What i would like to see in S6.

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: Zlociutki.9165


“Season 6 will have changes to help ensure the leaderboard is accurate and fosters healthy competition. We are excited for the final days of Season 5 to see what people achieve!”

Real BS.

This is what i would like to see in S6.

PvP for pvp players not pve/3xW noobs that come here for free stuff in carry me mode.

1. reward cheast related to the devisions. Right now in season 5 you dont have to do anything.
PvP season 5 is just free ascendad gear and 100g +, in 100 games in carry me mode. GG for AN
You shuld play and go up on the leader to get the legendary backpack and ascended gear not just be @ copper or paper rank whole season.

2. Players should pic 2-3 classes and play them through the whole season. No daily “pvp class win”. Do it on unranked, colosseum or on strong hold.

3. Split pvp season 6 for F2P/Basic game and HOT with elite spec. Or only HOT players can play the season.

4. Rankeds for 1,2-3,5 QQ like in Dota, LoL

5. Match making related with the bonuses that you get at the end of match (max dmg, heal, def, kills etc) not win/lose/lvl. You are loosing with 5 bonuses so you shuld be qq with players that have the same number fo bonuses. That way we will be qqing with better players.

Carry me/pve noobs will be on the bottom and pvp players that who want to achieve something on top.

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: Omatsuri.4250


6. Pink Mini Llama

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I see the whole team queue thing as a crutch. It makes players look and feel better than they really are.

I’d like to see pure solo queue with enough rewards to keep PvE players coming to investigate. Realistically, matches will be poor if the population continues low.

Mesmerising Girl

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I see the whole team queue thing as a crutch. It makes players look and feel better than they really are.

I’d like to see pure solo queue with enough rewards to keep PvE players coming to investigate. Realistically, matches will be poor if the population continues low.

Learning to play effectively with a team is just as much of a skill as learning to play as a solo.

Its possible there are players that are 10x better on a team with a certain comp than they are as a solo. Doesnt mean the solo has more skill.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


Your suggestions cover a lot of what made me (rage)quit season 5.
In a nutshell, it wasn’t fun, and it was demeaning to see people with half my matches stick in top 10 with the same number of games they had when i joined the season (late), and seeing myself lose 100 ranking because i didn’t play an extended weekend (friday, saturday, sunday and monday), while having been earning 25 per win.

Now for your suggestions:
1) I think you meant that the reward chests go back to previous format of pips=division. I don’t like this suggestion, i’d say get rid of chests entirely, give ranked play double reward track progression on wins, and change the rewards from pip based progression to awarding stuff when you climb rank (Finish placements, climb from silver 3 to silver 2, silver 2 to silver1, etc.).

2) Current PvP daillies should not be awarded in ranked. You should be encouraged to play at your best in ranked, not with whatever is the flavour of the day class. This will also do wonders for class stacking. Maybe add ranked-only daily rewards, like x kills in a match, earn x top stats, x wins in ranked play, etc.

Also on the same note, i think a “pick stage” before a match would also be awesome, although it would mean having to code a whole new process of character selection, then you could lock classes during match, and if so choosing (although i wouldn’t) force unique classes per team (no stacking).
Also having a pick and even maybe ban stage at the start would allow for teams in ranked to come out more balanced, and add a bit of meta-gaming and counter play.

3) I don’t think this is a good suggestion or even feasible, since it would mean fracturing the already small player base and would implicate further splitting as more expansions roll out, depending on how they market them (if HoT becomes part of the F2P bundle it would be just 2 divisions – free and latest expansion- but if HoT remains a “premium” version, and so do other expansions, you would have a mess of different player statuses (players with only core, players with core and hot, players with all expansions, player with expansions 1-2-3 but not 4, etc.)

The better answer to this is to do what they said would be done, tune up Core specs to be as powerful as Elite specs, or vice-versa.
The fact of the matter was that Specializations (what is now elite specs, because Arena Net chose to play semantics instead of actually giving us a choice of specializations) were supposed to be a choice, you’d either play as guardian or choose to specialize, with both being equivalent (as in the horizontal progression they alluded so much when Hyping HoT). Instead we had a very clear and obvious power creep with elite specs being much more powerful than core specs.

