What is this?
Its not a hack. It’s Jade wind . It’s an AoE attack, and negates line of sight. In this case it went through the door.
Thats gotta be the fastest rev Ive ever seen…
Perhaps a phase traversal abuse?
Idk but if someone was using a ‘no collision hack’ or anything, I would be very suprised if they were stupid enough to make it that obvious.
Actually he was just probaby hiding right under the exit… At 21s you can already see his Jade Winds red circle appearing. He right there!
He cast it before doors even opened. It is a a hacker.
[Teef] guild :>
That seems really fishy, before the match even started that rev was outside the door. And that’s too far of a distance for phase traversal anyways. I’d send the video in to Anet.
Actually he was just probaby hiding right under the exit… At 21s you can already see his Jade Winds red circle appearing. He right there!
When the game starts your positions are reset back to your respective bases. You can’t comeout until the time reaches 0.
Therefore it is a hack.
Actually he was just probaby hiding right under the exit… At 21s you can already see his Jade Winds red circle appearing. He right there!
When the game starts your positions are reset back to your respective bases. You can’t comeout until the time reaches 0.
Therefore it is a hack.
This is almost true, but there have been some reports of positions not getting reset correctly, rare true but they exist. I imagine it occurs when someone is next to a door or right under the spawn but the rev could have targeted you in warm-up, got locked out, phase traversed and then JW. Unlikely but its possible
good as Quaggan. Quaggan for President!
Actually he was just probaby hiding right under the exit… At 21s you can already see his Jade Winds red circle appearing. He right there!
When the game starts your positions are reset back to your respective bases. You can’t comeout until the time reaches 0.
Therefore it is a hack.
This is almost true, but there have been some reports of positions not getting reset correctly, rare true but they exist. I imagine it occurs when someone is next to a door or right under the spawn but the rev could have targeted you in warm-up, got locked out, phase traversed and then JW. Unlikely but its possible
PT doesn’t have that long range. And yes sometimes your position doesn#t reset if you stand right outside of gates. However if you leave it before gates open you get ported back. This guy is definitely hacking.
[Teef] guild :>
Pretty sure Sunfish doesn’t need to hack, looks more like a bug.
You can get stuck under the enemy’s spawn door sometimes. Or maybe it’s some weird Straya lag thing where he had you targeted before they got sent back to spawn but the skill went off anyways.
Ah my bad, I didn’t see it was the start of the match (I did but did not think about it). It reminds me what happend on my mesmer yesterday:
I was just outside of our base pre-match. When the match started I was still outside for some other reason. No teleports or anything used. It wasnt until 1s left until the gates opened I got ported back in.
Yeah Jade wings hit through door or obstacles, no hack there and reposition doesnt work in most of the maps at this moment. Have reported it to Anet every time it bugs but still no fix. It happens on Spirit Watch in your own base outside of gates, near enemy teams base at Skyhammer (the wall in front of gate) and in Nifhlel on right spot outside enemy base.
It’s not a hack (atleast on me) but a bug that came when they changed repositioning rules at the start of the match in last patch.
Yea, it hit you before the game start counter even completed. Definitely looks like a hack.
you can manage it to start outside of the door when the counter starts, which means he can walk to your base during the 10 seconds and use the elite. no hacks or anything just bug-abuse