play
is it going to happen?
expectations are waaayy too high here. I don’t know where people got this idea that this patch would fix everything. It’s going to be incremental changes, probably some good some not so good, just like it was in Dec.
Just like the gimp hot fix to the mesmer might stack bug, they will probably temp change a few things on eles and thieves and maybe rangers, so people stop whining…..only to just kitten more people off.
The might-stacking was not a bug, it was an over-buffed trait. The hot fix was deserved, imo.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Okay. Like I said, temp changes = balance?
Alot more mad players!
I expect to be disapointed……
3. Warrior Greatblade skills are overpowered. Greatsword Swing and Greatsword Slash give vulnerability. In this case, Hammer swing and bash should give weakness
That 1% extra damage is so OP.
When you start the game you’ll see a red banner on top saying “due to us just giving up spvp has been removed from this game, we apologize for the inconvenience, but you can always pvp in wvw!”.
Okay. Like I said, temp changes = balance?
Oh, I thought you were talking about the might trait, that was overbuffed and allowed Mesmers to stack 9-18s of might very easily. That trait was then nerfed only a few days after its buff.
Expect nothing and you won’t be disappointed.
3 round tournies will be completely dead…
3. Warrior Greatblade skills are overpowered. Greatsword Swing and Greatsword Slash give vulnerability. In this case, Hammer swing and bash should give weakness
That 1% extra damage is so OP.
I usually do more than 1 sword strike -_-’…
3. Warrior Greatblade skills are overpowered. Greatsword Swing and Greatsword Slash give vulnerability. In this case, Hammer swing and bash should give weakness
That 1% extra damage is so OP.
I usually do more than 1 sword strike -_-’…
Assuming you have 100% uptime on a target, and only use the 1 combo, you’ll stack a maximum of 8 vulnerability on a target.
OP as kitten.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to do more than autoattack in PvP.
Ow god……wait……tickets for what? Free tourn chests? So all i can do with tickets now is buying 150+ free tournament chests full of crap?? They’re not worth the time it takes to salvage all that kitten….
Seriously wtf?? From gems + paid tokens to no gems + paid tokens to freakin’ nothing…… next time what? Are we going to pay golds if we win?