What keeps you guys going?

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: twhite.9310


What keeps you guys playing this game?

-Is it the combat system?
-Is it the PvP?
-Is it the constant facing premades?
-Is it the remarkable leaderboard system?

I keep playing this game because I can’t find anything else to play.
I usually only play the game for about 1 -2 hours a night until I get tired of facing full premades, trio Qs and 4 Qs in Ranked/Unranked.

Please reply with your honest answer… I’m interested to see what keeps the lovely GW2 PvPers playing this game.

“Backpack called me bad” – Slaughter Melon

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: heavenswrath.9850


At this point…I just have a few beers and embrace the fact that hotjoin is cancer. Unranked is worse on occasion, and my preferred class and build is utter garbage at the moment. Generally just waste time because I have nothing else to do.

Lyls Ethervain- Necro Eirys Shimmerfang- Mesmer
Feyra Icemane- Thief

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashkew.6584


For me its the combat, i absolutely love the combat system. Also im not the kind of person who makes a big deal out of bugs, imballance or bad design, so that doesnt rob me of my pleasure. For me everything in life is not perfectly designed to my personal whishes so.

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Magusaero.5740


I look for a sense of accomplishment because my job gives me no measurable sense of progress. I get pretty bent out of shape if I spend an entire night losing and never win a match because I get Courtyard multiple times in a row or I go up against premades. It makes me want to quit the game.

However, I come back mostly because the sPvP feels so amazing. The animations, dodging, build diversity (in some professions), and depth of play are appealing to me. I also stick with it because I have a cool guild—even though I almost never do anything with them because they’re mostly east coast and I’m west.

I also feel like the community is strong and I like guys like Phantaram, Rom, Nos, FiveGuage, and Caed. Honestly, it’s usually those guys in the tournaments that reignite my interest. But I do put the game down quite often. Tonight, in fact, I think I may do just that.

Magusaero – sPvP – All Classes

Member of [SALT] on Fort Aspenwood US

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.9387


The flow.

Ranger | Elementalist

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


that one day necro will receive some good buffs and actually be meta and not a potatoe if there is a thief on the other team………….i can only dream….

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


What keeps me going are unoriginal players who use words like “cancer” when they lose a fight. Or turret engineer newbies (most of the engineers) who are cursing and baffled as I destroy them with ease. Such an overestimated build they are.

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Coming from a solo tpvp player and duelist, I don’t play nearly as much anymore either. Mainly because there’s no incentive to do tpvp (leaderboard is rubbish) and there’s no new game modes like 2v2 or 3v3.

Instead of a couple hours a day strictly pvping, it’s become a few hours a week if that. Just holding on till Stronghold gets here.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


I frankly only play because of either my guildmates or sometimes when my better half wants to play…

I used to play a bit more solo, but I got really burned out playing set builds for too long, realizing that others will not work in Solo-play that much…

Usually, I log on and AFK in the mists while talking on TS… I am not on Fake’s level yet, but it is getting dangerously close

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What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Combat. I love the combat system. It is the only thing that keeps me going. If I start thinking about matchmaking or leaderboards I just too upset, so I really only think about them on the forums in the hopes a dev will hear that this test needs new “questions”.

@GoogleBrandon: My better half tried pvp and just didn’t like it. That is why she is the better half she is smart enough to realize a broken system and enjoy combat in pve. I’m just not that smart.

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Combat. I love the combat system. It is the only thing that keeps me going. If I start thinking about matchmaking or leaderboards I just too upset, so I really only think about them on the forums in the hopes a dev will hear that this test needs new “questions”.

@GoogleBrandon: My better half tried pvp and just didn’t like it. That is why she is the better half she is smart enough to realize a broken system and enjoy combat in pve. I’m just not that smart.

Haha typical – Mine is actually only into PvP – as much as willing to play hours after I shut down my screens
Though we usually play Borderlands 2 together, and scarely enough, she is a way better shooter than I :P

Also yea, the combat is amazing… If this game had just a bigger scene and some more gamemodes and corrected bugs (immob bug), it could easily be one of the best picks for PvP in an MMO

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: nad.8910


What keeps you guys playing this game?
Please reply with your honest answer… I’m interested to see what keeps the lovely GW2 PvPers playing this game.


What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: jihm.2315


i log only once in a while and play my self made builds

action combat made mmos better lol

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkpsyde.4782


I enjoy the mesmer class despite all the bugs and jacked-up traits and such.

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Blair.3796


I think it’s worth noting that what appear to be premades are not always premades. Sometimes they’re a duo and a trio. Sometimes they’re pugs who teamed up for the day just cuz.

I play the game because I enjoy it. I don’t force myself to play any part of the game that I don’t want to that day. Sometimes I map, sometimes I level alts, sometimes I run dungeons, sometimes I pvp, so on and so forth.

Don’t force yourself to play in a way you don’t want, and don’t force yourself to play for longer than you want. You’ll be happier.

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkpsyde.4782


I think it’s worth noting that what appear to be premades are not always premades. Sometimes they’re a duo and a trio. Sometimes they’re pugs who teamed up for the day just cuz.

I play the game because I enjoy it. I don’t force myself to play any part of the game that I don’t want to that day. Sometimes I map, sometimes I level alts, sometimes I run dungeons, sometimes I pvp, so on and so forth.

Don’t force yourself to play in a way you don’t want, and don’t force yourself to play for longer than you want. You’ll be happier.

Best advice. +9001

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Nothing. Haven’t had any time to play recently, don’t play the game for like 3 weeks and now I don’t have any mod to play it again. Logged in today, did 2 games and decided to waste all my materials to buy the Shadow Greatsword skin

I want to do a reset on my PC and after that I doubt that I will install the game again. If I buy HoT is purely for the new PvP mode and story

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


nothing anymore
facing same premade like 6 times in a row while playing with pugs
immob bug mid of leaps
engis (any kind)
killed it for me

i hate pve and it is more enjoyable than this piece of garbage that anet calls pvp

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


What keeps you guys playing this game?

-Is it the combat system?
-Is it the PvP?
-Is it the constant facing premades?
-Is it the remarkable leaderboard system?

I keep playing this game because I can’t find anything else to play.
I usually only play the game for about 1 -2 hours a night until I get tired of facing full premades, trio Qs and 4 Qs in Ranked/Unranked.

Please reply with your honest answer… I’m interested to see what keeps the lovely GW2 PvPers playing this game.


Beer + itunes + the laughter of people raging

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

What keeps you guys going?

in PvP

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


Definitely the combat. No other MMO out there has such a fluent feeling.

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)