What happened to pvp?

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: jujoco.4853


Hey guys and galls,

So.. pretty much as the title says: what the hell happened to pvp?
I stopped playing before HoT and was quite enjoying pvp back then, you could pretty much win every 1 v 1 if you just played to the best of your ability.
Now it feels so very unbalanced… On my thief I struggle to even down any class in 1 v 1 except for maybe another thief so I end up just decapping / avoiding people, if I then hop onto my mesmer as comparison, pvp basicly turns into facerol galore…

I sure as hell hope they are going to balance pvp, HoT is out for what, 9 months now and the pvp is this ridiculously unbalanced, that on one class you can basicly just grab a cup of coffee mid match and if I even look away on the other I am instantly dead…

Anyways, what’s your thought on this, is it just me, or do other people feel like pvp is an absolute mess as well?

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

There is probably more pve players now in the pvp arena just to farm the backpack. This is why you see so many people rolling fotm builds and class’s. Even thief players are now playing the faceroll/gimmick condi d/d, there is no point in trying to ‘play’ pvp when it’s just full of aoe/passive and more aoe… So just play what everyone else is and go with the flow.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: jujoco.4853


Ah, oh well! guess i ll get my fun pvp from other games then
The pve is at least still fun to do! Thanks for the response.

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: SliEagle.9062


What happened? It turned into a pathetic state when Arenanet wanted to get into the pro sports leagues. Except rather than listen to their community and attempt to create the best matchmaking possible, they keep churning out the same broken crap and focusing on adding gem store things because they’re greedy. It’s absolutely pathetic at the state of matchmaking and quality of PvP games now.

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


Simply ANet want to go in e-sport without make the PvP staff able to change skills and able only to manage over amulets and sometimes runes.

They did a good work, now we have no more the pure bunker meta and more or less every class is forced to use something that make them unable to be totally unkillable. But at the same time the devs can’t change the skills, then differet classes now are really strong. An example is the Guardian. Sometimes I read about a “guardian trap buff” but the traps are like before the last 5 patches, nothing changed. Simply the builds are lesser defensive, making the DH able to inflict the insane amount of damage that the traps can inflict, with incredible low cooldown and that enter in cooldown when placed and not when activated, making them able to double-spam they’re traps (when they conquer a point and when you step on them, just the time to come back to fight).
Also the warriors now can unleash a great amount of condition damage and CC just spamming F1, now with increased passive survavibility.

There’s not a real way to make that game balanced. That’s why the Trait System itself, the amount of different weapons and combinations every class can use, the elite specializzation. All thing that try to make balance in the chaos but make inly more confusion and pain.

To balance the classes ANet tried to make the Specializzations, forcing some classes to play into specific directions (druid=healer, dh=ranged dps, Tempest=supporter, Bers=melee hybrid dps, and more). But they failed in different ways. In some situations the elite fixed some problems of the main class or increased the power of it, reducing the weakness weight (even making an OP situation like for the chronomancer at the start of HoT). In other situations just added a impossible combination of traits, skills and weapon, like for the necromancer (a pure melee weapon for a class that don’t have any defensive skill, shouts that barely someone use -and after the last nerf you will see only the elite shout, if you’re lucky- and traits made for a perfect condition build, that will never use that shining Greatsword), that use the Reaper basicly for the critical hit chance trait and the Reaper Shroud, a reason why ANet will never make the Death Shroud good or a lor of necros will leave the reaper side to turn back to the necromancer (me at first).

GW2 is good, the pvp is funny (if you don’t ask too much from it) and ANet try everything to be an e-sport, but they’re try will fall just like in the last 3 years.

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: abaddon.3290


Simply ANet want to go in e-sport without make the PvP staff able to change skills and able only to manage over amulets and sometimes runes.

They did a good work, now we have no more the pure bunker meta and more or less every class is forced to use something that make them unable to be totally unkillable. But at the same time the devs can’t change the skills, then differet classes now are really strong. An example is the Guardian. Sometimes I read about a “guardian trap buff” but the traps are like before the last 5 patches, nothing changed. Simply the builds are lesser defensive, making the DH able to inflict the insane amount of damage that the traps can inflict, with incredible low cooldown and that enter in cooldown when placed and not when activated, making them able to double-spam they’re traps (when they conquer a point and when you step on them, just the time to come back to fight).
Also the warriors now can unleash a great amount of condition damage and CC just spamming F1, now with increased passive survavibility.

There’s not a real way to make that game balanced. That’s why the Trait System itself, the amount of different weapons and combinations every class can use, the elite specializzation. All thing that try to make balance in the chaos but make inly more confusion and pain.

To balance the classes ANet tried to make the Specializzations, forcing some classes to play into specific directions (druid=healer, dh=ranged dps, Tempest=supporter, Bers=melee hybrid dps, and more). But they failed in different ways. In some situations the elite fixed some problems of the main class or increased the power of it, reducing the weakness weight (even making an OP situation like for the chronomancer at the start of HoT). In other situations just added a impossible combination of traits, skills and weapon, like for the necromancer (a pure melee weapon for a class that don’t have any defensive skill, shouts that barely someone use -and after the last nerf you will see only the elite shout, if you’re lucky- and traits made for a perfect condition build, that will never use that shining Greatsword), that use the Reaper basicly for the critical hit chance trait and the Reaper Shroud, a reason why ANet will never make the Death Shroud good or a lor of necros will leave the reaper side to turn back to the necromancer (me at first).

GW2 is good, the pvp is funny (if you don’t ask too much from it) and ANet try everything to be an e-sport, but they’re try will fall just like in the last 3 years.

dh ranged dps. i wonder where anet thought this was a good idea.

im bad at sarcasm

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


What happened was runaway power-creep, which a train they have been riding since the first specialization patch. It kinda worked back then, because they happened to achieve a weird balance of damage/sustain that really worked.

What we have now is unrecoverable from with the tools ArenaNet has shown themselves willing to use: fight power-creep with MORE POWERCREEP!!!

Don’t expect to ever recapture the joy of playing you had pre-HoT. Just accept that the game is now much more pigeon-holed and mindless, or move on!

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


Block, Block, Block, Invulnerable, Invulnerable, Block, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, block, kittening 0. Why are there so many damage mitigation a in every single match now? It infuriates me that even a class such as the warrior, among the highest base defenses to rival even that of the necromancer, has so much damage neglections for a class that can dish out as much if not more damage than a thief in some cases. You have to one shot them above 50% health because god forbid you proc the damage absorption. But that’s the case with like every class now.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: omega.3758


Well there is your problem you where playing thief. ArenaNet hit the thief so much with the Nerf hammer that it has been mutilated beyond any hope of redemption. Out of all classes the thief if the biggest example of how little the devs know about PvP and how each class contributes to the team as a whole.

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: jujoco.4853


Wow! From all the reactions I can see that it’s not just me! Kind of sad to hear that they balance this poorly… If you take Overwatch for example (not meant for marketing!) there was a balance problem, community complained and it is fixed within two weeks… Here I see so many complains and nine months later the problems are still present. Oh well! As I said above, guess I’ll get my pvp fun elsewhere or just make a dh called “faceroll the rankfarmer”

What happened to pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Ya Overwatch is a good example of both how to do balance iterations quickly but also an example of what Developer favoritism looks like. McCree was broken OP at launch then they nerfed him but since hes Dev favorite they rebuffed him to be broken again.