So my answer would be a rework of Core specs, adapting new mechanics they introduced with HoT, to old skills (they did this a bit, but not nearly enough – only instance i can remember atm was adding taunt to ranger pets), revisiting less used skills, and assigning clear roles to trait lines, instead of conflicting roles, or having us trait a whole line for this one trait that should be in another one.

4) Solo/duo + Team queue is indeed required for ranked. Team queue could simply be the old dynamic queueing from seasons 1-4, and keeping the current solo-duo as is. Different MMR and rewards for teams and solo would be a great addition.

5) Agreed, simple win/lose statistics, especially in a (broken) solo-queue aren’t very telling, adding more metrics to tally would be a interesting play.

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: pyrocyborg.4162


They need to give enough rewards to keep it “interresting” for people who love to do a couple of games every week while keeping most of the people who are in for “free ascended” out.

Rewards shouldn’t be entirely tied to tiers, but they could make it so that winning in bronze-silver tiers result in 3-5 pips instead of 10 (and maybe an additionnal pip for top stats).

Right now, all we have to do is a little bit more than 100 games (given a 50% win ratio): that’s 20 hours at most including queue time. Maybe that having to do 200-300 games to get 4-5 ascended items in lowest tiers would discourage some people from simply being here for these items. Some people would still consider this a free ride, but I bet a lot of them would think of better things to do than investing between 30-50 hours (plus queue and preparation time) in something they don’t like to get a set.

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: pyrocyborg.4162


Your suggestions cover a lot of what made me (rage)quit season 5.
In a nutshell, it wasn’t fun, and it was demeaning to see people with half my matches stick in top 10 with the same number of games they had when i joined the season (late), and seeing myself lose 100 ranking because i didn’t play an extended weekend (friday, saturday, sunday and monday), while having been earning 25 per win.

Just to point out that you didn’t lose 100 rating per day after 3 days of inactivity: it was simply decay. By playing a game, you would get those 100 rating points back plus whatever you get by winning or losing a match. I couldn’t play for over week: got rid of 300 decay by playing 3 games in a row and I was back in my “normal” division.

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

taking dailies out of ranked seems like a pretty easy and basic thing to do. #3 is terrible.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

What i would like to see in S6.

in PvP

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


Your suggestions cover a lot of what made me (rage)quit season 5.
In a nutshell, it wasn’t fun, and it was demeaning to see people with half my matches stick in top 10 with the same number of games they had when i joined the season (late), and seeing myself lose 100 ranking because i didn’t play an extended weekend (friday, saturday, sunday and monday), while having been earning 25 per win.

Just to point out that you didn’t lose 100 rating per day after 3 days of inactivity: it was simply decay. By playing a game, you would get those 100 rating points back plus whatever you get by winning or losing a match. I couldn’t play for over week: got rid of 300 decay by playing 3 games in a row and I was back in my “normal” division.

I know that, but the thing is, i lose 100 points form decay after 10 days, and a guy stays top 10 with 10 matches after placements. And now they want to “force” us to play on a schedule to keep placement, which is not an answer. That’s what decay should be. But then again Seasons are too short so decay is too quick to act, which is bad.
The whole problem is Arena Net can’t get their act together, the whole thing is a mess, they “soft” reset the MMR, what does that mean? It means people play 20 games and are top 10 already because they had a high enough MMR from the start.

What the game needs is a proper reset now with a not as soft one after each season, longer and HARDER to climb seasons that can’t be just farmed and then dismissed.

But this won’t go anywhere until they fix the issues with the matches themselves, the meta is horrible atm, there’s a couple of builds that are just mandatory and overpowered and Arena Net can’t do the right thing which is to shuffle it a bit by rebalancing the classes (which would require of course separate skills for PvP).

In a Nutshell, until Arena Net decides to get out of the hole they dug for themselves by being stubborn and a bit disingenuous (namely with the whole Elite Specs thing), until they decide to give Leagues a length that allows for the more casual (the more representative) players to climb at their pace instead of just rushing to farm the objectives, until they make the goal at top of the climb the reward, and not just instant gratification after each match.
Until they make a commitment to more frequent and deeper balance updates, until they focus on having a fluid meta, and not the same dominant classes for years, then PvP will be good, then maybe it will be fun.

For that there needs a lot of work to be done, not just a slapdash measure like what we’re seeing over and over.