What is the deal with engineers in spvp?
1) 2×1 and they will die in 10 sec cause of 0 escapes
2) dominate 5×4 other 2 points – easy win
1) 2×1 and they will die in 10 sec cause of 0 escapes
2) dominate 5×4 other 2 points – easy win
not true their 3s block on 16s cd + perma swiftness + frequen stunbreaks and slick shoes if they run that as well as many skills that make it hurt to follow mean its actually rather hard to 1v2 unless youre playing full burst like mesmer
1) 2×1 and they will die in 10 sec cause of 0 escapes
2) dominate 5×4 other 2 points – easy winnot true their 3s block on 16s cd + perma swiftness + frequen stunbreaks and slick shoes if they run that as well as many skills that make it hurt to follow mean its actually rather hard to 1v2 unless youre playing full burst like mesmer
turret engie has nothing at that list
1) 2×1 and they will die in 10 sec cause of 0 escapes
2) dominate 5×4 other 2 points – easy winnot true their 3s block on 16s cd + perma swiftness + frequen stunbreaks and slick shoes if they run that as well as many skills that make it hurt to follow mean its actually rather hard to 1v2 unless youre playing full burst like mesmer
turret engie has nothing at that list
The Dhuumfire thread
Many engineers around these days because they can have different builds that are viable for their team. Especially the turret engi’s are a real pain in the kitten in 1vs1, especially versus condibuilds (no way to destroy the turrets first). Altough in a 1v2 they can be weak, but the main reason they flourish these days is the lack of any other game mode than the current one.