What if a map discouraged class stacking?

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Link.1049


Was just randomly testing my shortbow, seeing if I could find any new nooks or crannies when I thought what if there was an actual map where class stacking was discouraged by the terrain.

For instance… what if to access a point each team had to first approach a door. In order to gain entry you have a few options for each point.

Basically each door would have 1-2 ways different classes that could fastpass open the gate/door/barrier to where the fight begins. Some examples… you could either break a door down, which would be strong enough to take a significant amount of time for a team of 5 of any comp to bust down. Or you could have the same player stand on two different buttons within a short period of time (Examples Mesmer portal) and get in nearly instantaneously. Or you could have a window or two off to the side that a thief could shortbow 5 through. There could be doors with symbols on them that would unlock with one hit from a guardian, or maybe it’s marked for warrior… or maybe a ranger uses a pet door to have her pet unlock the gate.

Or you could make it easy and just put a symbol on each barrier… and the class represented by that can open it quickly, while if you don’t have that class represented it would be more difficult.

It could be made so that as long as one character on that team is in the area inside, it’s unlocked for all teammates. If there are no teammates inside, it relocks after a couple seconds.

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: LouWolfskin.3492


Or… just hear me out: Take class stacking out of the matchmaking.

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


So what happens when you dont have the “required” classes? Your team automaticly loose the match at the beginning of the round?

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Link.1049


So what happens when you dont have the “required” classes? Your team automaticly loose the match at the beginning of the round?

No… each door would have multiple fast ways in that are class specific…but they’d also be accessible even if you were a team of 5 thieves on say a rev/guardian door….it would just take more work to get in. On a three point map like ANET is fond of, each door would be fastpassed by 2-3 classes… Say you’ve got a gate in front of you, it’s got windows up above for thief, it has a mesmer pads beneath that, and it’s got a pet door for a ranger— but oh no! You’re group is comprised of 4 guardians and a warrior. To get through the gate you’d have to beat it down. It would be like the gates on the map with the lords, but stronger gates so that one dude isn’t going to knock it down faster than people rez. It’d take some playtesting, but I’d say for 3 people beating on it would go down in 15 sec (long rez), 4 people 10 seconds roughly, and if you had the whole team you’d be in in 5 sec…. roughly.

That said, there would be another barrier on the map that wasn’t keyed for those 3 classes… perhaps it was keyed for warrior, guardian, or revenant… while they get in quickly, the thief, mesmer, and druid would have a harder time getting into that point.

Strategically, knowing that each class is better at opening certain doors would encourage, but not force players to diversify their team. You wouldn’t have to have a diverse team, it’d just be advantageous if you did. Then you can further strategize by playing weaknesses against strengths. For example, say you know that one point is easily accessed by thieves, but not by dragonhunters…. well, just so happens you’ve got a dh that LOVES eating thieves, and one thief on your team. Thief unlocks the door for the dh… dh sets up his tent on the point. Then he runs and joins his mesmer friend on the point that’s keyed for mesmers, dragonhunters, and necromancers, but not for thieves. Or whatever…options.

You could even do a point where each class would have to enter it’s own unique way… that way they’d have to split on the way inside rather than just zerg their way to center. Something like a huge circle with a bunch of different ways in… maybe make it a neutral entrance that locks after 1 person has passed into it for a certain amount of time… so for a 10 person game, a decagon where you’d have to go through whichever gates are open at the time to fight over the point. You could exit freely. Just ideas.

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Tiefsee.3647


I like that idea, mesmer (me) runs in there, opens portal, 4 trappervstand next to me, port out, go far/close and they just kill the enemy off one by one

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: phokus.8934


Or… just hear me out: Take class stacking out of the matchmaking.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Link.1049


I like that idea, mesmer (me) runs in there, opens portal, 4 trappervstand next to me, port out, go far/close and they just kill the enemy off one by one

But if you burned the portal to open the door…

What if a map discouraged class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Link.1049


or if the points are far enough away they are out of range for the port from point to point…