What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: nyktalgia.6798


I have been playing since day 1, and sanctum of rall was easy to find random people to do tournaments with but lately it has been bad. I went to Yak’s bend as well but it sucks also. I am trying to get on a full server but to no avail yet.

I am also looking for a dedicated guild of chill people that want to destroy nerds in tourny games. I have been playing since the beginning and can play anything. I am mainly experienced in this order… mesmer, thief, ranger, warrior, necro. I can play anything though and am a valuable asset to any team. I just don’t like playing with hardcore whiney nerds, or dumb kitten kids. Even tho I have no life its still a game and I play for fun kitten I want to have fun not hear some nerd kitten about stupid kitten.

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: nyktalgia.6798


All I do is tournys BTW, PVE is for teh gheyh.

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: shalmont.2539


Anvil Rock is pretty nice.

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: Peechez.4195


Anvil Rock is pretty nice.

4chan server, no thanks

Canada / Sneaky / Undead Meese
Mesmer / Thief / Necromancer

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: nyktalgia.6798


i was thinking about going to blackforge

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: demonstrative.9176


Anvil Rock is pretty nice.

4chan server, no thanks

Most of the competitive teams have transferred over to this server.

#GW2Ringer is another option.

Hot Boyz
Anvil Rock

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: BishopX.6453


I feel you brother…
19 years of playing pvp games and all my peoples have gotten old and want to pvE. I jus wanna come home from work and roll people and get rolled in team play.

What is the best server to PUG tournament groups on skype/vent/mumble with?

in PvP

Posted by: nyktalgia.6798


yeh well add me im always down for tourny games….