What's my MMR, please?

What's my MMR, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Kydar Schattendolch.6879

Kydar Schattendolch.6879

To a Dev,

can I pls get an information, how bad my mmr is?

Cause the last few days, I lost very many games…and most of them were really bad. The other team wiped the floors with our faces…and with time going on, this is really frustrating…
Sometimes I think, the matchmaking is really really bad….yesterday….2 games with 6 necros across the 2 teams…and the other team won, cause 4 of mine were zerging at close against 2 of the other….

Am I teamed up with those ppl cause my mmr is so bad or is it only bad luck?…

And before anyone of u want me to tell “l2p” or anything else….I dont think it’s only me…I play ranked for 2 years now and I know, what to do….but many others dont….or they seem to be only ingame for dailys….

Its no problen to lose 10 games in a row…but the to count the days, I won 10 Games in a row, i dont need 2 fingers for LOL….ok, maybe 100 is a high number, but I think you now, what I want to say…

Does anyone else mentiones something like this?

What's my MMR, please?

in PvP

Posted by: singinggecko.5736


I can’t remember exactly how the match maker groups together people on their MMR, but I think it’s partially discussed on another forum post that I’ve read. Maybe looking for that could shed some light on why the situation is as is? I wanted to comment because I’d like to see my MMR and how it stacks up for personal improvement reasons.