What needs to be done for season 2

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Talyn Sneider.1825

Talyn Sneider.1825

mmr needs to be reset before season 2
This will make top players have decent queue times and progression in leagues

teams with a roster of 3+ should be registered, players in that teams cannot join another team, teams can have 2 substitutions – so they have some flexibility with playing schedules
This would decrease team duplication on leaderboard

when queuing on a team the mmr of the team should reflect the highest mmr of the player
This would prevent teams using lower division players for easier match ups.

Decrease time waited before finding lower division players to improve queue times for higher divison players

Compensate players that played in first season, this would get players a bit happier

January interactive talks about balance are vital, listen to players, consult professional team players, you ABSOLUTELY need to improve the meta

Solve stomp bug, this is unaceptable in any league…it’s a game changing bug

Here are my 2 cents, feel free to add ideas.

Thanks for reading.

Casual pvp’er – Can only play 2-3 hours a day


What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I agree with everything you wrote. I would also add in that matchmaking needs a big revamp. A team of 5 pugs should NEVER face a premade of 3, 4, or 5. It shouldn’t be hard to implement that.

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Azoqu.8917


Solo Queue
Ditch MMR for matching within league.

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Just let me hotjoin PvP or quest whilst I am in the Que for ranked, pretty much it.

Some “shaving” of these bunker specs would be nice aswell.

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: vlad.4871


employ better pvp devs?

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


when queuing on a team the mmr of the team should reflect the highest mmr of the player
This would prevent teams using lower division players for easier match ups.

the problem with this is that it punishes the legitimate mixed groups, whether someone is new to pvp or returning after a long time away not everyone is going to get to the higher ranks at the same time and as such is counter to your first point of resetting mmr to allow better players to climb the leaderboard faster.

example: someone is unable to play for the first 2 weeks due to work or other outside factors, when they are finally able to start playing they come on and want to queue with their friends and play games with them, unfortunately one/all of them are in diamond or legendary already, as such they are being counted as being high MMR even though they have no mmr & would result in them havign a much slower climb up the divisions as they would be facing tougher matches right away.

second problem with this is it will limit/scare away new players from pvp as many would rather queue with guildies or friends so that they can learn to play properly or because they don’t like solo queueing, they may not be that good a player but would be still matched based upon the highest member in their team (diamond +) and would either cause people to not want to team up with lower level players as it would be a handicap, or else the new players would get so disheartened from losing horribly every time that they would give up and leave without ever wanting to return.

basically don’t punish all the legitimate people queueing with different ranked players just to stop the few that are abusing the system, there has to be a better way to deal with this issue.

as for the rest of your points i agree with them all.

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: vlad.4871


when queuing on a team the mmr of the team should reflect the highest mmr of the player
This would prevent teams using lower division players for easier match ups.

the problem with this is that it punishes the legitimate mixed groups, whether someone is new to pvp or returning after a long time away not everyone is going to get to the higher ranks at the same time and as such is counter to your first point of resetting mmr to allow better players to climb the leaderboard faster.

example: someone is unable to play for the first 2 weeks due to work or other outside factors, when they are finally able to start playing they come on and want to queue with their friends and play games with them, unfortunately one/all of them are in diamond or legendary already, as such they are being counted as being high MMR even though they have no mmr & would result in them havign a much slower climb up the divisions as they would be facing tougher matches right away.

second problem with this is it will limit/scare away new players from pvp as many would rather queue with guildies or friends so that they can learn to play properly or because they don’t like solo queueing, they may not be that good a player but would be still matched based upon the highest member in their team (diamond +) and would either cause people to not want to team up with lower level players as it would be a handicap, or else the new players would get so disheartened from losing horribly every time that they would give up and leave without ever wanting to return.

basically don’t punish all the legitimate people queueing with different ranked players just to stop the few that are abusing the system, there has to be a better way to deal with this issue.

as for the rest of your points i agree with them all.

There are not just few abusing the system? 90% from legendary did this.If they want to play with friends their friends should be at same level,not ruin the other people games.

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: TheOneWhoSighs.7513


“mmr needs to be reset before season 2
This will make top players have decent queue times and progression in leagues”

The top players rushed to the top of the leagues before anyone else, and got plopped into a setting where they literally had no one to be matched up against.

This suggestion does not solve that.
As the match making system is 50% MMR/50% Division

There are essentially 2 options that they have.

Option 1:
1. Ditch the pip system, it’s bad design.
2. Use the MMR System by itself, set divisions at certain MMRs, make it transparent what each player’s MMR is.

Option 2:
1. Ditch everything, and rework the kittener from ground up. You have big daddy Blizzard to look at for inspiration. Good luck.

Oh, and seriously.
Add more varied game types, and stop making me stand in a circle on conquest. It’s a direct counter to a lot of squishy classes that only want to be melee range for a very short amount of time. Replace points with a channeled captures.

“Unused Development Initiative. We care so much
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki

(edited by TheOneWhoSighs.7513)