What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


Seriously, I have never seen so many people complain about something in my life. The underwater combat in this game is kittening amazing, or could be with patches. Oh, that’s what they’re doing.

There is absolutely no reason not to have underwater combat in PvP/TPvP when (not if) it gets balanced. Sure, it need a lot of work to become balanced and require more strategy (here’s looking at you Thief class) but when it is actually decently balanced, it should go in.

If you had the exact same skills underwater as you do on land, bad players would still complain because it’s in a 4D environment. This isn’t Anets fault. This is a L2P issue and I personally don’t see how some people can be so bad in a 4D space, it’s pretty simple.

1v1 underwater combat, even in its current state of unbalance, is just as fun as combat is on land. It can take 30 seconds or 1 minute to kill someone like on land. Some players are so bad that they can’t kill a veteran mob underwater in PvE. This is because you are bad, not because underwater combat sUx0rs De nUtx0r$.

Raid on the Capricorn is an issue because there is a node underwater which everyone just zergs to. Is this stategy? No, obviously it isn’t. But if Anet was to make maps which have routes that go underwater, or have shortcuts underwater that would be an excellent addition for PvP and TPvP. Need that shortcut blocked off? Have an Engineer lay down his mine field in that crevice.

Stop complaining about underwater combat because it has the potential to require more skill than land combat.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: KnarleyMarley.6937


Totally agree!! +1 for underwater combat and working it into the awesomeness it can be. Every game has land based combat, having something different is such a breath of fresh air and has the potential to add so much to this game.

That being said, there are some glaring things that I would rather them focus on first. Even adding arenas or death matches would be higher on my list I think. Seriously tho people, underwater combat is sweet and with the right tweaks and additions/subtractions it could be stellar.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Because excessive freedom on the Z-axis brings tons of exploits/unbalances.

Therefore underwater combat is bad for competitive PvP.


Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


How is this 4D environment?

Signed, level 1 alt

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


Underwater combat is spamy and confusing. It’s maybe some sort of fun in PvE but underwater combat has to be extremely reworked to be fun in PvP, so why even bother? There are much bigger issues atm.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Eventually is fine, but there are more pressing concerns. Obviously UW can’t stay in its current state forever that in itself would look bad.

The great forum duppy.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Taym.8326


How is this 4D environment?

I heard something about time time being a dimension.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Fynd.4890


Brain and eye pain incurred @ “bad players would still complain because it’s in a 4D environment”

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


I dont care about skill or potential. I hate water both ingame and IRL.

Forever unranked.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


Combat on land is far from balanced between classes, why would we care about balance that only applies to one map some of the time and isn’t even used in tournaments? Priorities…

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: kwolf.4306


Underwater is horrible … worst part of the game by far.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


OP your opinion has been noted.

What is wrong with you people? (Underwater)

in PvP

Posted by: Helbrekt.5712


Seriously, I have never seen so many people complain about something in my life. The underwater combat in this game is kittening amazing, or could be with patches. Oh, that’s what they’re doing.

There is absolutely no reason not to have underwater combat in PvP/TPvP when (not if) it gets balanced. Sure, it need a lot of work to become balanced and require more strategy (here’s looking at you Thief class) but when it is actually decently balanced, it should go in.

If you had the exact same skills underwater as you do on land, bad players would still complain because it’s in a 4D environment. This isn’t Anets fault. This is a L2P issue and I personally don’t see how some people can be so bad in a 4D space, it’s pretty simple.

1v1 underwater combat, even in its current state of unbalance, is just as fun as combat is on land. It can take 30 seconds or 1 minute to kill someone like on land. Some players are so bad that they can’t kill a veteran mob underwater in PvE. This is because you are bad, not because underwater combat sUx0rs De nUtx0r$.

Raid on the Capricorn is an issue because there is a node underwater which everyone just zergs to. Is this stategy? No, obviously it isn’t. But if Anet was to make maps which have routes that go underwater, or have shortcuts underwater that would be an excellent addition for PvP and TPvP. Need that shortcut blocked off? Have an Engineer lay down his mine field in that crevice.

Stop complaining about underwater combat because it has the potential to require more skill than land combat.

Someone give this man a frikkin’ slice of cake and a pat on the back.